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Kyle x Goth Reader

;P (Sorry this is so short)
Your P.O.V

Why the hell did I have to fucking come here? These kids are all fucking morons. I could tell the moment I walked in they didn't like me either. Well, maybe not Kyle.

-Flash Back-
As soon as I set foot in the classroom they all groaned.

"Another goth!" Yelled out a blond haired, bitchy looking one.

I glared daggers at her before slowly extending my middle finger at her, making her gasp in shock.

"Well, goth kid, go sit by Kyle." Said the teacher, who was a total weirdo. I mean, what teacher wears a fucking sock puppet on his hand and calls it Mr. Hat?

I groaned and flipped my (H/c) hair of my eyes.

A green hatted kid shakily put his hand up.
Guess that's the all famous Kyle. I rolled my eyes and made a B-Line to the chair.

I slumped in it and immediately took out my note book and started to doodle.

"H-Hey. I'm Kyle." Said a high voice to my left. I tuned and saw the Kyle kid.

"Hey." I sighed and went back to my drawing.
I starting drawing the beautiful rose I had seen on the walk to school today.

"Wow, that's really good!" Yelled Kyle again, staring over at the doodle.

"Not really." I mumbled.

"Really." He said with a smile.

I have to admit, it made me smile too.
-End of Flashback-

It's been fucking two months since that first day, and all I ever get treating like is shit.

The fat kid constantly throws paper at me during class, the girls one day after school beat me up, and once in gym they stole all my clothes and dumped them in the toilet.


The only semi-friends I have are the goths. They're pretty cool, and always let me have some of their cigarettes and coffee.

Well, I guess there's Kyle too.

Now whenever Cartman gets in my face, he always yells at him and tells him to go away. And he always is super sweet and helps me clean up whenever I get beat up.

I sniff and wipe a tear from my cheek as I smoked with the other goths.

"Hey (F/n), are you crying?" Asked Henrietta.

"N-no." I muttered. "That'd be so conformist."

They all nodded in agreement and we all took a long draw of our cigarette.
Kyle's P.O.V

I really didn't know why I liked (F/n).

I mean, no body else did.

But I couldn't get over her beauty. Her (H/l) (H/c) hair was so gorgeous, and her (E/c) eyes were so entrancing.

I don't know why she hid her beauty behind all that black, but if it made her happy, so be it.

"Hey, Kahl." Whispered Fatass over the lunch table.

"What the fuck do you want Cartman?" I hissed.

He giggled. "Wendy and her gang are so gonna trip that faggy goth chick."

I felt my face go white. "Dude-"

He cut me off. "Look! They're doing it now!" He sniggered.

(F/n) was walking past Wendy and her gang to put her tray away when Bebe's leg went out, and she went sprawling across the floor.

The cafeteria exploded with laughter as kid's berated her with every insult they could think of.

"Fag goth!"

"Go back to hell bitch!"




She slowly stood up, her face devoid of emotion. She carefully picked up her plate and examined it.

She then whipped around, and smacked Bebe so hard across the head with it a loud CRACK echoed across the room, silencing everyone.

Bebe slumped to the floor, knocked out.

"Bebe!" Yelled Wendy and her other bitches.

(F/n) threw her plate to the ground and stalked out of the cafeteria.

"Wow." I whispered, and some part of my body beckoned me to follow her.

I ran out of the cafeteria and saw her down at the end of the hall, sobbing and holding her stomach.

"(F/n)!" I yelled and ran up to her, kneeling next to her.

"W-what do you want?" She choked out in between sobs.

"I'm sorry about them. Just don't pay mind to it." I whispered.

"How can I fucking not pay mind to them!? They berate me so much I just want to die!" She screamed, and fell into me, burying her head in my chest.

I was caught off guard, so I fell backwards, and she fell on top of me.

I looked up and saw how close she was.

"I-I'm really sorry (F/n)..." I stuttered.

She simply looked at me with a sudden interest. She was no longer crying, but her tears clung to her face.

She slowly took off my hat, and smiled as my red hair spilled out from under it.
"I didn't know you had red hair." She whispered, and stared to slowly stroke it.

"(F/n)..." I started, but was cut off by a quick kiss on the lips.

I stared up at her in disbelief as a slight pink came over her pink cheeks.
"I-I really l-like you Kyle..." She stuttered.

I smiled and hugged her. "I really like you too." I whispered.


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