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There was news saying that Ruturaj will be captaining the team India in the Asian games. So everyone decided to congratulate him. They called him and congratulated.

Aarohi took the mobile to congratulate him but as soon as Ruturaj heard her voice he said "bhai how you gave the phone to? I don't know this lady."

To which Aarohi instantly replied "I'm sorry na Rutu. Just forgive me." Aarohi heard Utkarsha say " he's just doing drama Aarohi don't fall in his trap." To which Ruturaj replied "oh hello madam I'm really angry at you. You didn't even call after my wedding."

"Acha sorry bro. And by the congratulations skip. Make the team win." Said Aarohi. They ended the call.

"He is so matured for his age!" Mahi said making everyone look at him with a betrayal look. "Why are you guys looking at me like that. I was stating facts" shrugged Mahi.

Later all had their lunch and Aarohi liked the food very much and asked Sakshi to teach her how to cook. To which Sakshi replied "by the I'll go I'll teach you don't worry."

"Guys how many of u are chefs?" Questioned Aarohi smirking at Shreyas as she knows no one from the team is aware of his cooking skills. Shreyas was glaring at her but didn't say that he knows how to cook.

While Dhoni, Rohit and Virat said they have some knowledge regarding cooking. "Bhai so you don't know that we have hidden chef here. Food made by him is just feels like heaven. I can eat the food made by her my whole life." Aarohi said eyeing at Shreyas teasingly.

Shreyas just facepalmed himself thinking where did he get this crack head from?

"Who is it Aaru?" Questioned Rohit to which Aarohi showed Shreyas and said to him "revenge for not coming to me before everyone" with she ran away making him chase her.

"Guys see properly and run" all said to them but soon all shouted Aarohi!! As she fell down straining her ankle.Shreyas quickly lift her up and placed her on the couch.

"What is this chari? Now our physio only needs a physio. Ironic right?" He said controlling his laughter.

Aarohi just smacked him on his chest saying "u are getting smile na?" Aarohi shrieked in pain clutching his shoulder as Shreyas rotated her ankle.

Everyone was worried for her but soon Aarohi stood up started walking making them sigh in relief.

The women in the house were cardinal with the women of Gorillas.

Later Aarohi saw Kaisha (Kairav's daughter) who was alone searching for her mother. Aarohi went towards her knelt before her asking "what happened? Whom are you searching for?" Before the child could speak she was taken away by her mother who said "how many times I said baby that don't talk with strangers..."

Tears streamed down through Aarohi's cheeks but she just composed herself wiping the tears away. Kairav who saw everything just went away not able to see his little sister crying every time.

At evening when the team along with families were talking Aarohi just then joined them when she heard Devisha say "Abhir and Naima look so cute. Just like munchkins."

Aarohi was confused hearing the names at was the first time she heard. "Who are they bhabhi?" Aarohi asked.Devisha said "Akshara's children. And u guys know how they were named! Abhir from Abhi and Akshara. But what I liked the most was their daughter's name they combined both their mothers names. Nai from Naira and ma from Manjari."

Hearing this Aarohi felt hurt. She doesn't even know her niece name until someone say her. She saw towards them who were in the arms of Nishitha and Akshara.

The men of Gorillas were in the garden. As Aarohi observed them Akshara went to the room as Manjari called her leaving the other child with Nishitha. As soon as Akshara went inside Nishitha's mobile rang. So she adjusted Naima on the couch keeping the pillow safety and went to attend the call.

The pillow fell as the child moving just then Swarna was at the door.Aarohi who saw the child was at the edge grabbed the blanket which she was folding and thrower it such that it falls below the couch where the child is. Naima fell on the blanket and started crying.

Aarohi was fast in going and picking her up in her arms. As soon as Aarohi held her Naima stopped crying and become silent giving Aarohi a cheeky smile.

Seeing this scene Swarna remembered how Sirat too saved Akshu in the same way.

Aarohi too smiled at the cute bundle in her arms. Abhimanyu and Akshara including everyone came to hall hearing Naima's cry.

Seeing Aarohi hold his daughter Abhimanyu marched towards in a range shouting "how dare you Aarohi to touch my baby?" Before he could reach Akshara pulled Naima from Aarohi. Abhimanyu reached towards her and lifted his hand, before Aarohi could react or Abhimanyu's hand could reach her Shreyas along with his trio (Rishabh , Ishan and Shubman) surrounded Aarohi protecting her. Shreyas held his hand squeezing it saying "dare you touch her. U'll never use that hand" with gritted teeth.

Though Virat ,Rohit and Sky wanted to beat Abhimanyu to black blue they held themselves seeing the four of them protecting her.

Abhimanyu again shouted "better be out of our matter u r none to interfere" and was about to push them when he felt a hard slap on his cheek. "How dare you Kairav? U are beating me because of that girl?" Shouted Abhimanyu.

"Just shut up Abhimanyu not a word against her." Roared Kairav for the first time taking a stand for his little one.

"If you want to shout or show ur anger then show it on ur sister. Nishitha put Naima on the couch and went to talk. U guys should be thankful to Aaru she saved ur girl. And u are shouting on her?" Kairav was talking in high pitch.

"Okay this time it's our mistake but that doesn't mean u'll beat ur brother-in-law. Where's ur manners?" Manish chided Kairav.

Kairav laughed sarcastically and said "manners, Abhimanyu should learn that first lifting hand on a woman is that what is a manners. I should have done it before only but my mistake. From now on I won't hear a word against my Aaru."

Saying this Kairav stormed from there. Aarohi and Shreyas too left to her room. The team members gave them their privacy.

Here's another update.
I know u all are waiting for my update but wanted this scene to close.

Yes it was not our day but bleed blue forever.

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