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Song: Raise your glass - P!nk


"Truth or Dare?" I was asked as the end of the bottle stopped pointing at me.

"Dare." I said in a duh-tone, that's what I'd said the two other times I had been picked.

Roland, the guy who has spun the bottle, smiled.

"I dared you to pick the hottest one in here and kissed them."

People around the circle made a loud "Uuuo!" and I rolled my eyes, covering the sudden twist my stomach made.

We were currently in Bryce's party, after the game had ended. Milton'd won and the cheer team had made good enough for Paris to feel proud of our job. We all and most of the students from the bleachers had come to this party, somehow important since it'd been the first game.

Right now, I was with a group in the kitchen, circling the central table and playing Truth or Dare spinning one bottle. Jess wasn't allowed to come and I missed her now, but I couldn't complain 'cause the whole cheer squad was here and most of my friends as well.

The bad thing? Adam was there too. On that kitchen. Playing as well. And his cockiness reached new levels along with the beers he drowned. At the dare thrown my way, he looked at me smugly. As if there was any chance I'll pick him to make that dare. I'd rather swallow my tongue.

I narrowed my eyes at Roland. "The hottest one?" I asked to make sure.

"That's it." he nodded, grinning like a perfect perv and I huffed, bored.

"Easy: Sadie."

"Damn right!" she answered from beside me, lifting her arms and cheering. She'd already drunk a couple of glasses of Bryce's mix and was kinda daze by it.

A choir of laughs and snorts filled the room and I secretly smirked to myself to some of their shocked expressions, enjoying their disappointment. Like, really? They thought I would choose them?

"Then kiss her!" someone shouted and there were more cheers to that.

I turned to face my friend raising a brow, asking her for permission. She smirked and turned her body so she was facing me, took my shoulders and closed the distance between us pressing our lips together. It was a weird sensation, nothing sexy or alluring, 'cause I didn't feel nothing like that for her. She was softer than anyone I'd ever kissed and her gloss felt kind of slippy against my lips. It ended almost as fast as it started and I almost laughed when I saw some of my lipstick on her as well. I wiped it as complains and begs for more surrounded us.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, you guys." I cut them, spinning the bottle again and eventually everyone focused on it, wondering who would be next. It slowly ended in front of Janice. I sweetly smiled. "Truth or Dare?"

She blushed deeply, lowering her head and barely whispered "Truth." above the loud beat of the music.

Mm, what can I ask her? I thought a couple of seconds 'till something came up to me and I grinned again. She visibly gulped.

"From this room, who would you marry, kiss and kill?"

Her eyes widened, her cheeks reddening even more.

"That's no fair!" she exclaimed and her eyes briefly moved to Roland. Oh, so she likes him.

I shrugged. "Just go on."

"Yeah," cheered some short guy shirtless (another dare). "Don't ruin the fun."

Eventually Janice made it through and she must thank me in fact, 'cause nor ten minutes later she and Roland disappear upstairs. You're welcome, girl.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now