French Love

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Christophe x Reader

And I'm so sorry if I butcher the French accent.
Kyle's P.O.V

As soon as she walked into the classroom, I swear to god, my heart pounded a million beats a minute.

It was just a normal day, Cartman kept calling me a Jew, Kenny was reading a playboy, and Stan was apologizing to Wendy.

"Hey, Mr. Garrison, we have a new student m'kay?" Said Mr. Mackey, walking into the classroom.

"Well, goddamn time, a new student that maybe won't be a complete retard." Said Mr. Garrison, taking his feet off his desk.

"Well, Students, we got a new kid, now, don't be jelly cause she's pretty, m'kay?" Said Mr. Mackey, a pulled the new kid into the room.

Everyone gasped.

She wore almost all black from her tight leather pants to her dark skull tank top. Her large black combat boots seemed to glisten like her (H/l) (H/c) hair, with bits of red at the end.

"Well, miss (F/n), tell us a bit about yourself, m'kay?"

She groaned and pushed the bangs out of her eyes, revealing the (E/c) orbs that were her eyes.
She spoke with a very heavy French accent. "Well, I am vrom France, and zer is where I grew up, zen my idiot Muzzer decided to take me here, to be with you, American scum. Zis shit is awful."

Everyone started whispering.

"Oh god it's another Christophe!"

"She's so hot, and French too, double hot."

"Augh, she looks like a fucking Emo!"

"May I please sit ze fuck down, vhat ever your name is?" She asked, scowling at Mr. Garrison.

"Oh, uh, yeah, you can go sit by Kyle. Kyle, don't be a complete retard to her." Said Mr. Garrison.

Yes! He thought.

She stalked over and sat down, pulling out a carton of cigarettes from her bag, lighting one up.

"Miss (F/n), don't give us all cancer." Growled Mr. Garrison.

(F/n) merely stared intently at him, and continued to huff on the poison stick.

"Or do.. Whatever. Now back to algebra you little bastards." Everyone groaned.

He couldn't take his eyes off her.
Her beautiful body, her perfect face, she was gorgeous.

"Um.. H-hi. I'm Kyle." He muttered, sticking his hand out to her.

"Pleasure." She muttered, taking his hand with her opposite smoking one.

Wow... He thought, what a beauty.
Your P.O.V

I can't believe I am here with zies American scum! Just to think, I vas a fucking mercenary!
You thought, scowling as you kept smoking intensely.

Zen zis Kyle kid shows ze fuck up.

Americans are all zeis fucking pussy lickers who kiss ze asses of whatever God zey worship.

Fucking retards.

The bell rang and I quickly took a last huff of my cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stomping it out.

On the way to my next class, I knew everyone was staring at me, whispering.
"Fucking American gossip girls. Go fucking take za picture." I thought out loud.

I was so caught up in thought I didn't notice myself bump into a kid smoking, with a shovel strapped to his back.

"Watch where your going, fucking American bitch!" He yelled out, taking a huff of his cigarette. His French accent was very present.

I crossed my arms and scowled.
"Sorry, zen. I vas caught up in zies fucking Americans staring at me like the fucking Mona Lisa." I muttered.

He looked at me with intense surprise. "Anozure French in zis school... I guess there aren't as many fucking Americans now." He smirked.

"Vell, it's not as good as being in the resistance, but it is good I guess." I huffed.

He smiled widely. "Another mercenary? I say ve will be good friends."

He stalked off, and lit another cigarette. "I'm Christophe by ze way." He yelled out.

"(F/n!)" You yelled back.
-A Week Later-
Your P.O.V

This damn Kyle kid won't fucking stop following me! He is like za stalker, he vont stop, he just says he is 'Going in ze same direction'.

Fucking American.
And Christophe... I can't stop zinking about him. He is ze light of my eyes, as zes Americans say. Me and him and zat Gregory have been spending a lot of time vit eachother.

"Hey! Hey (F/n)!" Yelled zat voice from behind me.

I took a long drag of my cigarette and saw Kyle running towards me.

"H-Hey (F/n)." He huffed, catching his breath. "Hey, what's up?"

I rolled my eyes. "Zame as always Kyle..."

He smiled.

"Vat do you want zis time?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to catch a movie." He asked, a large smile on his face.

"No." I replied blatantly.

"W-w-why?!" He stuttered.

"Because I don't date ze American scum that is your kind." I said, taking another drag of my cigarette.

His eyes grew angry. "Hey you French bitch, Americans are perfectly fucking fine!"

I threw down my cigarette and stepped up to him, him being s good head shorter then me. "What did you say you American hire shit!" I yelled.

He was about to awnser but I felt a rough hand grab my hand and pull me away. "What ze fuck!?" I yelled.

"Sorry, but zat wasn't going to end well." Said the familiar accent of Christophe.

"I could have whipped his ass from here to France!" I yelled out. "And take your damn hands off me!"

"No." He replied blatantly.

I glared at him but kept my mouth shut.

He dragged me all the way to Starks Pond, and dragged me to sit down on a bench with him.

"Christophe. I can't handle my fucking French ass myself!" I yelled out. "What ze fuck were you zink-"

I was cut off by his lips touching mine. I have out a little groan of surprise. I deepened it, and allowed his tongue to explore my mouth.

It was truly a French kiss.

After minutes of kissing I pulled back. I remained speechless for what seemed like hours.

Finally I found a small voice. "Why did you do zat?" I asked hoarsely.

He smirked and put his arm around me, holding me close. "Because you are ze most beautiful French belle I have ever laid my eyes on."

I couldn't help but blush. I reached over and grabbed his chin, then went in for another, long, and passionate kiss.



"Omg! Look Bebe! Those two French kids got together!"

"They are so perfect!"

Christophe and (F/n) walked down the halls together, Christophe with his arm around him, and with his free hand he was smoking, and she was too.

It was the perfect time. The French love.

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