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Song: breathin - Ariana Grande


I'd been blindfolded and handcuffed, right before being thrown into a back seat, barely having had time to proceed it before sensed helplessly how the engine roared and the car moved forward. Everything was happening too fast. One second I was threatened with a knife as Hayden and a second guy I haven't noticed yelled at each other and the next I'm literally being kidnapped.

My shoulders burned, all the struggling against the restrains only brought pain at their bite in my wrists but I never stop trying. It was all I could do after all and my fear and frustration at how impotent I was only increased each second. A constant pang of icy ache throbbed in the valley over my collarbone. The exact same spot the knife had scratched to prove us how real they were. A continuous reminder of what they were capable of and it terrified me enormously.

"This is kidnapping!" I yelled for the umpteenth time. I got no idea what were they planning to do; but whatever it was, it couldn't end good for me. So if making their ears bleed with constant complains was all I could do, so be it. Bringing out my rage helped to keep my imminent terror at bay.

"Just shut up." the guy that was holding me out there - Moron 1- was seated by my side, making all my small hairs stood in tension at the unwanted closeness as the other -Moron 2-, who I couldn't recognize either drove.

"I got nothing to do with whatever shit you're into. Just let me out!"

"Such a shame Barbie. Your boyfriend owes Carsonn a lot of money."

"What?" this came out as a shocking fact. Hayden was in debt with Elijah? Since when? All I knew was he was trying to fight him in the League for revenge. Then it stuck me that I never asked if they did fight last Friday, I only asked the result. Still I shook my head furiously, pulling against the restrains. "That has nothing to do with me!" but instead of responding they talked among themselves, the guy by my side reclined forward and speaking so low I couldn't hear them. A grunt of frustration and hidden panic climbed out my throat. "Setting me free should be your highest priority right now."

My intent to sound confident ended in a taunting snort from the driver. "Really? And why's that, darling?"

"'Cause if you don't," I trailed out through clenched teeth to prevent them from chattering. "My father will sue you all."

A wave of mocking 'whoaa's and laughs made me burn with rage and fright. "Such a little bratty."

All the sudden the car sharply came to a stop, almost sending me forward if it wasn't for the arm of the guy beside me that locked around my shoulder and kept me in place. I shivered in disgust at the contact. Now even a second later the right door opened and a fresh breeze of wind and sounds of other vehicles filled the insides. Taking my probably-about-to-be-only chance I yelled on top of my lungs, hoping to catch someone's attention before they drove again to God knows where.

Moron 1 clamped a hand over my mouth with so much force my head was pushed backwards against his shoulder, craning my neck and making it difficult for me to breathe. I felt someone's presence in the seat on my right and the door was shut again. My precarious hope shattered.

"Damn, she is annoying." Moron 1 chuckled, but then I felt him leaning closer and almost jumped when his hand laid on my knee at the same time he whispered right at my ear. "You're a feisty little thing, aren't you?" repulse and fear explode in my guts when he licked under my earlobe. "I'd rather save that strength for later, daddy's girl. You're gonna need it." he bit more skin and my scream went muffled in his hand as his other slid up my inner thigh.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now