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Guys I mentioned in the story that MS Dhoni is the mentor of the team. But due to story convenience he was mentor for only those tours. Hope u don't get confused. Now back to the story.

"Finally I'm at peace now, having my place back" said Aarohi after cuddling with Shreyas. "Seems like u reserved this place?" Said Shreyas. "Yes and that too forever" replied Aarohi cuddling into him more. "What if this doesn't remain same?" Shreyas questioned causing her to get up. Hearing this Aarohi's eyes were moist, seeing this Shreyas dragged her to him hugging her he kissed her hair and said "I'm sorry chari I was just joking now stop crying. (She wiped her tears) by the way were u too hurt?" He asked chuckling. Aarohi saw him with stern look and beat him with the pillow, thus starting a pillow fight.

The room is filled with their laughter. After messing the whole room they rested on the bed. "I never want to imagine anyone in this place neither in ur place nor mine I want it to remain the same it'll remain the same na?"Aarohi questioned looking into his eyes. "I promise you that we'll always remain the same. Maybe we'll quarrel with each other but I'll never leave you chari." Replied Shreyas kissing her forehead. They slowly drifted into sleep.

The next day they went for breakfast together causing the team to feel happy. "Ro bhai I think we should inform our manager that from next place onwards lessen a room" said Ishan indicating towards Shreyas and Aarohi. "I second that" said Shubman making everyone everyone laugh. Aarohi gave them a smirk and said "then u have to inform him to reduce two rooms bhaiya." "Why ?" Questioned Hardik. "A room for Ishan and Shubman together why 2 rooms they both will be together only every time" she said giving them a sarcastic smile. To which both of them shouted in horror "Aye we are staright!!"

Later the women of ict went for shopping enjoying themselves. There Aarohi got to see the real side of them, unlike her they are taking soo much time in selecting the things which annoyed her. After going back to the hotel they settled on the table where the men were relaxing. "Bhai this is the first and last time I'm going shopping with them. Like seriously they are so confused on what take for their daughters too." Said Aarohi to which they replied "that's why we didn't tag along but u are Shreya's chari na that's why u went." This earned them a glare from the women who replied "don't worry Aarohi u'll also understand our problem" to which Aarohi replied "and how's that possible?" "Wait until u have a kid for urself Aaru" said Ritsy doing a hi fi with Anushka. "And I don't think there much time for that seeing both of u" replied Anushka making the duo blush.

"Bhabhi at least u guys stop it anyhow ur husbands are no less." Said Shreyas to which Athiya twisted his ears and said "then what about the time when u teased us?" "Aha it was my mistake now sorry na please leave it is hurting." Said Shreyas.

The team spent a good time and also the Asia cup started with a good start for the team. It  was on IND VS PAK match when the team found the bee(Aarohi) of the team quiet silent. Asking the reason she said "bhaiya what if they attack us? I don't want to die early." They laughed at her assured her nothing would happen even if something would happen they are there to protect their sister. Due to rain the match was postponed to the next day.

That night Aarohi went to Shreyas' room where she found him staring at the ceiling lying on his bed. She immediately snuggled into him and said "what are u thinking Mr.?" To which he denied with his head. "Why don't u call me with my name chari?" Questioned Shreyas out of blue. "You know I've seen Riva bhabhi not calling Jaddu bhai by name. I asked her and she said it was like giving respect to her husband. I liked this ritual soo.." replied Aarohi. Shreyas saw her and was about to ask her something when she hid herself in his chest saying "no more questions disco deewane!"

The tournament went on and Shreyas and Aarohi found themselves coming more closer to each other. It's like now they know about the other person same like how much they know themselves. One day Aarohi was with the kids drawing with them when everyone came there. "Are u also learning to draw Aaru?" Questioned Ishan laughing when Aarohi showed them her drawing.

 "Are u also learning to draw Aaru?" Questioned Ishan laughing when Aarohi showed them her drawing

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(Pic credits- author)

"Bhai I've tried drawing first time in my life. How's it?" Aarohi asked with happiness in her eyes. The team replied iconically "so beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow!!" "But I have a question. Aren't u a doctor? U'll have records and u draw right?" Asked Rohit. "Whah panda from where did you get this much brain?" Questioned Virat. To which Rohit royally ignored him with a eye roll. "Hey what's with that eye roll everyone? It's all because of you Rohi. From the time u came everyone are doing it" complained Virat. "I can't do anything in that bhaiya. And Ro bhai Kirav bhai always drew for me back then." Replied Aarohi.

Although the team won the cup, Shreyas couldn't contribute to the team. Getting such type of news definitely can't keep the trollers numb who were questioning his existence in the team. But he paid no attention to it of course as he know, one good innings from him can change the dimensions. But to his fortune that innings didn't come in the Asia cup.

Now the team is ready for the WC which is everyone's dream.


Here's another update.

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