Hand of the Queen

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This will be nearly the last chapter of this fanfic, but! I have 3 other endings planned as well as the one shot book, so if you wanna read more about it, just wait, or give me some ideas for one shots, i love writing about this and giving it more depth and you all could really help me with that and I'd be super thankful!
I wanna thank everyone again for the support you've been showing me throughout the whole process of this, I've never thought that that would be possible!! <3

Due to the threat to the north, daenerys decided to try and ask Cersei for help, not because she needed the Lannister army, she had those with Tywin on her side, but Cersei had brought the golden company to Westeros and the more thought against the army of the dead, the better.

Daenerys had taken the name "hand of the Queen" from Tyrion a while ago, he was trying to keep daenerys from harming his sister in any way, and she was done with his constant excuses.

Tywin entered the hall in Winterfell alongside grey worm who had informed him that danny wished to speak with him.

"Is there anything i can do for you, your Grace?" He asked, bowing his head.
She turned to him, smiling a little.
"Yes my lord, i called you to inform you that, if you accept, i would like to make you my hand, i know you have experience in that matter, and in the end, we both want the same thing, to see Cersei fall."
Tywin nodded, looking at her, "you're right about that, and I'd be honoured to be your hand."
"Good, I have planned a meeting with Cersei in a few weeks, but leave the Lannisters army here in case we can't Return in time."
He nodded and left the hall again.

A few weeks later everyone was sitting in the ruins which once were the dragon pit, waiting for daenerys to arrive.

When she did, she was already a little late as she took her seat, the one next to her still empty.

"I thought my little brother had been your hand? Tho i don't see him wearing the symbol."
"My hand will be here, don't worry about that." Daenerys said, as they started to discuss the matter at hand.
They had shown cersei that the White walkers in fact existed, when horses could be heard nearby, turning to the entrance, they saw Tywin, followed by 6 of his Lannister men.
He walked over to daenerys, bowing his head, "my apologies your grace, i did not intend on arriving late."
"Don't worry my lord."
Tywin nodded and sat down, looking at Cersei who looked like she did not expect her father to be the dragon queens hand.

The discussion came to an end with Cersei promising to send her army north, before she left the dragon pit.
Jaime stayed behind, watching his father.

Tywin followed daenerys to drogon, who was waiting to fly back to winterfell.
"She won't do what she promised will she?" Daenerys asked, looking at him.
"You'd be a fool if you believed a word she said your grace."
Danny nodded and then mounted her dragon, flying back North, Tywin watching after her.

He and Jaime were left alone in the dragon pit as the younger man approached his father.
"For someone who's always talked about family you turned your back on it rather fast."
"Did you seriously think I'd stay by Cersei's side after she killed my wife and child?" Tywin said, looking at his son, "I'm surprised you're still on her side, i thought you weren't as stupid."
"I know it is horrible what cersei did, and it was not right but-"
"Were you there?"
"What?" Jaime looked at his father a little confused.
"Were you there the day she was murdered?"
"Yes but-"
"Then why didn't you try to stop it?! Why did you let them murder her when you know it wasn't right?! Cersei is not my daughter, not anymore, and unless you decide to be on the same side as me, you're not my son."
"You didn't choose a side during Roberts rebellion, why now?"
"Because ally wanted me to."

Jaime nodded, and Tywin left the dragon pit, following the rest north.

Jaime Went back into the keep and into the throne room where cersei was.
"What did he want from you?" Cersei asked, looking at him.
"Just wanted to know why I'm still on your side."
"And, why are you on my side?"
Jaime was quiet, he didn't know, maybe because she was his sister, his twin, not being on her side was something he couldn't have been able to imagine his whole life, but he didn't know who she was anymore, she had changed so much since her children had died.
"I don't know." He just answered, avoiding her eyes.
"Do you plan to leave me? Betray me?"
Jaime thought for a moment, then nodded.
"You haven't been yourself lately, i know you never liked Alyssa but murdering her? And her child? That's the moment you became a stranger to me."
"You really loved that Woman didn't you?" Cersei chuckled, "god, she married our father and you still loved her, how blind were you? You and father both, blind because of love, love for that stupid whore of the north."
That's when jaime looked at her, anger in his eyes, "don't you dare call her that, she was the kindest person you could ever meet, and you murdered her for something we both know she didn't do, and for what? You may have the golden company sister, but all of the seven Kingdoms loved her, and they will want revenge, jon snow is gathering the men of the north and wildlings, our father has the whole Lannister army, and the west will follow his command, and house tyrell and martell are gathering their armies as well, and the dragon queen and her unsullied will stand with them, you have said your death sentence when you said Alyssa's."
"They need to survive the white Walkers first." Cersei said, a smirk on her face.
"Trust me, they'll survive just to get revenge on you, don't think they will forget, the north remembers, cersei, and father will have your head, you're not his daughter anymore, not in his eyes."
With that, Jaime left, going north to join daenerys Targaryen.

He arrived a while later, joining his father on daenerys side.

Tywin approached him when he arrived, a small smile on his face, rarely seen since the beheading of his wife.
"What made you change sides?" He asked, but the reason didn't matter, as long as his son was by his side.
"Cersei is not the person she once was, beheading Alyssa was the point that made me realise what kind of monster she had become."
Tywin nodded, as they walked into the castle together, for the long night was soon upon them.

There was not much time to prepare when the White Walkers arrived, but the living had nearly as many men as the dead.
The battle lasted hours, losing men, friends, lovers, but the battle was won when arya killed the night king.

The feast after was great, everyone was laughing, and joking as if they didn't just barely escape death.
Tywin sat with jaime, sansa, Margaery and sandor when arya joined them.
They smiled at her, telling her how proud they were.
"Where did you learn that trick? With the dagger." Tyrion asked, smiling at the stark girl.
"My sister," She answered, looking at tywin with a sad expression, "she taught me everything i know," arya stood up, taking out the dagger, looking at it, "and if i get the chance, it will slit Cersei's throat for what she did to my sister and her child." She said, she didn't look at anyone, there was a cold expression on her face, she wanted revenge for what happened to Alyssa, so did everyone who sat at that table.

When Cersei murdered Alyssa she took her away from them, sister, lover, friend and wife, she meant the world to everyone of them, and they will get revenge, no matter how long it would take.

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