the proud lion

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Days went by with Alyssa and tywin mostly spending the Nights with each other, but over time she started to join by his side whenever he appeared in the castle. But outside his chambers their relationship was different, tywin had a reputation and he wouldn't let that down just for her, not yet at least.
But one who'd watch the old lion whenever he was with the young wolf, they would notice a small smile on his lips, and the way he looked at her, he was like a completely different person.

Due to Margaery and Joffrey's engagement, joffrey wanted a feast before the wedding, with all the lords and ladies present. By now jaime had also returned to kingslanding and taken his position in the kingsguard.
Tywin was busy with his work and the preparation for the feast, he didn't realise that Alyssa didn't visit him, she did, the first few days, but because he would concentrate on his work, he'd ignore her, which made her angry, and sad. She had been wearing red and golden dresses, in hopes of getting his attention, but he was too busy, so she decided to play a little with the proud lion.

The day of the feast came and alyssa wore a beautiful blue grey dress representing her house's colours. She could feel Tywin's eyes on her as she walked into the room, grabbing a glass of wine as she walked to the buffet, but she wouldn't acknowledge him just yet.

As she looked around the room someone came up beside her.
"Haven't seen you in a while." He spoke, smiling at Alyssa. She looked at him, giving him a small smile.
"Not since you tried to murder my father in Front of my eyes, seems like you've been through a lot since then." Her eyes fell on his missing hand before she looked back up at him.
"I only did what i was supposed to do, you know I'd never do anything to hurt you." He gave her a sweet smile, taking her hand in his.
"Dance with me?" He smiled, and alyssa reluctantly agreed, not really because she wanted to dance with jaime, but because she wanted Tywin to see her and jaime. Tywin knew of Alyssa's former lovers and he knew jaime was one of them, of course with him not in the city that wasn't a problem, but now that he returned, it was something different.

As soon as Alyssa and jaime stepped onto the dancefloor all eyes were on them, it was known by most that Alyssa and Tywin were lovers, or even more than that. Tywin just watched them for a while, mostly his son, he knew Alyssa wouldn't do anything, but when jaime pulled her closer, so that their lips were only inches away from each other, he had enough.

Tywin walked onto the dance floor and up to them, looking at Alyssa.
"A word, lady stark?"
Alyssa nodded, stepping away from jaime and making her way across the hall with Tywin to a corner with less People.

"What in the seven hells was that ally?!" Tywin snapped as they were mostly away from other people.
"What? We just danced, what's your problem?" Alyssa rolled her eyes, she wasn't sure if she had gone too far, Tywin was easily angered and she knew that, but she didn't think he'd ever be that angry at her.
"Just danced?! Gods you nearly kissed, are you doing this on purpose?!"
"What does it matter to you?! It's not like you care anyway!" Alyssa turned to go leave him but Tywin grabbed her wrist pulling her to close him, grabbing her hip, hard enough to leave marks.
"You are mine," he said, his face close to hers, "only mine, don't forget that Alyssa." She looked at him, unable to speak, his words didn't sound loving, this wasn't romantic, it was his possessiveness, it was something she loved about him, she knew that he'd kill anyone who'd hurt her, or even dare to look at her for too long, but after he ignored her for days, she wouldn't let him win that easily. She pulled away from him again, "maybe you should think about why I'm doing this, gods Tywin, I'm so worried you've actually become the monster you pretend to be, even when you're with me," she looked at him, searching his eyes for anything, love, want, but she saw nothing, all the times she saw his love for her in his eyes whenever they were alone, but not in Front of other people, because she didn't matter enough for him to drop the act around her when there were other lords and ladies.

Alyssa left after a few moments, leaving for her chambers.

Days later someone knocked on her door.
"Come in." She said, a guard entered her rooms.
"Lord Tywin wishes to speak with you, my lady."
"I will be there in a few minutes." The guard nodded and Alyssa made her way to the chambers of the hand, arriving there she knocked.
"Come in." She heard that familiar voice, which she hasn't heard in days, it nearly made her forget how mad she was at him. She entered his chambers, not really looking at him.

"You wished to speak with me my lord?"
Tywin looked up at her, he noticed she didn't look at him but he brushed it aside.
"Yes, i did." He put his work aside and looked at her, "you haven't been visiting me in days."
"Didn't think you'd enjoy my company. After all, your work is so much more important to you than i am, i didn't see it as necessary to visit you."
"I'm sorry, but my work is important ally."
Alyssa sighed, walking over to where he sat, taking one of his hands in hers.
"I love you, Tywin, but i won't stand in your shadow, or sit here, or do anything while I'm not as important to you as you are to me. I am the lady of winterfell, the queen in the north, and we are equals, i will not stand beneath you, not as your lover, nor as your wife. I don't know what that is between us now, but you can have me, all of me, or nothing, okay? Decide what you want." She looked at him, hope in her eyes, but she avoided his, scared to see that he didn't want her at all. Moments passed, neither of them said a word, "do you still love me Tywin?" Alyssa was close to giving up, she looked into his eyes, he was looking up at her, with love and admiration in his eyes.
"Do you mean do i still breathe?" He chuckled, "of course i love you Alyssa, and I'm sorry i didn't show you, but you must now, you gave me peace in a lifetime of war, i know I'm not great at Showing it, but you mean the world to me, you have to know that." He was still looking at her, his green golden eyes looking into her blue silver ones. "I do," she smiled, "you don't talk a lot about your feelings, i understand that, and you don't trust easily, which i accept, but your eyes my love, they say so much more than a thousand words could." She took his face in his hands, and for the first time in years, maybe decades, Tywin Lannister felt save, and at ease in the presence of another person.

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