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Later that evening the Malhotra's kept a pooja which is their ritual every year. Everyone was wearing traditional clothes and was present at the mandir in their house.

"So shall we start" asked Raj. "Let your daughter come. I Don't know what she's doing." Said Nyonika about Aarohi who locked herself for the last 1hr.

Just then they heard the striking sound of heels. They saw Aarohi descending the steps. Seeing her Shreyas was awestruck. He was staring at her with his open mouth causing Rishabh to say "Close your mouth if anyone else sees they'll not let you live." Shreyas composed himself and went forward, forwarding his hand to her.

" Shreyas composed himself and went forward, forwarding his hand to her

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(Aarohi's attire)

Aarohi held Shreyas's hand. "Yellow is surely your color" whispered Shreyas winking at her and making her remember the two incidents where they were intimate. She wore the same yellow color. Aarohi just blushed hearing him.

Nyonika came near Aarohi and did her nazar. "You are looking very beautiful baccha. And what is special today? Whenever I ask you to wear a saree you say you don't know how to wear this and that?" Asked Nyonika. Aarohi just shrugged.

Aarohi looked towards Shreyas who was now standing with Rishabh and was laughing at something. "He'll surely be my Sautan," thought Aarohi. Then she remembered how Shreyas gave a challenge to her to wear a saree.

Here Neil too was amused by her beauty. This was the first time he ever saw her in a saree.

Raj called Aarohi to do the aarti first. Aarohi declined saying they should do it first but Raj did not listen to her and made her do the aarti first. She looked at Goenka's while doing so. She remembered how Akshara was always first for them. 

Everyone returned to their rooms to change their attire as they thought of playing a game at night. Having the chance Shreyas dragged Aarohi without letting anybody know

He took her to the garden area where they were to gather after 15 minutes. "Why did you bring me here?" Questioned Aarohi. He held her by the waist giving her chills due to the contact of his hands touching her bare waist 

"You don't know? Your mom asked you "Why did you wear saree nah? You should have said that I had asked you to wear it." said Shreyas making Aarohi look at him with widened eyes. "You still remember?" Asked Aarohi. "Yeah just like the way you remembered. Now don't you want the compliment like before?" responded Shreyas. Aarohi's cheeks turned crimson red hearing him and remembering that moment.

She just nodded her head. Shreyas chuckled noticing her face's reactions. Shreyas said while gripping her tight "Do you realize how beautiful you look when you are in these awkward situations." He bent down towards her collarbone and started giving small pecks over the spot.

Aarohi became numb with his hands on her waist and him pecking her. It was so surreal for her. He looked into her eyes, then he everted towards her lips. They both were inching closer to feel each other's lips but were disturbed by the throat clearing.

They immediately parted and saw the Gorillas standing there. "Here come the villains of romance. Man, only this time they had to come here? Gorillas!!" Aarohi heard Shreyas murmur under his breath. She chuckled hearing him. There was an awkward silence there.

Thankfully it was broken by the Malhotra's, the ICT who had just come there. "What are you standing and doing here come on guys hurry up let's start the game fast" said Virat being the overexcited one for playing truth or dare.

Everyone quickly made the arrangements and sat in a round with a bottle in the middle. Aarohi sat having Shreyas on the right and Ishan to her left. Seeing this arrangement she said "thank god I'm safe I don't have these idiots (pointing towards Ishan and Shubman) to question me.

"Don't worry behna we are here" said Jaddu and Harry who sat in such a way that they could ask anyone. Hearing them Aarohi facepalmed herself. "So everyone knows the rules nah? Don't be so easy that's the only rule." Said Rishabh.

"3,2,1 start!" Said Vansh spinning the bottle. The bottle stops at Mahi at the answering end and Harry at the questioning. Harry was jumping with joy because this was what he wanted every time he played. "What a great start, all the best Mahi. Be ready for the consequences" said Sakshi making him pout at her.

"So Mahi bhai, truth or dare?" Questioned Harry dramatically. "I don't even know why I am even playing this. Okay, truth." Said Mahi facepalming himself because the last time he spitted truth to Harry's question he was rewarded with living in the guest room for a week.

"Bhai see I'm going easy on you Virat or Rohit?" Asked Harry making everyone look at Mahi. The duo who were on either side of him were desperate to know the answer.

"And bhai don't try to be diplomatic," said Ishan. Having no option Mahi said in a tone that everyone is scared of "You all are equal to me, now shut up and continue further."

Before Hardik could say anything Mahi gave him a glare which shut him. Shreyas saw Aarohi was shivering so he pulled her towards him covering both of them in a blanket. The team members who saw were howling. Ishan instantly clicked a pic and posted it making it viral.

"And you know Mahi bhai when I asked someone declined it," Ritsy said eyeing Shreyas making them blush. "Okay now let us start again," said Aarohi diverting the topic.

This time it stopped at Sky to answer and Rishabh to question. Sky chose truth and Rishabh again asked him to choose between Aarohi and Ishan knowing the fact that they are way too close to him and also clarified that only one name was to be said.

"Bhaiyu me!!!" said Aarohi. "No, me! this chari has her disco deewane but I don't have anyone" said Ishan in a dramatic way. "Go to hell Ishan you have Shubman with you, who else do you want? Give me my bhaiyu" said Aarohi.

"Shut up you both and Aaru you are also becoming like them. I love Rishabh more" Sky said making Rishabh the target for Aarohi and Ishan. Sky smirked at Rishabh with a victory indicating that he couldn't mess with him.

Vansh who saw Aarohi being so hyperactive and calling Sky as bhaiyu was jealous.

The game was resumed and this time Shreyas was to answer and Kairav was to question. Shreyas too opted for truth. "So tell us how you and Aaru met." Said Kairav.

Everyone in the team including Malhotra's laughed knowing their first meet. "Why are you guys laughing?" Questioned Kairav confused.

"We met at a night few months/years ago," both Aarohi and Shreyas said. Hearing years everyone looked at Shreyas strangely.

So guess when was their first meet?
And also I'm very sorry for not updating or responding. I've acquired eyesight so I'm trying my best to avoid the screen. Hope you guys understand.
The updates will be slower.

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