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Craig x Reader

Sorry it's short, but I kinda like it :3

Of course you were stuck with non-other then your little enemy, Craig Motherfucking Tucker.

He was a complete ass hat to you! He wouldn't stop calling you Princess, he always made fun of you for the clothes you wore, he was the bane to your existence.

And of course you happened to get detention, and of course he happened to get it too.

You sat in the typical setup in the cafeteria, listening to Mr. Mackey drone on and on about being a model citizen and not being a rebel, throwing in random m'kays here and there.

You groaned and got it your phone, texting Bebe and Wendy in a group chat about how boring it was.

Wendy: OMG girl, I feel soooo bad 4 u. Especially being stuck with Craig.

Bebe: hey, Craig is tots hawt! U should get sum ;)

You: Hell no! He is a total bastard. And defiantly a huge 1.

You heard. Snort over your shoulder, and turned mortified to a chuckling Craig.

"I'm glad I'm such a huge bastard." He said in his unusually attractive voice.
Dammit, he was trying to seduce you like all the other whores in the school.

You scowled and flipped him off, then went back to texting, covering your phone a bit more than usual.

You: OMGZ. He just saw our convo!

Wendy: Oh no! I hope he doesn't think u like him now, thanx to Bebe's hormones.

Bebe: I'm sooooo not a whore!

Wendy: I said hormones, Bebe -_-

Bebe: ooooo yeah right :)

You: AUGH he's being so annoying!

Craig kept flicking your hair back and forth, annoying you to no end.

You gritted your teeth and slapped his hand away.
"Dammit Craig, stop being such a fucktard!" You hissed.

"Hey, that's below the belt!" He whined, holding up his hands in mock defeat.

You rolled your eyes and turned off your phone. You loved Bebe and Wendy, but they could be annoying sometimes.

You just groaned and thumped your head on the table, listening to Mackey drone on and on. It was almost like a boring lullaby, and slowly you felt your eyelids grow heavier....

"DAMMIT (F/n)! STOP FALLIN ASLEEP WHEN IM LECTURING, M'KAY?" Yelled Mr. Mackey as you shot up, startled.

Your cheeks burned as everyone around you snickered.
"Yes Mr. Mackey..." You hissed as you silently cursed him out in your mind.

You felt a sudden hand grab your shoulder and turn you around.

"Sleepy much? Here, I've got some coffee from Tweek Bros. if you need some." Muttered Craig, handing you the familiar Java cup.

You took it while muttering a thanks and quickly downed it, loving the fresh buzz it gave you.
But then again, doesn't Craig hate you?
Your eyes widened as you set the coffee down and pushed it as far to the edge of the table as possible.

"You did something to it, didn't you?" You growled as your eyes squeezed to a glare.

He looked actually slightly shocked.
"Of course not! I just tried to be nice for once!"

You felt kinda bad for snapping at him, but no way in all hell were you going to admit it as your cheeks burned again.

He smirked and started playing with your hair again. And for some reason, this time you let him.

After a painful two hours after school, you and the others were finally allowed to leave as you all races or of the school, but you felt a hand ran your jacket hood, pulling you back.

"The fuck?" You groaned as you saw the familiar blue hat of Craig.

You rolled your eyes. "What do you want, fucking Tucker?"

He simply gave you the same emotionless look as always, until he grabbed you, pining you up against the wall, holding your hands above your head.

Your eyes widened.

He leaned in and suckled your neck, as you tried to suppress a moan.

"C-Craig stop... Your going to leave a mark..." You managing to get out.

He simply started going at your lips again.

You were so shocked at everything happening you didn't even question why this was taking place.

He grabbed your bottom and pulling you towards him as you pulled a leg around him instinctively.

"Why are you doing this, Craig?" You whispered.

He simply gave you a blank look. "Because I like how you think. You aren't like the other chicks in South Park, and aren't afraid to throw a punch."

He leaned in and kissed your ear. "And I'm going to make you mine. Show that you are mine."

He suckled your neck again, and this time you didn't even think about making him stop.



You looked in the mirror of the bathroom at school, the day after the ordeal. You tried applying make-up to all these hickies, but there they stayed, faded but defiant.

You sighed and stepped out of the bathroom, Craig suddenly there wrapping an arm around your waist.

As he walked you to your class, you couldn't help but blush as people stared at you and Craig, whispering in little groups.

And you couldn't help but smile that he was yours.

South Park x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now