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Ict landed in Sri Lanka for the Asia Cup. They were welcomed by the hotel manager and were also allotted their rooms. All of them retired to their room. Aarohi found herself standing in the balcony, thinking deeply about her actions. She was seeing around when she saw Shreyas standing in the adjacent balcony with a cup in his hand. Their eyes met just for a second before Aarohi went inside the room giving him a eye roll.

'Chari!' He thought and chuckled saying 'how I wish to stop u doing this eye roll in front of me. But she looks cool seeing her do so. Uff what are you even thinking Shrey? Didn't u remember u r angry on her. Maintain it, at least until u set those arrangements for her.' He too went inside to get a rest before the practice session.

The boys were practicing when Aarohi came there saying them to call it a day. The dinner passed with the lame jokes of Jadeja. Aarohi and Shreyas were sitting quite opposite which is so unusual. Everyone retired to their rooms. Aarohi too opened her room and was surprised to see her room decorated nicely and with a sorry note. Just then she felt someone back hugging her. Aarohi knew who it would be, so she leaned resting her head on his shoulder.

They stayed like that until Aarohi spoke "you don't need to do all these". "I know and don't think this all is for you. (Aarohi raised her eyebrow) actually I was rude with a girl and now I want to pacify her. So trying it on you. You say how's the arrangement?" Asked Shreyas who is in a mood to tease her.

"Hmm it is really nice, everyone will definitely love it. So who is that girl? Ur gf? Is she beautiful?" Questioned Aarohi playing along. Shreyas replied "very beautiful both in and out. You know when ever she gets angry her nose uff how want to bit it.(he said while pinching her nose) and those fierce eyes they are worth to dawn."

"What's her name?" Questioned Aarohi. "U know her very well. Not only you everyone in the team knows her. Her name is..." Shreyas was saying when Aarohi came out of his grip and went to the balcony thinking he would say someone else name which she can't handle right now. Her grip on the railing is so strong and tight. Shreyas followed her called "Aarohi!" And again even after him calling her with her name she felt the same feeling when he called the first time. It was not with anger anymore like the previous days, she understood it.

She closed her eyes memorising it. She felt him dragging her. She just followed him when he took her to the mirror making her face it. Shreyas back hugged her resting his chin on her shoulder. "She is the one with whom I was rude (he said showing the mirror ) and u know all these arrangements are for her, my world. She's my inspiration on how to roll eyes.(Aarohi playfully hit his chest) but it is very hard to read her sometimes she's happy sometimes sad sometimes angry uff those mood swings. You know I'm scared thinking of that now only she have mood swings very often then what about when the time actually comes? (Aarohi's cheeks turned crimson red and her eyes widened. He laughed seeing her reaction)

I'm sorry Chari. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have shouted at u, but I was helpless and for some reason insecure too. Insecure about ur ex being there and angry about u not informing me. And in that range I made u listen." Saying this he turned her toward him locking her with him, while he placed his hands on her waist pulling her towards him. He hid his face in crook  of her neck. Aarohi closed her eyes feeling his breath. After I few seconds she sensed his tears.

She lifted his head and cupped him face "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have hide it from nor judged you. But I was clueless on how to react." Aarohi said wiping his tears and kissed his forehead. "Call me Chari" she ordered him while catching his collar. He chuckled at her and pulled her more towards him making her breath stuck. "It seems that u really liked that name Chari!!" He said while rubbing his nose with hers.

"Yes Mr.Disco Deewane" Aarohi replied and kissed him. He was shocked with this action. This kiss with assurance that they are there with each other no matter what.

Here's an update. Sorry couldn't post before.

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