BONUS PART | Hayden's POV Chapter 12-13

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Song: Devil Inside - Citizen Soldier


"You're a fucking idiot." I growled in disbelief, my anger slightly dispelling enough to feel pity of this guy begging in front of me.

"You think I don't know that?" Bryce Slender slipped his hands through his hair anxiously. He got dark bags under his eyes, even darker than mine and that's saying a lot. I -along with half of the Milton's student corpus- had noticed his drastic weight lost, almost fifteen pounds in the last months. And he didn't seemed to want to stop because healthy but 'cause necesity. The poor devil had made the mistake of his life when turned to M out of everyone. That man is a freaking snake. He must had known Bryce, who rely on scholarships and assistances to even attend Milton, wouldn't be able to keep up with the deal they made.

He looked so quivering I was surprised they even let him play tonight. He'd barely made it throught the first part. From this spot between the two raws of bleachers we could hear the frenezy of the public as cheerleaders did their job. I couldn't believe I was here. The whole week had been about this first game and shit but I never really thought I would be drag in situ. Fucking Bryce. Like I didn't have enough problems to deal with.

"I'm fucked up, Walker." he whined.

"You so are." I snorted folding my arms and eying him up and down. "But how is that my problem?"

"M's done with me." he grimaced hiding the fear. Well, at least he still got some common sense within. "He'd given me three warnings and I already-"

"I know. He made it my responsability, man. And if you don't pay then it would be my problem." and I wasn't going to get that shit form them. Nah ha. But a part of me felt bad from how hopeless Bryce looked, slidding his fingers throught his hair in anxiety.

"Paris will be drag down as well."


"Please, Hayden. I'll do anything. I would bear with this shit but won't let her too."

Did he had the nerve to act like the bloody hero amount it all? "Maybe you should had thought about that before fucking bought drugs you clearly couldn't afford."

"Shhh!" his wide eyes turned to the entrance but with the onstant roar and cheers from the students I doubted they'd noticed us even if he yelled bloody murderer. "Tune it down dude!"

I was really getting irritated by now. "Just fucking pay or ask your rich friend to do it for you. I've warning you for weeks, so now just deal with your shit." I straightened form the side of the bleachers, already done with this useless conversation. "M want it done for tonight." and went to turn around but he halted me by the arm, his gaze franticly pleading.

"There's a party in my house after the game."

This guy is definitely stupid. "A party, Slender?" I shrugged him off with a frown. "You must really had a dead wish."

"A lot of witnesses!"

"More like collateral victims," I huffed and his eyes widened when his master plan fell into pieces.

"You don't think he would-"

"-Let a bunch of teenagers get in the way? No, I don't think he would." he gulped, diverting his gaze clearly defeated.

Oh, fuck it!

"Look," I sighed, my mind screaming over and over what a complete charade this was. I could get caught and messed everything! But looking his hopeless form I couldn't help it. And I certainly didn't want his problem to splash me since M had made me the responsible. "I could try to make him give you... some more days, maybe."

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now