Down south

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After the long night Daenerys moved her army to Casterly rock, to meet the army of house tyrell and martell, and also to gather the rest of the lannister men.

Most of them didn't follow her because she's their queen, but for Alyssa, for Alyssa had been loved throughout the whole kingdom and the men wanted to get revenge for her, and what happened to her.

When the armies arrived in Front of kingslanding, daenerys decided to go into the keep, to speak to cersei along with Tywin, he was her hand afterall.

So Daenerys and Tywin went into the keep along with a few Lannister men and unsullied.

"I know you wish to take revenge on Cersei for what she did to your wife, but Promise me that you will not lose your control should she decide to try and anger you." Daenerys said, stopping in Front of the room cersei was in.
"Of course your grace," Tywin answered, "but i cannot speak for syra." The direwolf was Standing right next to him, waiting impatiently for the door to open.
"Fine." Daenerys spoke, then they entered the chambers, cersei turned to them when she heard them enter.
"I see you're army has grown since i last saw it." She said, looking at daenerys.
"It seems you angered quite a few people when you murdered Alyssa Stark."
Cersei looked at Tywin for a second before her eyes fell on Daenerys again, "i did what i thought was right, she could've been the one who murdered my son."
"You killed her without a trial, you're the one who murdered her! You have no excuses for that! You just wanted her gone, that was your reason, not your sons death!" Tywin snapped, as syra growled at Cersei.
She just rolled her eyes, ignoring her fathers comments.
"What do you want from me?" Cersei asked, putting the wine glass she was holding down and walking closer to Daenerys.
"My throne." She said, glaring at Cersei, "and i will have it, i have three full grown dragons, and an army three times the size of yours, and the support of the seven kingdoms, because you made one small decision, that led to you loosing all support as queen, you decided your fate, the day you murdered Alyssa."
"You're saying it like you're doing this for her, but you didn't know the girl."
"I don't need to know her, i heard enough about her to know that she was a good person, and that her death was not justified. And I don't care if you give me my throne now, i will have it, and i will do whatever i have to do."
Cersei looked at the dragon queen, then at her father, "you wouldn't let her kill your own child, would you? Your daughter, your little girl." She had a small smirk on her lips as she looked at her father.
Tywin looked at her, a coldness in his eyes that made the smirk on Cersei's lips disappear immediately, "yes, i would let her kill you, like you killed my child, like you killed my wife, i told you that they will be avenged, and if she won't kill you, i will, you won't get a trial, you will be beheaded for the murder of Alyssa stark, and my child, and I'm sure the people of kingslanding will have great fun watching that, more than the day you ordered to murder her."
"How would you know?" Cersei scoffed, "it's not like you were there."
"I was," Tywin said, stepping closer to her, "i saw the look on your face when they stabbed her in the stomach, i saw the way you smiled when they cut off her head, you are no daughter of mine, you took the only love i had left in this world from me, and you will pay for it, with your own life." Suddenly Tywin noticed a hand on his arm, holding him back.
Only now he realised that he was close to drawing his sword.
"The time to avenge Alyssa and your child will come my lord, but it's not now, now, we're here to get my throne."
Tywin stepped back again, syra looking up at him, worry in her eyes.
"Yes your grace." He said, glaring at Cersei.

Daenerys looked at Cersei again after Tywin stepped back, "you know that i will have my throne no matter if you give it to me or not, and you will die, so just cooperate, give me what is rightfully mine, and i will not have to burn this city to the ground."
Cersei held her head high, ignoring the dragon queens threats.
"Please your grace, burn the city to the ground, but who stays loyal to you then? When they have what they want, when they have my head do you think they would still follow you?"
"They would." Tywin said, looking at the two, "because they'd do anything for Alyssa, and Alyssa was ready to follow Daenerys, it's true they never met, but Alyssa would've followed her instead of you, so they will do the same."
"Not when she burns the city to the ground."
"She won't have to, not when i cut off your head."
"You wouldn't go that far for the little Stark girl, god, are you still blinded by love? Even when she's dead? She was a stupid girl, I don't understand how you can be so blinded and manipulated, to actually think you loved her, you of all people father, there was no way you could've loved that little spoiled whore."
"Do not call her a whore!"
"But that's what she was, your little wolf pet was a whor-" before Cersei could finish her sentence, her head was on the ground, apart from her body as Tywin stood over her. His sword was bloody, but as he looked down at his dead daughter, there were no emotions in his eyes, he felt nothing, no sadness, if anything, he was glad, glad to have avenged his wifes death.
"What did you do Tywin?!" Daenerys yelled.
He looked at her, putting his sword away, "i just gave you your throne, my queen." He said, bowing his head before leaving the room, daenerys going after him.
"You just killed your daughter!"
"She would've died anyway, I regret not stabbing her first, not making her feel the way Alyssa felt," he stopped and looked at Daenerys, "everything in my life I have done for my house, but this was not for house Lannister, this was for my love, Alyssa and my child was the only family i had needed to be happy, and Cersei took that away from me, she knew what she was doing, she didn't regret it, so I don't regret what i did, and i would do it all again for Alyssa." With that, Tywin left the keep.

When the 7 Kingdoms heard of Cersei's death, most were relieved and soon after, Daenerys was crowned as Queen of the seven kingdoms, Tywin stayed as her hand, but would occasionally go north to winterfell.

Afterall, it had been Alyssa's home, and she would've expected it from him.

Notes: i am so sorry for not updating this for a long, long time! I was away during the holidays and had school stress afterwards.
This is the final chapter of this book, but the second ending version is out already and the one shot book will be updated soon (hopefully), me and one of my best friends are also working on a fanfic together, which I'm sure all of you would like, so Updates about that will come soon i hope, and if not here then on my tiktok (!!
I thank all of you for the support you have shown me and this book and i hope that you will enjoy the other ending versions as well, love you all <3

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