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Abhimanyu managed an hour spending with them after which he couldn't do anymore and went away.

The day went on peacefully with no drama. The team was considering enough to give Abhimanyu some time before the second round. However MS had a counter with the elder Goenka who seemed successful in pissing the most calm man too. MS threaten he would not let any deal to come over them let alone the present one they are working with Malhotra's.

Later that evening Aarohi received a piece of note which reads
"Will be waiting for you at the garden. Please come.
-yours Chamkadar."
She cringed at it, the audacity of him to call her. She just tore the paper into pieces and with a frown moving towards the children who were playing.

Shreyas who happened to pass by saw her questioned what's with that face of urs. She just denied not saying the real reason. She was playing with them when Kairav along with Anisha and his daughter came. He introduced Aarohi to his daughter. "Beta she's ur bua" he said while the girl timidly went near her pinched her nose saying "ur very cute bua". Aarohi hugged reciprocating she too is so cute. Shefali was shocked because her daughter was never a hug person but now she didn't say anything but hugged her back. They had some conversation in which Anisha instantly felt a connection to be precise a sisterly connection. Why didn't she had this conversation before? Maybe because how others had told about Aarohi made her take a back step.

Seeing Aarohi play with other girl Sammy was jealous so she went near Aarohi and sat in lap. Vamika seeing her sister she too sat on Aarohi. Aarohi understood their point very well as she too felt the same in her childhood. She managed to give her attention to all the children equally. Finally she stood up to go down to the living room to help the ladies.

That's when she saw Neil coming towards her. She didn't know what to do so she was trying to go other way but he pinned her to the wall and said "Please meet me there at 9" he went away quickly so that no one can see them. Aarohi too went away thinking the same.But the damage is already done as the person whom both of them wanted not to see had seen them. But being the practical person he is Shreyas just shrugged it.

Aarohi thought of saying this to Shreyas but decided the opposite as she doesn't want to burden him more. She also decided to meet Neil having a clear conversation once and for all. While Neil wants to get back Aarohi.

Aarohi went to the garden area where Neil is walking to or fro. Seeing Aarohi Neil said "thank god u came I thought u'll not come. How are you chipka... (he was trying to touch her cheek) Aarohi interrupted him saying "I didn't come here to listen to you. U listen to me. Whatever is between is done and that too because of you. So please stop interfering in my life." She said and was going when Neil said "how can you say like that chipkali?" "Please stop calling me with that name. There used to be a time when I felt happy hearing this name but now I'm just feeling disgusting hearing it." Said Aarohi with a stern voice. He just back hugged her and said "please don't leave me Aarohi." "This exactly what I said Neil! When you left me there listening to ur bhabhi." Retorted Aarohi anger visible in her. Neil didn't have any words to say he was speechless. "And even I pleaded like this only but what you did went away without even a glance" continued Aarohi tears streaming down seeing this Neil went to clear her tears when she roared "just stay right there Mr.Birla don't u dare touch me. U want me back right but I can't do the same thing u did to me. And to be honest I don't want to see him in my place." That's when they heard foot steps so Neil went away quickly. It was Mahi who came there just then. Seeing him Aarohi the was wiping her tears but he saw and asked her "What happened Aaru? Are you bothered by them?" "No bhaiyya just something went inside u leave it na. (She saw Ziva was standing at the door) bhai see Zi is waiting for you. You go I'm completely alright." Aarohi said not giving Mahi a time to respond. But unknown to her Shreyas saw them talking from a distance and couldn't hear the conversation. But he made a guess seeing Aarohi's actions that she was venting her anger. Though he had trust in her he just wanted to know whether she'll say or not. With this question in mind he went towards her.

"I was searching for u whole house and here you are! (He said while grabbing her from her waist.Aarohi could help how she is so comfortable with this touch but not when Neil did the same.)What are you doing here?" He questioned in a hope she'll answer. "Nothing just came to see around shall we go inside?" Saying this Aarohi started going inside.

While Shreyas stood there thinking why she didn't say anything to him about meeting Neil. Not that he was doubting her, he trusts her but he couldn't let that jealous of his go. While coming back to her room Aarohi couldn't help but feel guilt for lying to Mahi and Shreyas. "Some things are good to be hidden." She thought and called it a day.

The next day it was around 10 in morning when Neil entered Aarohi's room. She was shocked to see him there before she could shout he covered her mouth and pinned her to the wall. "Listen Aarohi I can't live without u even I know that u don't love him it's just an act u r doing (even though he knew the truth that they weren't acting he said)" listening this Aarohi's eyes widened. "Please chipkali don't leave me" saying this he was about to kiss her when someone grabbed him and punched right there on his face.

Seeing him Aarohi just ran to him. "How dare to touch her!" Again he punched him see this Aarohi stopped and Neil went away quickly as he doesn't want more of punches. Aarohi just hugged Shreyas when she heard him say "just leave me Aarohi!!" She flinched hearing him. Whenever he used to call her Aarohi it used to give butterflies to her but now it was not in the tone which gives butterflies but gives shivers. But what he is thinking when he said just leave me? Is he too going to leave me alone?Her eyes welled up thinking this but her grip on him was strong. "I said just leave my hand Aarohi!!!"

What do you think is going to happen now?

Here's another chapter. Sorry for not updating earlier was busy with project works.

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