up north

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Hey guys!! So I just wanna say thank you sm for supporting me as much as you do, a couple of days ago i was thinking to myself "wow, i have 100 votes on this, it's amazing i would've never thought that was possible." And now we're at 200, I'm just amazed and more than thankful!! 🫶🏻

Soon after Alyssa's death, Raven were send to all the 7 kingdoms, informing them of her death.

Hearing of her death pained most people in Westeros, she has had many friends among the lords and ladies and was beloved by the people.

Soon the news reached dragonstone where daenerys Targaryen has taken up residence.
Jon was at dragonstone as well, because of the dragonglass when he was called into the throne room.

"What is it you need, your grace?" He asked, looking up at daenerys, ser Davos by his side.
Dany nodded at missandei who went up to jon, handing him the letter.
He read it, quietly, tears forming in his eyes. Alyssa was dead, his beloved sister, murdered for a crime she did not commit.
"I need to return to winterfell." He said, making his way towards the exit.
"We haven't finished discussing the matter of the dragonglass yet." Daenerys said.
"My sister has been murdered, i will return home to winterfell, because my other sisters need me, you are more than welcome to come with me your grace."

And with that, they made their way north.

In Winterfell, the news arrived fairly late, the maester had received the letter, gathering sansa, arya, bran, rickon and Margaery in the godswood.

"What are we here for?" Arya asked, none of them knew yet.
Maester Luwin unrolled the letter, reading it aloud.

This letter carries the news of the deaths of our late king robert, who fought long for his life, but lost, as well as the lady Alyssa of house stark, lady of winterfell and warden of the north, sentenced to death by queen cersei for treason and the murder of our late king joffrey.

Sansa's sobbing broke the silence after a short while, turning to Margaery to hug her. No one could speak, just looking into the distance.
Alyssa had always been there for them, she had helped raise them, she was their big sister, she protected them and did everything in her power to make sure they were fine, and now? Now she was gone, murdered in cold blood.

"She didn't kill joffrey," ayra said quietly, "she would've never done something like that. They murdered our sister!" She now yelled, tears in her eyes, anger was better than sadness. "We cannot let them get away with this!" She looked at her family, Sansa was still crying in Margaery's arms.

"You're right," Margaery said, "she was our sister, i know we don't share the same blood, but she's always been a sister to me, we cannot let cersei get away with this!" Margaery was holding back her own tears, trying to stay strong for sansa, like Alyssa had always done.

Rickon has started crying as well, but bran seemed to be the only one not really bothered by it, he didn't show much emotion since he returned from beyond the wall.

A short while later, the lord and ladies of the north had been gathered on the great hall in winterfell, sansa was Standing at the head of the table.

"A raven arrived at Winterfell today," she said, she needed to stay strong, trying not to start sobbing again, "my sister, the lady of Winterfell, has been murdered by the hands of Cersei Lannister! It is an insult to house stark and with that and insult to the north! We cannot accept this, cersei has to pay for what she did, gather your armies, we will march south as soon as jon returns to winterfell!"

The lords and ladies cheered and yelled, supporting Sansa's decision when suddenly the doors to the hall opened.
A golden Direwolf walking into the hall, followed by Tywin Lannister.

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