A night guest

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While packing Alyssa heard a knock on her door, before someone came in, closing the door behind them.
She didn't need to look at who it was, she already knew.
The person came up behind her, sitting down on the ground with her, nuzzling his head in her brown locks as she continued packing.
"What are you packing for?"
"I'm going south with you, Robert asked my father to be his hand, means you'll see more of me from now on." She said, smiling as she turned to him, losing herself in his eyes for a moment.
"How do i deserve this?" He chuckled as he gave her a quick kiss.
She closed her eyes, not wanting to let go of the feeling of his lips against hers, but it was over again too soon as she moved forward, not wanting to let him go again. He chuckled, taking her face in his hands, "eager tonight aren't we?"
Alyssa rolled her eyes at him, turning her back to him again, "whatever."
She smiled as she leaned her head back, looking at him again,
"Why did you come here Jaime? It's late, someone could've seen you."
"Simply wanted to see you, you seemed to ignore me today, not very nice of you, lady Stark."
"I guess that's how you treat a secret lover" Alyssa said, before she finished packing and put her stuff away.
"We need to be careful when my father is around, he loves me, and won't be mad at you, but i think i remember telling you what he did to my last lover."
"You mean the guy who was enslaving people? What was his name again...? Jorah mormont?"
"Yes, which was also the reason i stopped sleeping with him, but the main reason my father had to make Sure he could never return to kingslanding was Jorahs afair with me, my father did not like it at all." She said as she walked back over to jaime who had stood up by now.
"Don't worry, he won't catch us." He said, moving his arms around her hips as she wrapped her hands around his neck, before he kissed her again.

As Alyssa awoke the next morning, jaime still next to her she got up, starting to dress herself, not realising that jamie had woken up as well.
"No cuddles this morning?" He looked at her, pouting a little.
"We are not in kings landing, and not in your rooms, my maids could walk in any minute, seeing you naked in my bed won't keep this secret." She walked over to him giving him a quick kiss.
"Get dressed, they'll be here soon."

A few minutes later Alyssa's maids came into the room, stunned as they saw Ser Jaime Lannister talking to the lady Stark.
"He's here because i requested it" Alyssa said upon her maids entrance "that's all ser Jaime, again, thank you for offering your help with my things." She smiled as she looked back to Jaime, trying her best to not keep looking at him too long.
"It's not a problem my lady, i will see you later." With that jaime left, leaving Alyssa alone with her maids.

Walking through the courtyard, Alyssa looked at the place she called home, it won't be that for a long time now, she knew that.
"Ally!" She suddenly heard the voice of her youngest sister, Arya.
"What is it Arya?" Alyssa asked, looking at her sister.
"Father wishes to see you in the godswood."
Alyssa nodded, before heading where Arya said her father was waiting for her.
"You asked for me?"
Ned looked at her, a little surprised, but he smiled at her.
"I did, come, sit," He waited until she sat down beside him "Robert told me you spoke with him last night, that you do not want us to leave to the south"
"I did, and that's true yes."
"Why? You always seemed so happy when you came back from there, i thought you'd be happy to spend more time in kings landing."
"It's not safe for us there, we don't belong there, i like visiting it, yes, but I cannot imagine calling it my home, especially not for a longer time than a few weeks." She looked at her father, she knew he already said yes,he can't refuse Robert, and she had already packed everything she needed, she knew her father better than most, they were much alike, but quietly, she was still begging him not to leave, but she couldn't change it, their fate was already decided.
"I know that ally, i know you like it here, so do I, it's home, but Robert needs me, you understand why i needed to say yes don't you?"
"Yes, I understand, but you have done so much for him already, you risked your life for him! You left me and mother alone to fight his rebellion, you left me alone with a woman that hates me more than anything, and you did that for him, and i can understand that, he's like a brother to you, but you don't owe him to do what you're doing now, you have every right to refuse him, you know that."
"I know, and I'm sorry for what I've put you through, that's why i won't leave you alone with her again, come on now, we will leave soon."

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