a wedding and an old friend

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Note: I'm terribly sorry for letting you guys wait so long for new chapters, so i wrote two for you guys, enjoy!

Two weeks later alyssa was standing in Front of the doors of the royal sept in a beautiful red dress, waiting for her cue to walk inside.

When the cue came she made her way inside, past all the ladies and lords that have come to watch her and Tywin get married.
She looked up to where tywin was Standing, seeing him smile at her, it was probably the first time anyone in these halls have seen him smile that way, expect for Alyssa, she got to see that smile every day.

When she arrived he took her hands in his, still smiling at her, "you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen my little wolf." Tywin whispered to her, she smiled as they turned to the septon.

"We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," he turned his attention to Tywin, "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection."

Tywin took the cloak with the Lannister sigil and put it around Alyssa's shoulders as she turned to him again, smiling at him again.

Tywin takes Alyssa's hands again, looking at the septon, while he ties their hands with a ribbon, speaking, ""Let it be known that Alyssa of house Stark and Tywin of house Lannister are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words."

Tywin looked back at Alyssa, ""Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..." they spoke together before Tywin started, "I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," He smiled at Alyssa before she continued the vows, "I am his and he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days," she smiled at Tywin.

"With this kiss, i pledge my love." Tywin spoke, cupping her face with his hands before he kissed her, as she moved her arms around his neck the crowd applauded and a few moments later they broke the kiss, still smiling.

After that came the feast, with lots of food and drink. Alyssa was quite happy and chatted with a lot of people, while Tywin mostly watched her from their table, wanting her to stay close to him, she was his now, even though she told him she was his before the wedding, now it was official, and he didn't like the thought of her being away From him for too long.
As the night went on they danced and had an amazing time, until all the lords and ladies went to bed and Tywin and Alyssa went back to their chambers.
"You seemed like you enjoyed yourself." Tywin said, smiling at Alyssa as he closed their door behind him.
"I did, it was fun, but people thought it was rude that you didn't talk to many People." She said, as she sat down and opened up her hair letting it fall down over her shoulders.
"I didn't like that you were constantly away from me, and talking to anyone would mean i couldn't concentrate on what you were doing." He picked up her hairbrush and stood behind her, brushing her hair.
"Is that how it's going to be now? You're gonna watch me at all times?" She chuckled as she looked at him.
"Just during events."
"You usually don't pay much attention to me during events." She turned her head again, letting it fall back to rest against the chair as she let out a small sigh.
"I love it when you brush my hair, you need to do that more often." She smiled as she closed her eyes, hearing him chuckle behind her.
"Whatever my wife wants," He smiled down at her, "come on now my love, let us get to bed."
Alyssa got up again starting to take off her wedding dress as Tywin went to stand behind her, helping her with her corset.
"Thank you my love." She smiled.

The next morning Alyssa woke up to Tywin not being next to her, she knew that he wouldn't go too far, so she got up and got dressed, walking into the room next door which was his study, finding him behind his desk.
"Leaving your wife alone in your bed right after getting married?" She chuckled. He looked at her, smiling.
"Good morning to you too."
Alyssa walked up to him and sat down on his lap, cuddling up to him.
"I've got to work my darling."
"You can work, I'm just gonna stay right where i should be."
She said, resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

A few hours later Alyssa was getting annoyed, Tywin had been working the whole time, and she wanted to really spend time with him, not just sit there while he worked.

"Can we go for a walk in the gardens?"
"I told you darling, i need to work."
"Pleaseee, before they put everything up for Joffrey's wedding, please Tywin."
"Fine, but not for too long."
"Jay! Thank you honey." She kissed his cheek and got up as he chuckled and shook his head.
"Why am i so weak when it comes to you?"
"Because you love me, my lion." She grinned as he walked up to her and captured her soft lips with his own.
"That's true, i love you." He smiled.

When they were walking through the gardens they arrived at a point where you can watch over blackwater bay, they stood there watching until someone came up behind them.

"My lord, my lady."
Alyssa and Tywin turned around and Alyssa smiled.
"Oberyn!" She let go of Tywin's arm and went up to the red viper, hugging him.
"We haven't seen each other in years!" She smiled and so did oberyn, it annoyed Tywin but he kept his face cold, not letting his jealousy show.
"It's true my lady, it's been years, and you've gotten even more beautiful." Oberyn smiled, kissing her hand.
Tywin walked up to them, "are you two old friends?"
"Well yes, in some way." Oberyn said, grinning at Tywin.
"Really? Alyssa never told me."
"I'm Sure she had her reasons not to."
They were glaring at each other until alyssa cleared her throat to get the men's attention.
"How about we go somewhere where we can sit and talk?" She smiled at them, they both agreed and the three of them went somewhere else, to sit down.

When they sat down servants brought them wine and fruits.

"So, how long have you and my wife known each other?"
"Quite a while, back when i met her she wasn't a fan of marriage."
"So I've heard, well, i guess she changed her mind about it."
Tywin was watching Alyssa the whole time, realising she was stressed, and drinking more wine than she usually would.
"Are you alright my lady?" Tywin asked, concern showing in his voice.
"I'm fine my love, don't worry." She gave him a quick smile before returning her attention to the food in front of her.
Oberyn looked at Alyssa for a moment before he let out a small laugh.
"You haven't told him, have you ally?"
Alyssa glared at him, "no, and he doesn't need to find out now," She hissed.
"Find out what?" Tywin said, his voice was stern and he did not look happy.
"Forgive me my lord, but did your wife ever tell you about the men she used to sleep with before you?"
"She did, it's not like it was a big secret."
"Well, are you sure she told you about everyone?"
"I used to think so, yes," he looked at alyssa who looked annoyed and stressed again, "but now I'm not so sure. Why?"
"Did she happen to mention me when talking about it?"
"That's it!" Alyssa stood up suddenly, "why do you need to bring that up?! You know very well that your families hate each other, why oberyn?! Are you jealous?! Or what is it?! I'm happy for once in my life! You don't need to ruin that for me do you?!" With that she left, heading towards the keep.
Tywin looked at oberyn, "what happened between you two? And i don't mean the sex, i mean why she is so easily so mad at you, usually she's able to keep her anger inside."
"I know the reasons my lord, but maybe you should ask your wife about it." Oberyn grinned again and left.

Tywin headed to his chambers, which he now shared with Alyssa, upon entering he found her on their bed, reading one of her favourite books.
"I'm not mad at you ally, but please talk to me about it." He sat next to her on the bed, but she kept quiet.
"Look, darling, I'm here if you wanna talk, or if you don't want to, but I'm here for you, alright?" He looked at her, and finally she looked back at him.
"It's a complicated story..." she said, saddnes in her voice.
"I'm listening." He said, taking her hand to make sure she knew that he wasn't mad.

"Oberyn and i, we weren't just lovers, at least not from my view, i fell in love with him, he made me happy, happier than I've ever been before him and i wanted to be by his side at all times, but when i told him he kind of just laughed in my face and introduced me to ellaria, told me that he loved her and not me." She stopped for a moment, fighting back the tears that came with all the memories. "I accept it, I wanted him to be happy, that's what you do when you love someone, you want to see them happy," she smiled a little and looked up at him, "I stayed friends with him, but i never returned to dorne, i couldn't face him, and when he brought the whole thing up i just felt all of the betrayal again, all of the emotions from all those years ago," she looked away again, "i made sure I'd never fall in love with one of my lovers again, well, until i met you," she sighed before looking at him again, "and now i have you, as my husband, and you make me the happiest woman in the seven kingdoms, and i love you Tywin Lannister, more than anything."

Tywin smiled at her before kissing her softly, "i know my love, and i love you too."

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