the devil is such a heavenly lover

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Tywin sat in his chair in the small council chamber as the members of the small council took their place at the table.
"Why did you want to see us so urgently father?" Cersei looked at Tywin, clearly annoyed.
"Because i wanted to discuss something with you."
"And what would that be, my lord?" Lord Baelish asked.
"My wedding, lord Baelish."
"Wedding?" Tyrion said, looking at his father, as Cersei stood up.
"You don't mean to marry the stark girl do you!?"
"Yes i do, sit down," he stood up as well now and waited until cersei was seated again, "we will marry in two weeks time."
"That is pretty urgent i don't think we have the money to host a wedding, with Joffrey's own wedding coming up soon which will probably be very expensive." Tyrion said, not that he had a problem with his father and Alyssa getting married, but the crown was in debt.
"I'm the richest man in Westeros, you think i can't afford my own wedding?" Tywin stated, "that is all for today, you can leave." He sat down again, watching as they left.

Alyssa was on her way to Tywin's chambers when Cersei came up to her.
"Your Grace, you look upset, what's the problem?" Alyssa asked, not that she was concerned, but every now and then you had to act like you care.
"Do you think my father is going to marry you because he loves you?!" Cersei glared at Alyssa, "he doesn't, all he wants is the north, he can't love anyone and you should've listened to me when i told you that the first time lady stark. As soon as you're married all you're good for are children and a little fun every now and then. My father may act like he cares about you but he doesn't."
"I'm sorry, married? What do you mean by that?"
"Oh he hasn't even talked to you about it?"
"Well we talked about marriage but, i didn't think that he would set a date soon."
"Well it's in two weeks, and after that, all you will be is the old lions little wolf pet." Cersei smirked, walking past Alyssa who had a grin on her face, looking after Cersei.
"Your grace," Cersei stopped looking at the younger woman, "maybe I'd like to be his pet," Alyssa walked up to Cersei, "because all i want is him, yes, i love him, and i know how cold he can be, but I don't care." She whispered, a smile on her lips.
"What do you see in him?"
"Everything you don't," Alyssa smiled at her, "tell me, your Grace, have you ever seen hell in someone's eyes and loved it anyway? But remember, a wolf will never be a pet." Alyssa looked at her, Cersei didn't say anything, she just turned around and left. Alyssa smiled to herself and made her way to Tywin's chambers, slipping inside without knocking.
"You didn't tell me we were getting married." She chuckled as she walked to him.
"Who told you?" He looked up at her for a second before returning to his work.
"Cersei, along with the usual *he doesn't love you, he just wants you for the north and children* whatever," she rolled her eyes sitting down on his bed close to his work desk, "so, when were you gonna tell me?"
"Later today."
"Great," she laid down looking at the ceiling, "you're gonna work the whole evening?"
She just nodded, getting up again.
That was the first time he really looked up at her, noting the beautiful dark red dress she was wearing along with the golden jewelry, usually she'd always wear silver jewelry.
"Where are you going?"
"For a walk, you're busy Anyways," She looked at him, a small smile on her lips, "you can join me of course." She was giving him a hopeful look but he returned to his work just as fast as he had looked up at her.
"I need to finish this, maybe tomorrow, okay dear?" But when he looked up again she was already gone.

Alyssa went on her usual walk through the gardens when her sister came up to her.
"Sansa, is everything okay?"
"You're gonna marry him? Not that you're already fucking him but now you're gonna marry that monster?!"
"Alright calm down Sansa-"
"No! You can't marry him ally! You can't give him the north! His family killed half of our family!"
"I know that sansa, but we can't change what our heart wants. I love him, can't you be happy for me?"
"Either you're blind for loving him, or you're just as much of a monster as he is! You can't forgive him for that! I know you're not as bad as him please! Tell him you won't marry him!"
Alyssa took her sister's hands in her own, looking into Sansa's eyes.
"Oh my sweet sister," one of Alyssa's hands came up to caress her sister's cheek, "only a monster can deal with another monster. But Tywin isn't one, neither am i. And i haven't forgiven him, for any of those actions, but it doesn't weaken my love for him. I know being surrounded by all those lions is hell for you but i don't know why-"
"You can't keep dancing with the devil and ask why you're still in hell Alyssa, Tywin Lannister is the devil, you know it, but you keep denying it!"
Alyssa chuckled, "why crawl out of hell when the devil is such a heavenly lover my dear sister?" She smiled, "you're so much like mother, but the worst thing you got from her was your hatred for me and each and every one of my actions. You mean the world to me sansa, you're my little sister, I'd do anything for you, but why do you gotta be so disapproving all the time?"
"Because you disgrace our house! You're marrying a Lannister!"
"If i recall correctly that was always your dream wasn't it? To marry your sweet joffrey? I marry Tywin because i love him, but also because it gives me more power, and with him behind me, your precious joffrey wouldn't dare to lie a finger on you." Alyssa smiled, kissed Sansa's forehead and continued on her walk.

She returned to Tywin's chambers later that night before dinner.
"I'm sorry for how i acted earlier," he said, walking up to her, "i know that you hate it when i prioritize work over you."
He put his hands on her hips smiling down at her. "Can you forgive me my dear?"
Alyssa chuckled, "of course my love." She put her hands on his chest, looking up at him, "do we need to eat dinner with your family? I do not wish to leave these chambers anymore today."
"Well, They won't be happy, but i think we can stay here for the rest of tonight."
"Good, because this dress is getting really uncomfortable," she grinned stepping a few steps away from her, reaching behind her to open the laces of her dress, letting it fall to the ground, the cold air of the night hitting her exposed skin as she walked close to him again wrapping her arms around his neck as he looked at her, moving his hands over her body to her hips, and down her spine, looking at her lips hungrily.
"Kiss me." She whispered, looking up at him. "You always order me about." He chuckled.
"Kiss me." She said again.
"As you wish, my lady," he smiled, "but if i do, i might not be able to stop." He grinned as she tried to pull him down to kiss him.
"God, you're such an idiot." She rolled her eyes.
"But you love me anyway." He grinned kissing her, growling against her lips.

It was late at night as they were lying in bed, tywin was already asleep, resting his head on Alyssa's chest as she smiled down at him.
After a short while she stood up, careful not to wake him and went out onto the balcony overlooking the city.
She didn't hear him get out of bed, only realising he was awake when his arms wrapped around her from behind and he lightly kissed her shoulders and neck.
"Why are you not in bed my love?"
"I couldn't sleep," She leaned back against him, "I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry."
"Don't, it's not your fault." He smiled, the night was nearly over and the sky started to turn into a beautiful red as they watched the sun rise over the city.
"Let's get back to bed my love." He smiled, walking back to the bed with her, as she lied down he lay down next to her, resting his head on her lap, and like every night they spend together, the monster in him falls asleep as he rests his head in her lap.

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