kerstin casparji - exhausting

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You love your girlfriend , the whole team loved you girlfriend . You had never come across anyone who had anything bad to say about her . But then with you saying that there was something that most likely everybody would say about her . Not that they would say it to her face however , they liked her so much .
But sometimes i had to agree with them and say that sometimes and only sometimes kerstin could be a tiny bit exhausting. And i could also tell that today was going to be just one of those days .

Me and kerstin always had this going where on one of our days off i would plan a day for us and then the next time we have one off kerstin would plan it . Today was a day off that she was going to be planning and let's just say that they were always pretty full on .

It was currently around 7.30 am and because it was our day off so ofcourse i was still in bed however kerstin was not .
Ever since i had woken up this morning kerstin was already out of bed and nowhere to be seen . But knowing her she was probably already up , dressed and ready for the day she had planned .
And i mean at this point i wasn't even surprised because it was what she did everytime she had something exciting ahead .
Just as i was relaxing in my bed , minding my own business but then all of sudden in comes a very engertic kerstin jumping directly on me .
" come on love you need to get up now we are on a very tight schedule " kerstin says pouting like a five year old .
" not yet give me five more minutes kiki " i say speaking softly and using my nickname for her .

Let's just say that kerstin was not happy with my answer whatsoever . She showed this through her reaction of ripping the duvet right off from me . I was now layed in bed , without my duvet i was stuck in the freezing cold air .
At this point i knew that i had lost this battle and she wasn't going to take no for an answer so i guess i was going to be forced to get out of bed and get ready .
Once i was ready , i headed on downstairs to see breakfast already all layed out on the table , and she even made my favourite. But then i realised that there was only one plate on the table which confused me .
" why is there only one plate " i questioned kerstin .
" because i have already eaten mine so chop chop we have a lot to do today " kerstin said sounding so serious

However i did what she told me to and quickly ate my breakfast before we were up and out the door .
As soon as we got into her car i was trying to get it out of kerstin where we would actually be going but she was having none of it . She was determined to keep her whole day a surprise so i guess i was just going to have wait and see .
Around ten minutes later we pulled up at our first destination for the day and let's just it isn't much of a surprise . I mean i shouldn't really be surprised that kerstin brought me to the sea life here in manchester , she had brought us here multiple times this year already .
But it was worth it because you got to see her at her happiest  exploring all of the animals which she loved . Especially the sharks , for some reason she was obsessed with sharks .

As we started to venture around  the  aquarium it was so nice to see kerstin so passionate about something which wasn't football . I loved this side of her .
Well that was until she saw the sharks and she just ran off .
Then for some reason i found myself running after her , trying to catch up .
Once i finally caught up to her i let out a huge sigh of frustration due to the fact that she has just made me run half away across the aquarium chasing after her .
" kerstin can you please not run away again , it's exhausting " i sigh
However i don't think that she was really listening because when i didn't get a reply i looked towards her to see her sitting down on the floor crossed-legged staring up at the shark moving infront of her .
It just makes me chuckle how she can act so much like a child at the age of 23 . I mean majority of the kids here were behaving better than she was .

All of a sudden kerstin was off running again because she noticed another two sharks located at the end of the corridor .
So here i found myself chasing her across the aquarium once again and let's just say i looked pretty stupid running through the aquarium.
Thankfully though when i eventually reached kerstin that we had finally come to the end of the aquarium tour and we could finally leave .
" kerstin why don't we go and sit in the cafe and get something to eat " i say trying to get her away from the sharks because it feels as if we have been here for ages .
Kerstin looks at me and then looks back at the shark tank infront of her . She then lets out a big sigh before opening her mouth to be speak .
" fine , i'll come " she replies begrudgingly.

As we ordered our food and found a place to sit i could tell that there was something that she was thinking about .
" you alright darling " i ask which takes her out of little daze .
" huh erm yeah i am fine thanks , i'm just going to go to the toilets quickly " she randomly says .
" okay be quick though , i think the food will be here soon " i say but it am being honest i don't think she heard me because she rushed off towards the toilet already .
Shortly after the waiter came over putting both of our plates down on the table .
I delayed myself starting my food for a couple of minutes to see if kerstin would turn up but she was taking a little longer than i expected so i just tucked in .

When i was nearly done with my food i realised that kerstin was still not back from the toilet and knowing her she had probably gone off and found the sharks again so i decided to give her a ring .
As i let my phone dial there was still no answer from her , well that was until i saw her waltz back into the food court with something obviously hidden behind her back .
Once she got close enough to me i could  tell that she had a cheeky grin on her face .
" what have you done now " i sigh
Kerstin doesn't reply to me but instead she reveals what she was hiding behind her back .
And at this point i really should of expected what she whipped out from behind her back .
And the whole time i thought she was just taking forever in the toilet she was actually wondering off to
the gift shop .
To buy a massive teddy shark .

" y/n , y/n look what i brought " kerstin says whilst waving her shark around in my face .
" yeah i can see , why don't you eat up then we can head on home " i say sounding clearly exhausted.
Although we had had a very busy day today already kerstin was still bouncing off the walls with excitement.
It was almost like the only thing they could actually drain her energy was football and anything else just didn't effect her .
Finally after what felt like ages kerstin had finshed and we could start to make the journey back home .
Today i will just be forever grateful that i agreed to let kerstin take her car because it meant that i could just wind down on the way home .

As soon as we got home i went and found and comfy spot on the sofa for me to close my eyes and relax .
It wasn't long before i was sound asleep .
Boy could she be exhausting sometimes .

hope you enjoy 💗

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