Beauty and the Beast

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Damien x Slave Reader

It's how life always was for you. Make sure your 'master' was happy, healthy, and satisfied. You were taught that straight from birth, and it most likely would be your golden rule till the day you died.

You always wanted to be free. Leave this dark and dingy castle where so many before you had died, and go live in the beautiful forest beyond, or in a town far far away. Maybe then you could marry someone, or have children, hell, maybe even start up that bakery you always fantasized about.
You had to admit, you made pretty damn good pastries.

Of course, you had never actually seen a town, or the land beyond the forest and the castle, but you had read about them in books secretly. It sounded almost like a fairy tale... You wondered if people were happy there.

"(F/n)!" Barked that voice you had grown to hate with a burning passion. Trying not to grimace, you stopped your day dream and dropped the dirty sponge in your hands back into the soapy bucket.

"Yes master?" The words came easy to you now, like a weird instinct. But it didn't mean you had to like saying them.

Turning ever so slightly, you gazed up at your so called master. His hair was wavy and Raven black, most likely from sleep, his Crimson eyes burning down on you. He wore nothing but a thick black robe, exposing his muscled chest.
Yes, he was a very handsome man. And yes, he had no problem sleeping with the other slave girls because of it.

His eyes bore down into the very pits of your eyes, almost angered by your bored expression. How could you, a lowly slave girl, even dare to not drop at his feet and beg for even his eyes to look upon you.

There was a few things Damien didn't like.
1.) People not obeying him
2.) Kenny McCormick; a flirtatious slave boy who frequently slept with the other slaves; no matter the gender. Why he doesn't like him? That's a story for another time. But it does involve waking up with him half naked in Damien's chambers.
3.) People ignoring him.

It took all Damien had not to yell or hit you. Unlike the other servants, you were a quiet and proud girl with a head full of dreams. The rest had just, given up hope. But not you.
With your (H/c), (H/l) hair thrown into a messy bun, your beautiful (E/c) eyes scanning everything, he had to suppress a shudder when you looked him straight in his own eyes; a ballsy move on your part.

But of course he would never let you know that.

"Why were my sheets all wrinkly this morning?" He said in a low but very dangerous voice.

Your bored look didn't waver. At all. And it pissed him off even more.

"Well, sir-"

"Slave, you must call me master. I thought I had gotten it through that thick head of yours!"

You winced at his scolding, and your bored look turned into a glare.
"Well, master, I must not have ironed them well enough. Please, let me redo the job." You spat with venom. Most slaves didn't even have the nerve to talk to him, but for you to talk to the Damien in that way, it was unheard of!

Finally, he had had enough of you. Ripping you up by your hair, which he felt slightly guilty for and didn't know why, he pinned you against the wall as you cried in pain.

Looking up with teary and wide eyes, you squeaked at the closeness at which your faces were in. He smelled oddly like... Peppermint.

"Listen girl." He took your face in his hands and squeezed tightly, making you once again squeal in pain. "I am your master. I was your mothers master. I was your grandmothers master. And you will give me the respect I deserve, or you will be punished!"

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