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A few weeks had gone by since the death of her father, and Alyssa has been with Sansa most of the time, comforting her, and trying to distract her from everything that happened.
She knew her brother was marching south with his army of northmen, that he was named king in the North, at least until the Queen, Ned's heir, Alyssa herself would return to the north. Renly baratheon, who had called himself the rightful heir to the iron throne has been killed, and stannis was in open rebellion, he also called himself the true heir.
Alyssa realised that her father had not only told her about his suspicions that joffrey was not Roberts son, but he sent a letter to stannis.
She was walking through the gardens when Tyrion approached her, she was rarely alone, sandor kept her company most of the time, Alyssa and the hound had been growing a strong friendship over the last few weeks, still sleeping with each other, as jamie was still away, and as far as Alyssa had heard he was a hostage of her brother Robb.
Today tho she was alone, she enjoyed her time away from the palace, and the gardens were her favourite place in kingslanding.
"Lady Stark, what a pleasure to see you here." Tyrion said, smiling at Alyssa.
"What do you need tyrion? Isn't there anything you need to do as hand of the king?" She kept walking as tyrion tried to keep up with her.
"You and your brother are close aren't you?" Tyrion asked, now walking next to her.
"Yes, i guess, why?"
"Would you mind sending him a letter?"
"About what? Letting your brother go?"
"I heard you and Jamie were close when he was here in kingslanding."
"Yes, we were, until he tried to kill my father."
"Come on Alyssa, my father hates me enough already, i need your help."
"And why should i help you?" Alyssa stopped and turned to him "your family is the reason my father is dead, i don't have any reason to help you in any way, it's not your fault, but I don't care, your sister is giving me a hard time already, and aren't we about to have a war?"
"Yes, but that doesn't matter, please Alyssa."
"No tyrion, just get it."
With that, Alyssa returned to the palace, leaving tyrion alone in the gardens.

A few days later, Stannis arrived at blackwater bay, and Alyssa along with her sister and the rest of the woman and children took shelter in the red keep.
When the Queen spoke with the maester and then hurriedly left with her youngest son in her arms, alyssa was suspicious as to why the queen was leaving so suddenly, so she decided to follow her.

Cersei had gone into the throne room, sitting on the iron throne with tommen in her lap.
Alyssa tried her best to stay hidden when suddenly the doors flew open and soldiers walked inside.
Alyssas hands were already on her dagger when an older man walked through the crowd, she immediately identified him as Lord Tywin Lannister, he was wearing his golden armor with lion heads at his shoulders, he had blood and dirt all over his face.
"We have won!" He said, proud and as if he didn't expect it any other way.
Alyssa left before anyone could see her.

Alyssa went to her chambers, she saw her sister on her way and knew she was safe. As she arrived in her chambers she saw a note on her bed, picking it up,

It was from sandor, he had left the city.
Alyssa had lost yet another friend, leaving her more and more surrounded by the lions.

The next day she and her sister attended the assembly in the throne room.
While sansa seemed nervous and as if she didn't want to be there, looking at Joffrey all the time, alyssa couldn't get her eyes away from Tywin, he was Riding on a horse into the throne room, where he was named saviour of the city and hand of the king.
All of this gave him even more power than he already had, and that was something that interested Alyssa. After he had left the throne room she wanted to leave but sansa held her back.
When margaery tyrell was named as the kings new wife to be, they left, sansa was smiling, which she hasn't done in weeks and it made Alyssa happy.
After Talking to lord Baelish for a short while, they left the hall, walking through the corridors of the keep.
"My ladies." A deep voice came from behind them, stopping them in their track as they turned to see who was talking to them.
"My lord Lannister," Alyssa greeted him, bowing alongside her sister, "thank you for coming to our aide, it would all be different if stannis would've won." She gave him a small smile, which Tywin did as well, if you wouldn't have looked closely, you would've missed it.
He then turned to sansa, "as I've heard you are no longer betrothed to my grandson." He said, it didn't sound like it mattered to him anyway.
"That's right my lord." Sansa answered, she was scared of the old lion, you could hear it in her voice, she and her sister we're completely different, Alyssa was proud and didn't get intimidated by Tywins presence.
Sansa came up with an excuse and then left the two alone.
"My deepest apologies for your loss my lady." Tywin said, now looking at Alyssa.
"Thank you my lord," alyssa said, as she offered to walk with him for a bit, "did your daughter call you for help?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.
"She did," Tywin answered, "but she would never say it out loud."
Alyssa gave a small chuckle at his comment.
They were now in the gardens, walking alongside each other.
"Do you like it here in the south?" Tywin asked, for some reason he was curious about her, he couldn't even figure it out himself.
"It is quite beautiful, but the north will always be my home, no matter how long i have to stay here."
Tywin just nodded, then, they returned to silence. They had a few short conversations, but they mostly kept quiet while they walked.
"You know," Tywin started, "your father is the reason this whole war has started."
"What do you mean by that?" There was a little more surprise and disgust in her voice then she would've liked and it didn't go unnoticed by the lion.
"If he hadn't sent that letter full of lies to stannis, we wouldn't be at war."
"Well, your daughter could've avoided sleeping with someone who's not her husband, And maybe not kill my father, maybe then we wouldn't be at war, my lord." They had stopped by now, alyssa was looking up at him, glaring slightly at him before she left the gardens.
That was the moment Tywin Lannister figured it out, why he was so interested in that woman. She was proud, fiesty and a leader, but she still knew her place in the world. Tywin looked after her, a small smile on his lips, one that would appear more often over the next few weeks.

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