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Song: We weren't born to follow - Bon Jovi


"It's literally week two and you're already getting into trouble, guys." Mrs. Rodes seemed disappointed from the other side of the desk and that increased my unease. Her hands were tangled over the table and her gaze hard on us. "As you might have guessed, I can't let this kind of actions go unnoticed."

Hayden snorted. He was sitting beside me, both of us turned as much as we could to position our bodies as far from the other as we can. Not that this little office had a lot of space to help us avoid each other, but whatever.

"This is unacceptable from two seniors. Mr Walker, I think last year we agreed you would stop creating trouble, didn't we?" she clicked her tongue and then the teacher's sever eyes focused hard on me. "And you, Ms. Steelver. I'm quite disappointed in you. As an active member of the Council I expected more. I really hate to give parents such unpleasant news."

I bit my inner cheek, worried. I couldn't tell my father I got detention the very second week. He'd be mad at me and I just got back into his life, I didn't want him disappointed in me yet. So I play my good, innocent girl card.

"Please, Mrs." I blinked to get a bigger effect. "I'm so, so sorry. It won't happen again. But I was just defending myself. He was the one who attacked me."

"Attacked you?" he echoed in disbelief and I glared back at him. "You were the one whose foot got buried into my instep. I'm limping ever since."

I rolled my eyes and muttered 'drama queen' before turning my attention to Mrs. Rodes. "Walker grabbed me painfully. That's an aggression. And he was about to harm another student. As an active member of the Council I found myself in the need to step in."

"You mean step on? Please, Mrs Rodes, she's totally lying."

"How dare you! You-"

"Enough." the teacher cut us and rubbed her forehead with a sigh. "This could go on forever. Who's lying, who's speaking the truth? What it's for sure is that both of you have behaved against Milton's policy. No, Miss Steelver." she cut me when I was about to talk again. "Either the guilty one speaks up or you both will get punished." she waited, but none of us utter a word. "Very well, then. You both get detention."

"What?!" we snapped in disbelieve.

She nodded. "From this Monday and for two weeks you'll stay after the classes ended and you'll help our janitor with whatever he commanded you."

I looked at her in shock. She couldn't be serious. Two week detention? For stepping on Hayden's gross foot? Really?!

He was as disgusted as myself and leaned back folding his arms over his chest. "I'm not doing that."

"Yes, Mr Walker, You are. Or you might face expulsion."

"Have you got any idea who my father is?" his voice was low and threatening and gave me goosebumps. It also stung my curiosity. His father? Must be someone important if he used him as a way to get out of trouble. This must be how he'd been getting away with everything so far.

Mrs. Rodes, anyway, didn't look impressed at all. More like that irritated her.

"Does it look like I care? I'm punishing you for your behavior, not your father."

He snorted. "Then you'll be fired by the end of the week." his smile was malicious and full of anger. "I hope it is worth it, Mrs."

For the shock of both of us, Mrs. Rodes grinned at him even more. "Au contraire. By the end of the week hopefully you'll have learned a lesson and I will be embracing myself to confront my mother in law. If you think you can mix your father in any of this you're way wrong. I'm aware of how it has saved you before, but let me tell you that this whole threatening business you got its over. I'll take legal charges and an investigation will be opened in the Milton and the teaching staff as well as in what regarded to Mr Walker."

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now