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After endless weeks on horseback, they arrived in kingslanding, exhausted and tired. Alyssa rode next to sandor clegane behind her father and Jaime.
"Same as you remember it?" Sandor asked, looking at Alyssa, the two had become close over the last few weeks, and while most are scared of him, Alyssa likes his presence, preferring it over the presence of cersei or joffrey.
"What should change? Same horrible dmell, and probably the same poor condition of the people, and still the same ignorance from us Highborn, i wish i could change it, but Cersei won't let me out of her sight whenever I'm here." She said, rolling her eyes.

As they arrived, Ned's men brought him, Arya and sansa to their chambers while Jaime accompanied Alyssa to hers.
"I've seen you and the hound have gotten closer." He didn't look at her, and she heard it in his voice, the jealousy.
"We have, does it bother you?" She asked, looking at him, she knew the answer, Jaime was a jealous man, especially when it came to Alyssa.
"Yes, it does, what comes next? You sleep with him as well?"
"And who are you to tell me otherwise? You're not my husband, or my betrothed, no jaime, you're my lover, and if i wish i can sleep with Sandor, you have no right to say no because it is none of your concern, i enjoy our time together, and you're a great friend to me, but it's not like i can't find what we have in someone else." She stated, coldly, they stopped as she looked at him before she went the rest of the way to her chambers alone.

Her chambers were close to the chambers of the hand, they were the ones she'd always stayed in when she visited Robert, they were exactly the same as when she left. Decorated with colours of her house and symbols of the North, it brought her closer to home.

She was walking through the halls of the red keep when she went through a passage not often used by servants.
Out of another hallway a tall figure came walking towards her, she didn't realise who it was until the face in front of her became familiar, that scar on his forehead, hard to oversee.
Her back was pressed to the cold stone wall of the keep as his body was pressed against her.
"Sandor? Is everything alright?" She asked, a bit flushed about the hounds actions.
"Heard you and jaime talking earlier in the hallway, you should really keep your voice down when you talk about your little secrets sweetheart."
She blushed a little, remembering that she talked about Sandor as well.
"You don't look like you want to give me a big speech about it, you look rather... proud? Why is that, Sandor." She looked up at him, a small smirk on her lips, he was grinning by now, she knew why that was, he made jaime Lannister jealous, something not every man can say for themselves.
"How about we talk a bit more about it tonight? I'll find you then." With that the hound left, leaving Alyssa on her own again as she smiled to herself.

She wandered around until she finally found her father, watching arya train with her sword on her own.
"She's getting better." She looked at her father, she knew the look on his face, pride, he looked at her the same way.
"She had a great teacher." Ned said, looking at his eldest child, remembering all the times he used to train with her back in Winterfell when she was little.
"So did I." Ally smiled as Ned gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"I'm proud of you my little Wolf." Ned smiled, before he left for the small council room, his place next to Alyssa was filled by Cersei.
"Your grace." Alyssa said, she never really liked cersei, she was too spoiled, thinking she was the smartest person alive.
"What are you doing here?"
"Simply wanted to see how you and your sisters settled in," The Queen stated, a small smirk on her lips, "starks don't do well down south as history has proven."
"I'm aware of that," alyssa answered, not needing to be reminded of her family's deaths during Roberts rebellion, "one of the reasons i did not want to live here."
"And yet here you are..."
"And yet here i am." Alyssa said, giving cersei a small, threatening smile before she walked to arya, training with her.
She didn't pay any attention to cersei, but she knew that she left just a few minutes later.

The next days Alyssa spent in the library or training with arya, or walking through the gardens of the red keep, her nights were spent either with Sandor or jaime, sometimes, she was simply on her own, sending letters to Robb or Jon, making sure they were alright, they were her siblings, and as the eldest, she cared for them greatly.

One day she heard her mother was in the city, curious to know why, she decided to go find out herself as Sandor accompanied her to Lord Baelish's Establishment.

As she arrived, she saw her father nearly choking the man to death until her mother made him stop.
"What did you do to make him that angry?" She asked, walking past lord Baelish.
"Nothing that would concern you my lady." He stated, looking at Alyssa, a small smirk on his lips, even though her father had just choked him, and everyone knew how similar Alyssa and her father were. 'clever as always' Ally thought, before entering the room her father and mother were talking in.
"Why are you here?" She simply asked, stopping the conversation they were having, her mother did not at all seem happy to see her.
"Have you forgotten how to knock? I thought i raised you better than this!"
"If i remember correctly you did not raise me at all," Alyssa said, looking at her mother, "so, what are you talking about?"
That is none of your concern, if you're so interested in it, your father will explain it to you."
But Ned left before Alyssa did, as her mother wanted to leave, she stepped in her way.
"You aren't even happy to see your daughter?"
"Why would i be happy? I need to leave now."
"What did i ever do to you?"
"Get out of my way Alyssa."
"I did nothing to hurt you, all i wanted was for you to love me like you love robb, like you love sansa, is that so much to ask?"
"I could never love you as much as i love them."
"I have done so much for you, all throughout my life and you don't care. Silly me, to even think you could, even for a moment." With that Alyssa stepped out of her way, as Lady Stark made her way out the back and out of kings landing.

As Alyssa left the brothel she and sandor were presented with a horrible scene, her fathers men that had accompanied them were dead, her father was surrounded by Lannister men, Jaime one of them, she was sure he would've killed her father when suddenly one of Jaime's men stabbed into her fathers leg.
Only then did Jaime realise that Alyssa was watching, as their eyes met, jaime could feel her anger.
So he left, he went out of the city with his men, alyssa and sandor quickly brought ned to the grand maester, but he had lost a lot of blood, leading to him being in a coma.

As fate had wanted it, the king had been hunting that day, getting a fatal wound, but he would pull through, the maester had said.
Alyssa tried to comfort her sisters, not being able to let her rage and anger out on anything, or anyone.
When she walked through the halls the next day she suddenly heard cersei and joffrey talk in the great hall.
"I'm not the King yet mother, my father is Still alive!"
"He won't be for long, and we shouldn't wait any longer, but we need to get rid of Ned Stark first, and perhaps his stupid daughter, they could reveal secrets that could keep you from becoming king."
"What do you want to do with them?"
"That is your decision joffrey, you will be the king." Upon saying that, she saw Alyssa listening in the hallway, so she and joffrey left in a hurry.

Alyssa didn't know what to do with the information she had just overheard, she knew that what they were saying would make them traitors, but she had no proof of this conversation ever happening.

As she ate dinner with her sisters, she decided to tell them what she heard.

"Cersei is trying to make joffrey king." She simply stated.
Arya and sansa gave each other a quick look.
"But, Robert's not dead?" Arya asked, confused.
"I know, cersei said he would be dead soon, so would father..." Allysa had stopped eating as she looked at her sisters, I'm scared, not just for them but for us as well, we can't protect them, and if cersei will go through with what she said, we're all in great danger."
Her sisters nodded. Still not understanding where she was going with all that.
"There's something else," ally stated after a few minutes, "something father told me a few days ago..."

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