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Song: Good thing fall apart - ILLENIUM, Jon Bellion


"Care to explain why everyone is assuming I hit you?"

I almost fell off the chair when the sudden voice startled me from behind.

"Jeez, you could have given me a heart attack!" I held a hand over my frantic pulse as Hayden come around the table and scratched his chair across the floor. His eyes glaring into mine, not to mention the hash sentence's meaning did a poor job in soothing my apprehension.

"Have you heard me?"

Yeah, I had. And I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Since a lot of people saw me not coming back Monday, they asked for me and my friends had told them I went to meet Hayden. And apparently Jess' supposition wasn't only hers. Out the plenty of them running through Milton's hallways, that was certainly the most popular by far. I guess that was what Adam meant in my place when he mentioned the 'funny rumors'.

What I wondered is how come Hayden had waited a whole week to confront me about it. I'd been receiving pity stares all week, especially in chem, when we were together; but I managed to act cool and even tho I suspected Hayden noticed something he didn't comment on it. So I was completely unprepared for his open approach at our daily meeting in the cafe.

I bit my lip, nervously fiddling with my ice-cream. His intense stare burned almost painfully and I slowly nodded, suddenly mouth-dried. Hayden's eyes narrowed as he sat and rested his elbows in front of him, leaning closer. "So?" he pressed again as I felt my stomach churn, but struggled to keep my expression neutral and played dumb.

"So what?"

"For fuck's sake, Arielle!" I looked up at him, baffled at his reaction and caught a glimpse of something dark behind his eyes, but for once it didn't feel like his rage was directed towards me. His lips parted to add something else but just at that moment the waitress came and put a blue fuming cup in front of him.

"You're coffee, babe." I glanced up at her just in time to see her wink. A frown pursed my brows. Really? She was the new addition, had started to work here this very week, and ever since had been lusting after Hayden. Always from afar so far, but now... "Let me know if there's anything else you want."

Was it me or she sounded like she was purring? I almost felt sorry for her, but there was a sudden stir of annoyance at her blunt approach. Who did she think she is coming here like that and disturbing our conversation? Hayden on the other hand, was thrilled; he eyed her shamelessly and the corner of his mouth twisted upwards slightly. I wanted to puke right there.

"Please." I huffed as she walked away, bringing some more of the delicious ice-cream to my mouth. "That was the most desperate flirting I'd seen in a while."

"Mh." his eyes finally moved from her ass once she was out our eyeshot and met mine raising one brow mockingly. "Is that jealousy what I'm sensing?"

"More like your own cockiness." I fumed, confused at my own spite when he all but smirked. The nerve of that guy.

But as fast as it came, the amusement was erased from his demeanor and he grew serious all over again. "Don't change the topic." my blood ran cold at his tone. "Those rumors. The fuck about them?"

Next time it might be your nerdy brother.

Adam's chilling threat clenched my lungs. Low profile, Arielle. You haven't endured a whole week with Troy and half of the team mad at you, forced to sit at that jerk table just to mess everything now.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now