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Song: Try - Simle Plan


"Leave her alone."

Those words rolled out Troy's mouth before I could even realize how I really felt about seeing him again. Mad, worried, murderously... and maybe a little scared too, considering everything I been filled with -but I'd never admit that out loud. My blood was still boiling every time I thought of how he'd treated Henry, but now looking at him it was easy to see that there was something harsher in his halo than this morning. Something darker.

Hayden took a deep breath of his cigarette as he rose one brow, those grey eyes filled with secrets and walls as they mocked us. How could he be so annoying just by staring? But of course it was even worse when he opened his mouth: "You don' get to order me around."

Just the same thing he told me earlier when he almost lost it. Troy tensed by my side and I knew he was about to bite back, which was a red flag itself knowing my friend's calm persona. I didn't want anything to do with Hayden, not even to ask him to go to hell. I was such in a good mood and I didn't want him to ruin it.

"Don't mind him." I tugged Troy by our joined hands. "Let's just go home."

Hayden's chuckle made my insides shrugged. That sound was anything but funny and it really could cold the hell out. "You really look adorable, loving birds." I gritted my teeth to suppress the bubble of anger inside of me, but he seemed knit in keep pushing. "Wait, not adorable, delete that part: you two are more like disgusting."

"Not more than you are." I couldn't help it and realized the very next second that responding was a mistake. That was what he wanted. His cocky smirk said so, and I wanted to kick myself for letting him provoke me. Mature, Ari, really mature.

Hayden placed his hand on his chest, mocking pain. "Ouch, sweetheart. That's really mean for you to say. Maybe you should come here and comfort me."

Troy stepped forward, protectively. "And maybe you should shut up. Worthless piece of-"

"Troy." I cut him and tried to pull him with me again. "It's really not worth it." He took a deep breath, looking straight into my eyes as he calmed himself down. Was he really that mad? If half of what I heard about Hayden Walker was true, then I rather swallow my pride than let Troy fight him. I tugged his arm harder and whispered. "Please."

His jaw clenched as he looked back at the jerk, who was now staring at us amused and something else, more pissed and twisted. Not that I had the time or will at that moment to analyze that troubled guy.

Troy pointed at him before snapping: "You better stay away from her. You hear me?"

Hayden's eyes darkened further if possible. "I do, but why would I give a fuck to any shit you'll let rolled out?"

"Stop it." I cut both of them and suddenly their heavy gazes were on me. Troy looked a little ashamed, but Hayden just seemed to get even more mad, the amusement gone now. His jaw clenched so hard that I was afraid it'd break.

"You really need to stop bossing me." he demanded through clenched teeth and I prevent an incredulous snort from escaping my lips. This guy had some serious anger issues. But before I could even think a proper response a cheerful voice sounded from behind him:

"Hey, babe!"

And just like that, the thick stormy environment was cut out by this redhead that threw herself to Hayden's arms and kissed him on the lips. He broke our eyes lock and eagerly returned the kiss, his body language remained stiff. They both get lost in passion oblivious of the fact that they got an audience.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now