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Over the next few days, Tywin tried to talk to alyssa, but she found reasons why she didn't have the time to talk to him, she was still mad, she didn't want to be mad, not at him, she saw the way he looked at her, and whenever she walked into a room full of people, he was the first she searched for, but she was too proud to just forgive him.

While all of these Things happened, she didn't know who to talk to about it, her sister would judge her for it, so she went to King Robert, he was alive, tho the maesters didn't know for how long. Alyssa talked to him often, whenever she couldn't talk about her problems with anyone else, so she talked to him about Tywin. She knew she had fallen for him, but something inside of her wouldn't let it show, wouldn't let her go up to him and show him what she felt, she couldn't, and she couldn't talk to anyone.

But because she needed advice she went to Margaery after talking to Robert, they were walking through the gardens, talking about all kinds of things until they fell into silence.
"What is that between you and lord tywin?" Margaery suddenly asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone can see the way you look at each other when you think nobody is looking. People talk, ally, and the queen is not happy about it. So, i want to know what it is between you two."
"It's nothing margaery, he's a Lannister, they killed half my family."
"And yet you look at him as if he is the only person who could keep you safe. So tell me, do you love him?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I'd be his if he asked. Yes, his family and my family are not at ease with each other, and i know cersei would rather see me dead than with her father, she wouldn't allow it. know...forbidden things do have a secret charm." She grins a little, maybe alyssa had been visiting the lord on some lonely nights of hers, maybe they were just acting as if they were still not talking to each other.

The nights know their secrets, that they hide so perfectly in the morning.

Later that day she walked through the castle to the chambers of the hand, a walk she had done more and more these past few nights.
When she arrived she knocked and smiled as the familiar voice spoke for her to enter. She closed the door behind her, smiling at Tywin. He was sitting at his desk like he'd always do when she arrived. Looking up he gave her a small smile. Something he'd so rarely do around other people, but for her, for her he would do anything.

Lord Tywin got up from his chair and walked over to her.
"Lonely again, my lady?" He asked, a grin on his face as she rolled her eyes.
"Do I need a reason to want to see you?" She asked, butterflies in her stomach as she saw him smile.
"No, you don't." He put his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him.
Alyssa looked up at him, staring with her blue silver eyes into his green golden ones, she was a true stark, and he was a proud Lannister, it was so impossible for them to be with each other, that all they could was love the other. And if two People cannot stay away from each other, maybe they are meant to be.
Alyssa put her hands on Tywin's chest, she'd gotten lost in his eyes, it was something she loved. She only broke the eye contact by closing her eyes when he leaned in to kiss her. It was something so rare, and it did something to her all these little touches and glances throughout the day couldn't do.

They were lying in his bed that night, normally alyssa would leave, but tywin wouldn't let her go tonight.
"Do you think this could work?" Alyssa asked after minutes of silence.
Tywin didn't answer, he nuzzled his face in her hair, pulling her closer to him. Alyssa knew he heard her, so she continued, "i know, I'm a stark, you're a Lannister, and i know you've got children who are even older than i am but..." Alyssa turned around, looking at him,as she put her hand on his cheek, "what i have with you I don't want with anyone else. I want the side of you, you don't show anyone else," alyssa waited, no response, she knew Tywin wasn't one to trust easily, or to show his feelings to anyone, but she wanted that from him, "i love you, Tywin Lannister, and i know i shouldn't, but you're all i want, you're far from perfect, and i know that, it's what everyone tells me, but i don't care about them, all i want, is you, please, answer me."
"I loved you the moment i laid eyes on you Ally, i knew you'd be my downfall, but you're mine, and i hate the idea of anyone else having you, i didn't think i could love again after joana, but here I am, loving you," He smiled, he knew Alyssa couldn't see it, but that didn't matter. He took her hand in his, kissing it, "and I'm gonna be honest, I'm scared as hell to want you Alyssa, but here i am, wanting you anyway. I do not care what my children or any stupid lord or lady thinks, you're mine, and everything about you is so fucking addictive, I couldn't do anything else but want you." With that he kissed her again.

The next morning as Alyssa left his chambers, trying to get to her chambers unnoticed, she had to run into the one person she didn't want to see, Cersei.
"What were you doing in my father's chambers at this hour?"
"Apologies, your grace, but i don't think that's any of your business."
"I don't care if you whore around with all the lords in Westeros, but you will not do the same with my father."
"What i have with lord Tywin, is far from what i have with anyone else." Alyssa said, glaring at Cersei.
"Are you seriously this stupid? Do you think he loves you?" Cersei rolled her eyes, "he doesn't, all he wants from you, is the north, because that's the only good thing you'd bring him, maybe it's because you're young, or because you're beautiful, but trust me, that's no love, he has no love, for anyone."
"You know nothing of your father's love, maybe he didn't love you, your Grace, but he loves me, and maybe you just weren't worthy of his love." And with that Alyssa left, as Cersei went to her father's chambers, storming inside without even knocking.
Tywin looked up at her, annoyed.
"What do you want? Have you forgotten how to Knock?"
"Seriously father? The stark girl? Tell me it's just because you want to secure the north."
"It's none of your business Cersei, if that's what you want to talk about you can leave, i have work to do."
"You seriously can't be that stupid," Cersei said, walking closer to her father's desk, "do you love her? A stark? Why?"
"I told you, it is none of your business." Tywin got more annoyed by the second, and also angrier, he glared at his daughter.
"She is younger than your own children!"
"Get out."
"You cannot mean to love someone like her, she's a little brat who got everything given to her when she asked for it!"
"Well maybe my mistake was doing the same with you!" Tywin was at his breaking point, he got up, still glaring at her, "get out!"
Cersei just gave him a disapproving look and left.

Hours went by until alyssa went back to his chambers, letting herself in, he just looked up, upon seeing it was her he returned to his work.
"So, Cersei figured it out hm?" Alyssa said, she didn't know if he was angry, and she most certainly didn't want to trigger it.
Alyssa nodded and sat down opposite him.
After a few minutes of silence she spoke up again.
"Maybe i should leave, you have work to do." Alyssa got up, and made her way across the room to the door, "stay."

She smiled, and went back to her place opposite him.
"Why are you here Alyssa?" He looked up at her.
"Well the queen knows, so i thought there was no need to hide...this, anyway, whatever it is." She said, noticing that he stopped working.
"I do not mean to distract you my Lord."
"You're the best distraction i could ask for," he gave her a small smile, "and you're right, there's no need to hide anything anymore, they wouldn't dare to judge us anyway." They smiled at each other. They were meant to be.

He was her warmth, she was his peace.

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