Winter is coming

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A few days went by since Alyssa had told her sisters about what their father had told her.
She had just visited him, he was still asleep and so she left after talking to him for a while. As she walked through the hallway towards her chambers a man brushed past her.
She didn't recognise him, he was no guard and he seemed stressed out by her presence, as she looked back she saw a knife in the man's hand, and suddenly she realised where he was heading.
Sandor who had been walking with her was a couple feet in front of her, as he had only then realised that she had stopped.
"Ally? What's wrong?" He asked concerned as he walked towards her.
"They're gonna kill him..." She spoke, quietly, Sandor almost didn't hear it.
"Kill who?" "My father..."
With that, Alyssa ran after the man as fast as she could, Sandor close behind her.

But as she came to her fathers chamber, she stopped, there lay her father, open eyes, a knife to the heart, and the man stood next to him, shocked to see the lady stark.

"Guards!," Sandor yelled into the hallway, "Lord Stark has been murdered!"

Alyssa was still in shock, staring at her father's body, until her eyes went to the man who killed him.
She didn't know what happened, but suddenly she took a dagger from sandor, charging at the man she made responsible for her fathers death.
The hound grabbed her in time, holding her back.

"Let me go Sandor!"
"I can't let you kill him Ally!"
"Why?! He killed my father!"
"But he's not the only one responsible, and you know that. If you kill him, it won't get you anywhere"
Hearing those words, Alyssa calmed down, as guards entered the room, taking the man to the black cells.
Alyssa let the dagger fall to the ground as tears streamed down her face, sandor let her go as she fell to her knees, weeping besides her fathers lifeless body.

By now cersei, littlefinger, joffrey, varys and other lords and guards had arrived.
Lord Eddard starks death was not the most shocking thing to them, but his weeping daughter by his side.
Alyssa Stark was, in the eyes of many, a strong woman, she was intelligent and strong, seeing her, so small, weak, crying by her dead fathers side, she never wanted anyone to see her like this.
Word of Ned Starks death travelled fast through the red keep.

Unbeknownst to Alyssa, Cersei had ordered guards to capture both her sisters, Arya could flee, but sansa was captured and taken to her chambers, forbidden from seeing her sister or father.

Alyssa spent the next days and nights in her chambers, alone, refusing food and drink. Sandor tried to talk to her, make sure she was okay, but she wouldn't talk to anyone.
Her father and Alyssa had been close, since her mother didn't give her any attention, he trained her with the sword, taught her how to read and taught her everything else she needed to know, and now? He was just gone, she couldn't even say goodbye to him.

Through sandor she found out that her brother was going to war, to save his sisters and get revenge on what cersei amd joffrey had done as ally had sent him a letter, letting him know what she had overheard in the throne room a few days before Neds death.

After a while she decided that she wouldn't continue to just sit in her chambers, she needed to take care of sansa, she was her sister, and with that, it was her responsibility to look after her. When she walked into the throne room she saw sansa on her knees in front of the throne, joffrey had a crossbow in his hands looking ready to shoot sansa with it.
Sansas dress was ripped open exposing her back and one of the knights was about to cut sansa with his sword.

"Hurt her, and you're dead." Alyssa said From the entrance of the hall.
Sansa smiled as she heard her sisters voice looking to her.
"Shouldn't you be weeping in your chambers?" Joffrey said, looking at Alyssa with disgust.
Alyssa ignored him, walking through the crowd of people, sandor gave sansa his cloak to cover herself with.
Sansa thanked him, as she stood up with her sisters help.

"What is going on here?" Tyrion asked, walking into the room with a knight, whose name, Alyssa later found out, was bronn, by his side.
"The king thought it was entertaining to torture my sister," Alyssa said, glaring at joffrey before looking back at tyrion, "would you mind to accompany my sister to her chambers, lord tyrion?"
"Of course my lady." With that tyrion, bronn, and sansa left the hall, so did the rest of the people, leaving Alyssa and joffrey alone, along with two members of the kingsguard, sandor waiting outside the throne room for Alyssa, and in case she needed any help.

Alyssa turned to joffrey, who had sat down on the throne and put his crossbow away. She walked up the stairs, towering over the king.

"I warn you, your Grace, hurt my family again, and you will not see one more day in your life."
His kingsguards drew their swords,
"No one will threaten the king in the presence of the kingsguard!"
Alyssa looked at the men, she didn't care much for them, "i could take you two out before any of you would hit me, and you know it," she said, "you know he's not the rightful king and yet you ignore it, what does Cersei pay you for that?" She looked at the kingsguard, they glared at her.
"The kingsguard is loyal to whoever is named king and sits the iron throne! And we will not accept any insult or threat towards him!"
"I will threaten the king as i wish as long as he continues to treat my family, especially my sister, the way he does," With that Alyssa turned around and walked down the stairs, on the last stair she turned around and bowed her head, "your grace," with that she left the hall.

Cersei, who had entered the room while they were talking walked now into the hall, her son looking at her, still a little in shock.
"She's gone mad!" He yelled, getting up from his seat.
"What did you expect? That you kill her father and she would be fine with it? She's her father in every way possible and the fact that she's a woman doesn't make her any less dangerous, and yet you treat her like she is no threat at all, she's a wolf, joffrey, and winter is coming, for all of us, winter makes the wolf."

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