The Choice

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Kyle x Cartman x Stan x Kenny x Reader
Wow, that was a mouthful!
Anyway, the story is the four boys fall for you.

Who will you pick?

Is there a lemon?

The world may never know >:)

Note, this may be the longest one-shot I've ever read. I mean, 4399 words!?

As per usual, the chatter in Mr. Garrisons class was loud and annoying, and as usual he didn't even try to quiet them down. It was really no use.
A loud rap at the door didn't even keep their voice level down.

Mr. Garrison signed, putting down his magazine before letting the knocker in, who turned out to be Mr. Mackey.

"Hey Mr. Mackey. Do you need to see Cartman again?" Asked the teacher, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his sweaty nose.

Mr. Mackey laughed and brought a hand down on Mr. Garrisons shoulder.
"Well you see here, m'kay, you have a new student."

The teacher gave a questioning look. "I wasn't informed I would be having any new brats."

"Well, it was a last minute decision, m'kay."

Mr. Garrison sighed, but he knew the drill. He stomped to the front of the class and pulled out his shrill whistle, and gave it a high tweet.

The kids in the class instinctively put their hands over their ears and cringed as the talking died down.

"Listen here you retards, you'll be having a new student. Don't be a retard to her as usual." The frustrated man said before motioning to Mr. Mackey to being the girl in.

Whispering erupted as the new kid walked in, and boy was she a thing to see.
She didn't look like any other girl in the class, maybe even South Park for that matter.
Her (H/l) (H/c) hair was loose and fell down her effortlessly. She wore a large gray hoodie, but somehow it fit her curves, and it matched perfectly with her ripped jeans.
She had in headphones and was obviously listening to music, and in one hand she held a bag of chips, occasionally popping one into her mouth.

This kid was you.

You see, you had come from New York after your mother wanted you to live somewhere peaceful, where you could be safe, but you desperately missed the city life, and even being in this little mountain town for a day already bored you.

Mr. Garrison took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Well, kid, tell us your name and a little about yourself.

You sighed and took an earphone out. "Well, the names (F/n). (F/n) (L/n). I'm from New York, and well, I like Terrance and Philip.

The whispering only seemed to get louder, but you only shrugged your shoulders and put the earphone back in.
The teacher held his chin and scanned the classroom.
"Well, why don't you go sit by Kyle over there."

A green hatted boy with a sheepish smile on his face shakily raised his hand, and you obediently went to the empty desk next to him.

"Hi, I'm Kyle." Whispered the red head next to you.

You popped another chip in your mouth and gave him a smile. "I'm (F/n). The pleasures all mine."

The boy grinned from ear to ear before turning his attention back to Mr. Garrison, who had resumed teaching.
The kids around you continued to stare, and your cheeks started to blush slightly. You felt eyes on every part of your body. Finally, you just put on your hood and stared strait ahead.

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