Of lions and wolves

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Alyssa walked through the red keep to its giant library, looking through the corridors, she had heard someone come in shortly after her, but didn't bother to look who it was until they stood directly in front of her as she walked around the corner.
"Did you follow me my lord or why is it that you appear wherever i go these last few days?" Alyssa chuckled looking up at the man.
"Apologies my lady, i simply wanted to know what you wanted to read." He gave her a small smile before stepping out of her way.
"Have you seen the book of the dance of the dragons?" She asked as she continued her walk through the corridors.
"I've talked to the maesters here, they say you've read that book a thousand times while you've stayed here." He said, he kept his gaze on her whilst she walked through the corridors of the Library.
"I'm sure you know the story already, why don't you tell it to me?"
Alyssa stopped in her tracks, her face lighting up as she turned to him.
"You're interested in History my lord?"
"Yes, but at the moment I don't have the time to read the book, so, it seems to me like it's your favourite, so, will you tell me the story?"
"Of course, this way." She led him to a corner of the library with a small seating area. As they sat down Alyssa started telling the story to Tywin, her smile never left her lips.
Would Tywin ever tell her it was his favourite book? And that he had read it at least as often as she did? Probably not.

Alyssa made more friends since the battle of blackwater bay, and because Tywin had a lot of things to do as the hand of the king, Alyssa, her sister and margaery spend most of their time together in the gardens.
The three women have grown closer over time, sansa was always surprised how great margaery handled her engagement to the king, sansa had told her what a monster he was, but that didn't seem to frighten Margaery, Alyssa found that quite interesting, she saw herself in her, seeing her as her sister soon after they became friends.

Alyssa and Margaery were sitting in the gardens when sansa joined them, looking heartbroken. As Alyssa saw her, she immediately got up, walking to her sister.
"Sansa? What's wrong, what happened?"
"It's Robb ally..." Sansa sobbed, hugging her sister tight.
"What about him?"
"He's dead... they killed him, him and mother...!" As Sansa said those words, the world around Alyssa got quiet, her brother, the one she watched grow up, he was dead, so was her mother, they weren't close but she was still her mother. Alyssa hugged her sister back, trying to stay strong for her.
"Who's responsible..?"
"You know who is...the Lannisters, and the freys, and the Bolton's..."
Alyssa nodded, "margaery, will you bring sansa to her chambers? She needs rest..."

After Sansa and Margaery left, alyssa walked through the gardens, finding a guard.
"Apologies, do you happen to know where Lord Tywin is?" She tried to keep her voice steady.
"That way my lady." The guard said pointing in one direction.
"Thank you." Alyssa went to the spot the guard pointed at, Walking down a few stairs to the small beach Tywin was fishing at. He noticed her pretty early, and turned to her.
"Do you need something my lady?"
"Did you know?" Alyssa said, looking at him, she looked mad, but when he looked into her eyes, all he saw was sadness.
"What do you mean?" He resisted the urge to get up and comfort her, he didn't even know why he had those urges, he didn't care for anyone, he wouldn't care if most would start crying in Front of him but with her, he did not want to see her sad.
"My brother, my mother, they're dead, murdered," alyssa tried to control herself, "did you know?!"
"Yes, it was my command i-"
"What...?" She looked at him in disbelief, now the anger was showing in her eyes.
He felt guilty, like he did something wrong, but he was so sure that what he did was right, for his house, but at that time, he did not expect for a stark girl to mean so much to him.
"Alyssa I'm sorry please-"
"No my lord, I'm sorry, for thinking a Stark could befriend a Lannister, that a Lannister would do something different than to think only for himself, but all you do is act in your own interests! Half my family is dead because of yours! Do not apologize to me, it won't bring any of them back." With that, Alyssa left. Tywin was Standing there, and he was feeling bad for doing what he did. He never felt like this before, he wasn't showing it but he was hurt, by knowing he betrayed Alyssa and how much it hurt her. It was something he never wanted to do, to hurt her, and yet, he killed her brother, and her mother.

Alyssa avoided lord Tywin at all cost throughout the next weeks to come, she spend her time with her sister and with margaery, and occasionally her nights were spent with lord petyr Baelish, the two had grown closer, but Alyssa knew better than to trust Baelish, maybe she just wanted to distract herself from Tywin, or get his attention by being with someone else.

Tyrion had once again stayed after one of the small council meetings and sat in his chair looking at his father.
"What is it tyrion? Why are you looking at me with disapproval? What have i done?" Tywin asked, mostly as a rhetorical question, it didn't really bother him how his son looked at him. He got up to refill his cup of wine, turning his back to tyrion.
"I noticed Alyssa is avoiding you."
Tywin didn't answer, he kept his back to tyrion.
"And why do you care?"
"You two seemed close, not that that is any of my concern but-"
"Yes you're right, it's none of your concern, so why do you care?!" Tywin raised his voice, he didn't want to, but the topic of alyssa pained him, and he did not want to talk to tyrion about it.
"Well you seem to miss her more than she misses you."
"What do you mean by that?" The more tyrion spoke the angrier it made Tywin.
"Well she has quite a lot of company at night, lord Baelish, and my friend bronn, you know she has quite the reputation around here, but she's only seen around them really since she started avoiding you. I'm not an expert in those things but i have the feeling she's trying to make you jealous, and i think it is working, isn't it?" Tyrion looked at his father, he knew he was playing a dangerous game. His father may be able to fool most of the lords at court but tyrion had realised early on how much Alyssa Stark meant to the old lion. Tywin put his cup down, supporting himself on the shelf with one hand, his face still turned to Tyrion.
"I shouldn't be jealous, she's not even mine. But i can't Change it, and I don't know why. I don't know why i care so much, why I feel like I've betrayed her," he now turned to his son, "no matter how hard i try, it's her i want, and it will always be her."

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