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Song: Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer


As I waited in the cold air of that January night, hugging myself to keep some body heat, I couldn't help but wondered all over and over how messed up everything was. The mere thought of what was about to happen in the course of the next hours was enough to make my skin crawl and my stomach twitch.

The League was finally here.

I got this fight with Hayden about coming. Apparently it was such an awful idea, I knew that, but if Hayden was to participate I couldn't just go home and wait by the phone. Letting my wild imagination go wilder. I just couldn't.

This madness was important for him and after knowing about Payton I get it a bit more. I would have done anything for him to let it go; but if that wasn't the case, then my place was by his side, supporting him through it all. Even though he didn't want me there.

Gavin was on Hayden's side so he basically played dumb when I ask him and none of the girls were attending. That only left me one possible option.

"'Sup girl?"

The breaks made an awful sound against the pavement when Mark pulled out abruptly in front of my house, where I was waiting and I cringed.

"Hey." I greeted back nearing his black Maserati. I cleared my throat. "Can I drive?"

He let out a chuckle, eying me through the passenger's seat and the window. "You know where it is?"

"Mm no..." I dragged the last word, as if that might change my lethal fate.

Mark smirked winningly and patted the seat beside him. I huffed, reminding myself this was the only way to get there. And it was worth it, right? Besides, I'd already survived one ride with Madmax here, what's another one? So I gave up and hesitantly climbed up the car. He speeded down the street without letting me buckled up properly.

Despites been partly managed from the gym, the League was somewhere else. Somewhere more secretly. The hopes from last time Hayden brought me to that fight rose once more when I realized Marks was leaving the city behind.

Both apprehension and excitement tightened my guts, I couldn't say I love going to something like that, but I also couldn't deny there was something thrilling about it. The fact that it was illegal and both Hayden and Gavin didn't want me there was, like, a massive red flag; but I swallowed down my nerves.

If they could be there, so could I.

I hope I wouldn't regret it.

What I certainly regretted was getting into Mark's car. I swear I don't understand how did he'd managed to get the licence. He's completely crazy behind the wheel!

After what seemed like a good amount of time he finally got out the highway and drive a lonely dark path 'till we reached an old motel. Its sign's letters were hanging and the place looked abandoned. I frowned and turned to Mark furrowing my brows when he shut down the engine and suffocating darkness surrounded us. The pulse drummed in my ears.

"Eh, Mark? Are you sure it is here?"

Maybe I'd trusted him too much? After all, I didn't know him that much and now he brought me to such a creepy place-

"Absolutely." he reassured me and pointed something out the dark motel. "Don't you see all those cars?" I followed his directions and for the first time I noticed the amount of them sprawled around the place. Too many for such a lonely place. "The motel is just a coverage. Down there is the ring." I knitted my brows together, for the first time seriously doubting that was a good idea after all. Mark rolled his eyes and opened his door. "Let's go."

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now