the day he left

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Four months had gone by since Alyssa found out she was pregnant, and Tywin was more loving than ever, making sure she was comfortable at all times and doing whatever she needed while he was also handling tyrions trial.

Due to Alyssa's pregnancy Tywin didn't have as much time for Tyrion's trial it has been going on for months, which drove cersei mad.
Tommen had been crowned king but didn't do anything during the trial and Tywin tried his best to be as unbiased as he could be, because Alyssa asked him not to be too hard on tyrion, as she was sure that he hadn't killed Joffrey.

It was a few weeks before the trial should end that Tywin came into their chambers after a meeting of the small council.

"Are you alright darling?" Alyssa looked at her husband.
"I have to leave for casterly rock tomorrow, I'm needed over there."
"That's great, you can take me with you, you always wanted to show me casterly rock." Alyssa smiled at him, but she knew something was wrong.
"I can't take you with me darling, it'll be only for a day or two that I'll stay there, and i don't want to stress you out with the long ride, I'll make sure to return as soon as possible."
Alyssa's face dropped, she wanted to stay by his side, not be left behind, but she knew she couldn't change anything.

"Fine, but you better hurry, because i can't be away from you for too long."
"I know my darling," he took her hands, "I'll be here today, I'll leave in the morning." He gave her a kiss on the head and she smiled, resting against him.

The next morning, Tywin and Alyssa went to the stables where his guards were already waiting.

Alyssa went up to Tywin taking his hand, "come back to me my love, we need you here with us." She put his hand on her stomach and looked up at him.
"I will always come back to you, always." He smiled and kissed her, before getting on his horse.

Alyssa watched him leave until he was out of sight and then made her way back into the keep.

A few days went by, Alyssa didn't hear from Tywin until a letter arrived for her, telling her that he needed to stay for a while longer, that he missed her, and he would be back soon.

It made her happy, she was lonely and couldn't wait for him to return to her.

That night, tyrion escaped the black cells with the help of varys and jaime, fleeing the city.
In the morning, the whole city knew. Alyssa didn't care much, she was relieved that it was all over now and that everything would be back to normal as soon as Tywin returned, until cersei came to her that evening.

She heard a knock on the door, allowing the person on the other end to enter and smiling a little when she saw Cersei.

"Your grace, I didn't expect you here."
"I came to talk to you Alyssa."
"Why is that?"
"Well you heard that tyrion has left the city didn't you."
"Yes i did, but I don't know what that has to do with me?" She looked at Cersei, confused as to why she was here.
"I suspect you might have something to do with that, as well as my sons murder," Cersei grinned, "sleep well, lady stark, it will be your last night on this earth." With that, Cersei turned to leave.
"I will pray for you, your Grace." Alyssa said and Cersei turned to her.
"That you will not be in the city when my husband returns," Alyssa got up and walked over to Cersei, "to find his daughter has murdered his wife and his unborn child. You can't imagine the things he'd do when he finds out."
Cersei just looked at Alyssa for a moment before she left her chambers, that night, Alyssa wrote a letter to her husband, hoping it would reach him in time.

Tywin was annoyed that he had to stay away from Alyssa even longer now, he wanted to go back to kingslanding and be with his wife, instead, he had to handle things at Casterly rock, regretting that he didn't take her with him.
It was the middle of the night and he was still awake when a servant came into his study.
"A letter my lord, From your lady wife." The servant bowed and then left lord Tywin alone.
Tywin opened the letter, reading it carefully.

My love,
I don't know what will happen, and i hope this letter reaches you in time. Tyrion left the city, and Cersei makes me responsible for what happened to joffrey.

They will have my head tomorrow, if you can't save me, don't blame yourself, it will not be your fault.

I love you my lion, always.

Your Alyssa.

Immediately after reading the letter, Tywin made his way to the stables along with 4 of his guards, making his way to kingslanding as fast as possible.

The next morning, Alyssa was brought before the sept of baelor

There were hundreds of people, but not to watch her die, but to protest against the queens actions. The small folk loved Alyssa, they didn't want to see her dead but the Lannister guards wouldn't let them close enough to stop them.

Cersei looked at Alyssa, grinning, as if she had already won the game.
"I, Cersei of house Lannister, Queen regent, sentence you, Alyssa of house stark, lady of Winterfell and warden of the north to die, you committed treason by murdering my son, joffrey at his own wedding, working with your sister sansa and my brother tyrion lannister."

The crowd was getting more angry throwing anything they could find at Cersei, trying to stop her.

"Ser ilyn," Cersei Began, Alyssa knew what would happen now, the same thing happened to her father, only it was Joffrey who passed the sentence, "bring me her head, and make sure that child dies first.

As she said that, Alyssa immediately looked at her, trying to get away from the men holding her.
The crowd grew louder as Ser ilyn went up to Alyssa, no one noticed the horses coming up to the sept.

As Tywin arrived on horseback, he saw his wife, men holding her, his daughter grinning beside her as Ser ilyn walked towards her.

Ser ilyn took out a dagger, standing in front of Alyssa, stabbing it into her belly, killing their child.

Alyssas screamed so loud, it could've been heard all the way up north.
Tywin was stunned, tears forming in his eyes, unable to do anything.
He watched as the men pushed Alyssa to her knees, she was crying, trying to get away from them as ser ilyn took the sword.
He held it up, before he cut of her head.

Tywin couldn't do anything but stare at her lifeless body.
He couldn't stay, he went to their chambers, to pack his things and leave the capital.
Upon entering their chambers there was a note on their bed.

Tywin my love,

I know I've sent you a letter, but i don't know if you made it in time, so I'm writing this one, i know you would've tried to save me.
Do not kill them for what they've done, it will just get you killed.
Go to winterfell, find my sisters, and jon, help daenerys Targaryen, i beg you.
I know your family is what matters most to you, but cersei is not your family, neither is tommen, because they killed me, they let it happen, i was your family, and our sweet little boy they'll kill before he's even born.
You're better than them my lion, you're a good man, even though you don't like to show it.
When i first met you, i never thought that you would be as important to me as you are, but you've made me happy, more than anyone else ever could.

I love you, Tywin Lannister, don't ever forget that, I'm always by your side,

Sincerely, your alyssa.

Tears were streaming down Tywin's face as he read her letter.
He packed their things and as he wanted to leave he heard a small whimper, looking behind him he found out where it came from, Alyssas direwolf, syra.
They had tried to kill the wolf when taking Alyssa but couldn't find her, syra had hid and because she trusted tywin, she came out of her hiding spot.
Tywin knelt down, patting the wolves head.

Along with syra, Tywin made his way to the stables, ordering all of the lannisters guards to Return to casterly rock as he made his way up to winterfell, syra never leaving his side.

Note: I'm terribly sorry for doing this, but i had to make it tragic, please forgive me. :(

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