purple wedding

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Hey everyone!! I wanna inform yall that i will be writing different ending versions and that this book just contains one of about 4 endings (the other 3 will get their own books as soon as I'm finished with this one) and one of them will have this chapter in a different way! I'm not sure which one it is, but one of them ends after the chapter "a wedding and an old friend" in this book and continues in their own one, I'll let yall know about any updates on those other books!! Love yall and thank you for the ongoing love and support! <3

Only a few days after Tywin and Alyssa got married, margaerys and joffreys wedding came up.
It was big and expensive and joffrey was as annoying as he could be. When his little dwarf show started Alyssa was constantly complaining to Tywin that this was stupid, Especially when Joffrey started to humiliate tyrion.
"Tywin you can't let Joffrey continue doing this, i know you dislike tyrion but he's still your son."
"Joffrey is the king, we cannot do anything because the king does what the king wants to do."
"Seriously? You always put him in his place why not this time?"
"Leave it ally please, it's just gonna cause more drama."
As they were talking they didn't realise the coughing of the king until he shouted for help and fell to the ground.
Tywin immediately stood as Cersei and jaime ran to try and help Joffrey. Alyssa stood as well and then saw margaery and her sister leave the wedding, she wanted to go after them but it was too late already.

Cersei had Tyrion arrested, for treason and the murder of her son.

"This is stupid, Tyrion wouldn't kill anyone you know that!" Alyssa and Tywin were back in their chambers talking about what happened.
"Well he was the one who filled up the wine into Joffrey's cup."
"Oh and that makes him a murderer? Pouring wine any servant could've poisoned? Come on honey you're smarter than that!"
Tywin looked at her with a defeated look.
"I know darling, can we just go to bed? It's late, and it's been a hard day." He gave her a small smile.
She nodded and went up to him, "promise you'll talk to Cersei about this whole thing? I know she's a grieving mother, but she has to realise that it couldn't have been Tyrion."
"I will, i promise." He gave her a quick kiss before they lay down and went to sleep.

The next morning Tywin got up and dressed, ready to head out and talk to cersei when he realised that Alyssa didn't get up yet.
"Are you alright my darling?" He asked concerned and sat next to her on the bed.
"I'll be fine, just feeling a little sick."
"Do you want me to send pycelle to check on you?"
"I don't want to but i don't think it was a question from your side really."
"That's right," He chuckled and kissed her head, "I'll be back soon." Then he headed out of their chambers.

When he arrived at Cersei's chambers he knocked and entered upon her approval.

"What do you want?" She asked, looking at her father.
"I wanted to talk to you, about the whole situation."
"What's there to talk about? Tyrion murdered my son! Your grandson! You shouldn't talk to me you should start the trial!!"
"It could've been every servant Cersei, i don't think it was Tyrion."
"Is that what your Little wife told you? Can't you think on your own anymore? Have you gone stupid since you married her?"
"I have not, and you will not insult me like this! I'm on your side, but you have to realise that Tyrion could be innocent."
"I will not, because he has talked about wanting joffrey dead ever since he came here, and he will pay for what he did, I don't care if he is guilty of this murder, he certainly is guilty of one murder, the murder of my mother, the woman you once loved so much! You forgot about her and replaced her!"
"Don't you dare bring your mother into this! I loved her, but she is dead, and now i love Alyssa, and she makes me happier than anyone before her did!"
Tywin left after that, not wishing to continue the conversation.

Meanwhile pycelle arrived at alyssas and Tywin's chambers while Tywin was still talking to Cersei.
Tywin returned shortly after Pycelle left and went up to Alyssa.
"And? Are you sick? Could he figure out whats wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong my love." Alyssa smiled and took his hands.
"Well you clearly look sick so something has to be wrong."
"No, it's quite the opposite." She was still smiling at him, hoping he'll figure it out himself.
"Will you just tell me? Or do I have to guess?" He chuckled and kissed her forehead.
"Well..." she smiled and looked down, putting his hand on her stomach before looking up again, "pycelle said I'm pregnant, you're going to be a father again." She smiled up at him.
He just stared at her for a while, not able to say anything.
"You're expecting?" He smiled Pulling her towards him and hugging her tight, "I love you so much my little wolf, and our Little one." He kissed her and put his hand on her stomach again.
"Our little lion." She smiled.

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