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Shreyas came and sat beside Rishabh where he saw 2 vacant chairs. "Shrey where is Rohi? I didn't find her from morning after breakfast." Asked Virat knowing very well that Shreyas would know where she is. But Shreyas was lost somewhere. Seeing him not answering Rishabh nudged him. Shreyas immediately composed himself and "what did you ask bhai?"

"I was asking where is Rohi?" Virat repeated himself. Shreyas immediately shot his eyes at Neil and then averted to Virat stammering "voh... she". Then they heard the clicking noise of heels of Aarohi. "Where were you partner? I was searching for you from morning." Said Ishan. "Maybe she was busy Ishan! She's not answerable to anyone us right Aarohi?" Said Shreyas in annoyed way.

All of them thought he was teasing her and said "u both are always at loggerheads. Now stop." Aarohi came near the table and was searching for a seat. She saw vacant beside Shreyas but she was hesitant to sit him. She was scared of his reaction she was scared of him. "Come chari sit beside ur disco deewane" said Hardik. Having no option she sat beside him. As soon as she sat Shreyas stood up. That's when everyone noticed that his palm was banded. They asked what happened, he just said some excuse saying while doing push-ups he fell on his palm he also said while eyeing Aarohi that "don't worry bhai's it was already inspected by our physio" but Aarohi the truth, Shreyas went from there saying he has to call his parents or else they are going to do a online murder on him.

Aarohi had tears in her eyes but was controlling herself. By this all got to know that something happened between them. Aarohi too went to her room giving some lame excuse. Going to her room she slammed the door and sat against it hugging her knees, she buried her head and was crying remembering the earlier incident which happened there in her room.


"I said to leave my hand Aarohi!!" Roared Shreyas. Shivers ran through the spin of Aarohi. "Please don't say like that! It's not what you are thinking I'm not hugging him I'm not.." Shreyas interrupted her saying "do you really think of me like that Aarohi? That I'll doubt you? Did you really tried to know me?" Aarohi was silent. Seeing her not responding Shreyas punched the wall just the side of her head saying "say something damnit! U really thought I was doubting you?" Aarohi was scared and nodded her head. Seeing her doing Shreyas was broken thinking is this how he created a image for himself in her heart? Didn't he gain her trust?

With broken look he said while grabbing her shoulders in such a away that he didn't hurt her and said "so listen Miss Aarohi Malhotra I never doubted you! Not even for a second. In fact if you would come to me saying that u want him back in ur life I would have stepped back! Because it's you who matters to me, ur happiness matters to me. Now also I was angry on u for not saying about the meet with him. Not that I doubted you. Now at least say me the truth why did you not said to me about the conversation you had with him yesterday night. (Aarohi saw him widened seeing her reaction he continued) I know u had a convo with him not that I'm spying on you. I was passing by and say that's it. Please say me why did you hide it from me? What exactly did he said because I saw you shouting at him."

Aarohi told everything that happened last night including how he pleaded her to meet him. Listening all this Shreyas had just one question "why didn't you inform me?" Aarohi took a breath and said "l thought u won't allow me and moreover I didn't want to burden you". Listening her it was like the whole land beneath him was dragged away. He couldn't control his disappointment in himself that he couldn't create a better character for himself in her point of view and punched the mirror causing it to break and his hand bleed.

Aarohi was shocked seeing the blood and immediately went near him to dress it but he jerked his hand away saying "is this what you think of me Aarohi. That I can stoop this low that I won't allow you to talk with him. Say me the truth did you really tried to know me? Because if you would have done that u'll know very well that I won't stop you."

"I'm sorry but please let me see the wound it is bleeding." Said Aarohi concerned about his hand. Shreyas sat there giving up, loosing all the emotions. Aarohi started dressing it when she heard him say "kitna ajeeb baat hai nah? Jo chot bahar lagti hain usko patti bandh the hai lekin jo yaha (keeping her hand on his heart) hota hai uska kya?" (It's just an weird thing u know. The wound we get external can be healed but what about the internal hurt?)
(Dialog inspired from Kaise hai yaariyaan, it doesn't belong to me)

Aarohi knelt in front of him and tried to keep her hand on his cheek when moved backwards making her sigh. "I'm really sorry. I should have informed you but I was.. I don't know why I didn't tried to say before. After the conversation with him I thought of saying to you everything but couldn't because for me it stopped there everything with him. I thought he'll also do the same, so stopped saying to you. Please forgive for once. From now on I'll say everything to you first." She ended while breaking down.

"In all this it was only ur thinking Aarohi. Do what you think don't stop only at thinking. And also ur not still getting the point I'm saying. It's not about u not informing to anymore it's about my character in ur mind."Shreyas said. He saw her crying and was in a messy state. He cupped her face and attached their foreheads saying "I'm feeling suffocating Aarohi I need some break"

It was now Aarohi's turn to be broken but before says or do something Shreyas left leaving her again in her own world of hers.

Flashback ends

That thought of him leaving her alone ran shivers through her whole body. She got up and washed her face wiping away her tears she was determined to not let it happen again. She was determined to gain her disco deewane back. To hear chari from him again it's not even 5hrs he stopped calling her chari she already missed that naming.

With sheer determination Aarohi went to the kitchen took a plate of meal and went to Shreyas knowing very well that he's not going eat anything now and also where he'll be.

Here back to Shreyas, he came to the glass house in the backyard which is Aarohi's favourite place in her house. He remembered how she brought him there that night when they came to Malhotra Mansion. He sat there having the view of greenery in front him. He remembered his first visit to the glass house.


"Where are you taking me chari? I know I'm handsome and all yours but that doesn't mean u'll kidnap me" said Shreyas making Aarohi to give him a annoyed look. "Can't u wait until we go there Mr.Impatient" said Aarohi when Shreyas stopped abruptly saying "just say me how many names u kept for me? First disco deewane then khadoos and then cute like seriously how many names u'll keep?" He said making Aarohi laugh at him. Seeing her laugh he admired her and said "uff my heart. It's going burst today." "Stop with ur flirting Mister believe me it's so cringe and no one is going to fall." Said Aarohi moving ahead.

Will she able to do it?

Here's another update.

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