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Butters x Reader

You sighed as you wiped another droplet of sweat from your forehead. You and every other person in South Park was appalled at the sudden heat wave, but many were taking advantage of the hot weather to go swimming, be outside, ect.

But not you.

You hated the sun.
It was too hot, it could give you fucking cancer, I mean, who wouldn't hate it?

But then again, you did agree to go to Bebe's pool party and you know she would bitch you out if you didn't go, so you knew you had a mission.

You did the final touches on your hair, a tight knit bun made with many tiny braids.
It made your neck and body look slimmer, making you look even better in your silver and green bikini.

You collapsed on your bed and sighed, running a hand over your forehead.

You felt your phone vibrate next to you, and you gave it a quick look.

Get out here bitch! We're gonna be late!

You sighed and rolled your eyes.
Cartman could be a little bastard sometimes, but he was nicer then he let people know.

You quickly tied a small cover up around your waist and headed out the door, waving to the guys as they drove up in Kyle's new car.

"Hey guys! What's up?" You asked as you ran up and sat down next to Kenny.

You didn't notice for the first while how they were all staring at you, mouths agape.

You rolled your eyes and folded your arms over your chest.
"You guys are gonna catch flies." You muttered.

Finally Stan smirked. "We can't help it if you look good in a bikini."

Kenny laughed and muffled out an agreement.

You simply glared and flipped them all off.
"Hit the gas, Jew boy." You chuckled.

"Hey, only I can call him Jew!" Yelled out Cartman. Hell, even he was checking you out.

Everyone laughed as you all set off to Bebe's house in the hot and humid weather.

Even from inside the house, (you had let yourselves in), you could hear the commotion and loud music from outside.

"Well I shouldn't say I didn't expect a big turn out." You muttered as you and the boys set off towards the back and onto the porch.

The pool was completely filled with people, and the porch was alive with people making out, eating, or drinking.

And you couldn't help but blush as a lot of the male eyes made their way to you.

You felt yourself start to sweat at the heat from being outside, so you decided you needed a dip.
"Hey, Stan, I bet I could dive lower then you could." You smirked as Stan made a mock look of disbelief.

"In your dreams." He laughed as you two ran towards the pool, jumping in.
The cool water flooded around you as you smiled slightly at the coolness.

You slowly bobbed to the surface. When you got there, you took big gulps of air, laughing at Stan who had obviously come up earlier than you.

"I win!" You yelled out, splashing him.

He smirked and rolled his eyes, turning his attention to the other three that haven't gotten in yet.

"Cmon, you pussies!" You yelled.

Kenny quickly stripped off his jacket, his blonde hair bouncing about.
"Hey, if I get some, I may come in." He smirked as he ran over to you, jumping in as he splashed water all over you.

Kyle did the same, while Cartman just lowered himself in.

You screamed in surprise as Kenny grabbed your legs underwater and pulled you onto his shoulders.

"Dammit Kenny!" You playfully slapped at him.

"Chicken fight!" Yelled some boy in the pool with you.

Soon almost every guy had someone girl on their shoulders, as the girls attempted to knock one another off.

You quickly were battling with some dumb looking blonde, and she was quickly overpowered by you.

Soon, after you had become the reigning champion, you flipped off Kenny's shoulders into the cold water.

As soon as you resurfaced, You were splashed with water.
"Oi, Fatass!" You laughed as you splashed Cartman back.

Throughout the day, you swam, were hit on, and drank till your head blurred. But you didn't care.

You were having fun, after all.

Soon, then sun fell as night set in, but Bebe's porch lights made it look just like it was day.

Finally, you were exhausted and tired of swimming, so you got out to get some food.

You made your way to the buffet and loaded up your plate with every thing you saw, and headed inside where it was cooler.

You were semi surprised when only one person was there; little Butters Stoch.
Your heart fluttered for a moment. When you two were in Elementary School, you had the biggest crush on him. How sweet he was, how kind, it all fit together.

But after he moved to a different school, you didn't see him much at all, but he had obviously matured over the years. He had shaggy blond hair, with large muscles and abs.

You took a seat next to him, catching him off guard.
"Hey, Butters. Do you remember me?" You asked as you bit into a piece of pizza.

He studied your face for a moment then smiled in a realization.
"Oh yeah! Your (F/n) from elementary school."

You smiled and nodded gently.
"How have you been, Butters?"

He simply shrugged.
"Good I guess."

"How's your new fancy school?"

"Good too. Just kinda boring. And everyone there only wants to screw and party."

You laughed and took a sip of beer.
"Well, most people in high school want to do that. It's good that you have stayed your sweet self though."

You felt a blush rise to your cheeks as he stared at you almost lovingly.

He cleared his throat and looked away. "Well, I've tried. Anyway, how have you been?"

You told him of all your stories after he had left, past boyfriends, everything. He just sat and listened to you, occasionally laughing and nodding.

You felt your eyes start to droop as you grew more and more tired.
"I really shouldn't have drank this much." You muttered, slurring slightly.

He gave you a tender look and patted your arm. "I can take you home if you want."

You nodded and leaned against his arm.
He smiled sadly and scooped you up effortlessly.

You leaned into him and sacked his smell as he took you out to his car and set off to your home.

Once you arrived, he picked you right up again and took you inside.

You waved him away as he tried to set you down on the couch. "No no... Just hold me..." You whispered and nuzzled more into him.

He sighed and sat down on the couch, you in his lap.

You opened your eyes and smiled at him. He leaned in out of the blue and set a tender kiss on your lips.

You didn't have time to even react before you fell asleep.

When you woke up, he was gone with a whisper.


Yes yes, this one sucks but I wanted some new content out.

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