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While Shreyas and Aarohi were having disturbances between them our team members had a nine enjoyment in troubling that arrogant Abhimanyu Birla with their workouts. He even became a victim of the famous pranks of Jadeja and Hardik who put more chilli powder in his food. They also poured water on him while he was having a walk in garden. Overall they made sure that Abhimanyu doesn't try to raise his voice on their sister.

While Shreyas has ignored to every extent. That's when Aarohi came to know how hurt he was. It continued for 3 days when she finally lost it. She thought of confronting him at night. But there are other plans waiting for her.

Morning when everyone was just had their breakfast Neil took Aarohi to the centre of the hall. Shreyas was ready to punch but stopped when Neil came to him and said "I want to say something. U don't worry I'll not repeat myself." Shreyas just nodded.

Aarohi was standing their confused looking at Neil. "I'm really sorry Aarohi for whatever I did now and before..." Neil was interrupted by Abhimanyu who shouted "Neil why are you saying sorry to this girl? She doesn't deserve ur sorry. She's a.." Neil had enough and said in a stern voice "bhai enough it's my business I think ur interference is not required. Please u stay out of it." "Neil how are you talking to ur brother?" Said Akshara being a lawyer for Abhimanyu. "This is what I should have done before bhabhi. The day u both interfered in my matter. But I'm an idiot I didn't. At least now let me have my identity." Neil said. "What do you want to say I'm over shadowing you?" Asked Abhimanyu. "Bhai please this is not the time for our conversation." Neil said making Abhimanyu quiet.

"Aarohi I'm really sorry. Let me start fro past. I know ours isn't like everyone else's relation. I remembered how we felt being the leftover of our families. But I only left u when could have asked u. I didn't try to know ur thinking instead I listened to my bhabhi. When you went away then I understood all ur views on ur family were true. How wrong I am who said that they do care for u. But believe me when u went away there was not even a worry on anyone other than ur brothers. That's when I realised that even I behaved like them with you." Neil poured all his emotions making Aarohi look at him with tears and Goenka's with disgust.

Neil then went towards Shreyas took him near Aarohi. He made them hold each other's hands. Making the ict smile. "I'm really sorry for whatever I said and did the other day. I don't know what happened to me but I really feel disgusting of myself. I never really wanted to come between you two in the first place. It was just my jealousy and regret that acted upon that day. But now I'm genuinely wishing you 2 best wishes." Said Neil making them hug him. The three of them shared a hug. The team mates and Malhotra couple adored them.

"Neil don't you think you have to apologise someone else?" Asked Shreyas mentioning about his fiancée who left seeing his behaviour towards Aarohi. "U are right I'll have to handle her" Neil chuckled because he already apologised her before and explained everything in fact she was the one who said him to do whatever he is doing now.

"What have you done to him Aarohi? The one who always obeys his brother is now talking to him rudely and that too because of you. Even ur mom did the same with me. She turned ur dad against me." Said Manish. Aarohi had enough of their talks now. All her patience vanished. "Enough Mr.Goenka what do you think I'll listen to every shit you guys say. I was silent till now that doesn't mean I can't speak nor I accepted my mistake. It's just my ethics that I should not misbehave with guests. But I think you all want to see the other side of me." She roared like a lioness. That Mr.Goenka reminded Manish about his late son Karthik Goenka who also used to call him the same thing when he is angry with him.

"Is that the way you speak to elders Aaru?" Said Akshara adding more fuel. "Aarohi! Aarohi Malhotra for u Mrs.Birla. And that rule applies for elders too and that's the reason I was silent till now. My policy is give respect take respect. When you people didn't give me the respect I deserve how would expect the same from me?" Said Aarohi shutting Akshara's mouth.

"Until now I listened whatever you said now it's my turn today I'll speak and u guys after listening will think where to keep ur faces." Aarohi said. While the team members were silently enjoying the drama as they know pretty well that their sister is going to rock. While Jadeja and Harry were grinning for getting to witness the free drama but they were badly missing popcorn to enjoy it. Of course they know that it's all Aarohi's emotions she's going to deal with but they were sure she'll handle it. And also they right there so why to bother about her safety?

"Let me start from the starting. I've always heard Mr.Goenka taunt my mother for her blood. And that infront of me. Can you tolerate someone saying to ur mother Mr.Goenka? (Listening this Akshara again opened her mother but Aarohi gave a look to her which shut her) shall I say what you would do? You would make sure they get the treatment for what they have done. But I just shrugged it. U know my mumma always used to cry at nights because of ur taunts.

And coming to you badi maa u always said that never differentiated between me and Akshara. But shall I say one thing? U were never there for me when I needed u needed a mom. When I got my periods for the first u were not there instead u all went to attend Akshara's singing competition. I know u would say that she's not living with us at home, but I didn't said to send her away!

And u Akshara u always said u love me u understand me. Really? Think for urself u never understood me. U just question ur self did u really loved me or was it just the promise u gave mumma? All call me selfish but u r the one who is selfish. U proposed to Abhimanyu on our marriage day leaving me at the aisle.I still remember how u were not ready to share Naira mumma's dress with me. When I shared my mother with you, u just couldn't share ur mother's dress with me. U know I admit her dance a lot. I always gave her the same position which I gave to mumma and papa.

And coming to u Mr.Goenka just imagine if in place of Akshara that day if I would be in her place elope with Abhimanyu leaving her at the alter. What would you do? Just question urself and I bet reaction would not have been like what it was.

All this happened is personal and coming to professional I expect you all to be practical enough work properly and leave. Have a nice stay as we are only leaving tomorrow." Concluded Aarohi and went to her room.

Here's another update. Outburst of Aarohi. Just one more chapter bare this Gorillas.

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