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The next morning the early sun rays disturbed Aarohi's sleep to which Shreyas who was seen admiring her, shielded her. Finally when Aarohi woke up she saw him admiring her. She questioned him what he was doing to which he just shrugged and said good morning. She wished him back after which he went to his room.

At breakfast when everyone was enjoying theirs Rishabh asked Shreyas where were you the before night? I came to play fifa with u. Aarohi who was still now talking stopped talking and concentrating on her food without lifting her head. Rohit who was sitting beside her found it different but didn't say anything. Shreyas was stammering saying that yesterday night to which Shubman interrupted saying to Rishabh that he should have checked Aarohi's room u'll definitely find him there. Listening this Aarohi who was drinking water spitted it. Ishan then asked did I miss taking the photo yesterday? Shreyas said I was out. Rohit said even I too went ur type of going out. Which is basically going to Ritsy's room. Aarohi was now annoyed and said in a angry tone bhai u also. Okay fine he was with me night. Do you have any problem Rishabh? Virat said see Shrey my Rohi has this much courage that she'll accept the truth unlike you. Shreyas just raised his hands saying okay ur sister is courageous.

All landed in Mumbai straight away went to attend the meeting where all the players who were not in the squad along with Dhoni were also present. They had the meeting of upcoming tours and tournaments. At present they have the vacation of 3 weeks. Some players left to their places while some stick to their plans to spend with team along with their families. Then Aarohi suggested to go to her house saying her house is empty and they can spend. All agreed to her and started to head towards her house.
Players who were going to Aarohi's house
Dhoni, Sakshi and Ziva
Rohit, Ritsy and Sammy
Virat, Anushka and Vamika
Jaddu,Riva and Nidhyana
Hardik,Natasha and Agastya
And our Hero Shreyas

Here in Malhotra mansion Raj was worried as he know Aarohi will come today and she need to face the gorillas. Though Nyonika looked tough she too was afraid of Aarohi's reaction. When these two were in their own thoughts the bell rang bringing them to reality. Nyonika opened the door and was surprised to see not only her daughter but also the players. Aarohi just hugged her in excitement asking when did they came? And why didn't they informed about it to her. And also asking where is her Mr. handsome dad. To which Nyonika said wait give a gap. U'll talk everything outside only? Let me invite them in indicating towards the team. Aarohi realises they were also present with them and gave a sheepish smile to them. Nyonika welcomed them in as soon as Aarohi saw Raj she went and hugged him saying she missed her dad. All this while Aarohi didn't notice the gorillas in her house but they were continuously observing her actions which were new to them. Because for them all this was done by Akshara only and Aarohi was rather limited with her words or let us say they never tried to open up her emotions. Some were seeing her with disgust some with a relief that they at least saw her. ICT too took a notice of them and their way of seeing her. Some members mentally noted down what they are gonna show to the gorillas. (Guys here the ict members know that they are only her so called family).

Seeing the her dad seeing the other side and not completely talking with her Aarohi just took the notice of her surroundings and she stood rooted at her place seeing them. This was the last thing she wanted to happen. Her so called family by blood vs her real and emotional family. Her eyes got moist seeing mimi and the twins of Akshara how badly she wanted to hug them. She was scared of the reaction of the ict because she knew they are very angry with gorillas which she too is. She immediately looked at her Mahi bhai and he signalled her that everything is going to be fine. She just nodded her head and saw towards Shreyas whose eyes shot red seeing Neil who was giving disgust looks to Aarohi. Shreyas was like he is ready to punch him. Aarohi went near him and hold his hand. He saw towards her and softened his look giving her a assurance that he'll not do anything like that.

Here's the much waited chapter. I know you wanted so drama but at first after seeing someone whom u don't like I think no one will intend to fight as far my knowledge is. So it was calm it's not gonna remain that way. Sorry to disappoint you all with a plain update.

Guys I'm a 11th student so please understand that when ever it is possible I'll update. Next update on Sunday.

Last but not the least the World Cup!! India is at top undefeated 🇮🇳 hope they'll continue that only.

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