Rouge; Part 2

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Kyle x Reader

I'm just poppin' out these stories! Ya know, cause there is a thing called 'No Life Condition' and I happen to be a sufferer?
This is dedicated to terezitheseer. Got that new update for you! :D

Anyways, enjoy!

You felt your eyes start to peer open, caked with last nights mascara. You felt around the covers, seeking Kyle's warmth, only to find the cold sheets.

You sighed and propped yourself up on one hand, looking around the room.

Your bra, under-wear, and dress lay strewn about the floor, along with Kyle's fancy suit and tie.
You smiled with pure ecstasy remembering last night. You two fit perfectly together, melding as one in lust filled passion.

Your eyes strayed to a sticky note plastered on Kyle's pillow.
It was neat, formal handwriting. Kyle's of course.

My Queen, once you wake up, come to the Elven Forest. We must plan our attack on the humans.
P.S: Nice underwear ;P

You rolled your eyes but couldn't help laughing.
But your costume was all the way at your house, and no way you were wearing that damned dress back.

You got up and sifted through Kyle's closet, taking a pair of his jeans and an oversized t-shirt, pulling them on.

You final felt comfy again.

You quietly crept downstairs and out the door; after all, who knew if Kyle's parents or even Ike were home?

-5 Minutes Later-

As you walked down the streets, you defiantly attracted some stares from your classmates playing outside.
You felt a lift blush creep up your cheeks. It was kinda obvious these weren't yours; and it was extremely obvious they were Kyle's.

Once you got to your house, you ran inside and quickly put on your Stick of Truth outfit, finally out of these clothes.

You grinned as you applied blue face paint under your eyes and in designs over your arms.

You picked up your dagger and sheathed it.

You smirked at the thought of spilling human blood, and you blushed at the thought of seeing Kyle again.

As you ran to and entered the kingdom, everyone was oddly quiet around you, and would stare and whisper to their friends.

You couldn't figure out why. Unless...

"Kyle you stupid motherfucker!" You yelled outloud and stalked to the war tent where he and the rest of the high levels were planning.
(Yes, I know there isn't an actual war tent in the Elven Kingdom but I decided it would make it cooler :P)

You stopped just outside as you heard voices, deep in conversation.

"Dude! Just tell us what happened!" Begged a voice, which you instantly recognized as Stan.

"Y-Y-You were gone w-wh-when we were gonna steal so-som-some snacks from the Humans!" Stuttered Jimmy.

You heard Kyle's light chuckle. "Fine, fine. I'll tell you. Me and (F/n) did-"

He was cut off by you bursting into the tent, giving him the look of death.

"Um, never mind." He muttered, blushing a deep Crimson.

Stan and Jimmy looked at you with a slight shock. "Dude. DUDE." Yelled Stan with realization.

"You didn't..." Stan sat wide eyed, looking from you to Kyle.

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