Chapter 34

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The two women go back to New York a week after. Y/N has a new project to do, while Selena has to continue the shoot for the Only Murders in the Building. As what they talked about, they stay in Y/N's house. No one knows about their trip back to the city, so, they have a peaceful travel without cameras pointing at them.

Also, this time, Charlotte isn't with Y/N for the first time. She left her in Selena's house with her siblings, Winnie and Daisy, to Selena's dog-sitter. The younger woman is worried at first but the Latina assures her that her dog-sitter is also good with cats.

“Are you sure?”, Y/N asks already holding the cat's carrier. They are ready to go but Y/N doesn't want to leave her cat, although, it was her idea to leave Charlotte with Winnie and Daisy.

“Yes, darling. She's a zookeeper and probably also takes care of big cats. Charlotte is in a good hand.”, Selena says.

“And, if anything happens to Charlotte, which probably would also happen to my dogs, I'll never hire her anymore.”

“Okay.”, Y/N says before returning the carrier.

Y/N is sitting on her chair while being makeup on. She is scrolling through tiktok watching whatever her algorithm tells the application. She chuckles when an old video of her girlfriend shows up on her for you page. It is a video where she was going to a vending machine, wanting to have m&m's and asking for ninety cents because she had none.

She copies the link and goes to her conversation with her girlfriend and sends it.

You're cute here’, she sends.

The Latina replies right after.

haha funny’, it says, then, another another messages pops up.

stop watching my old videos

‘it was on my fyp. blame tiktok’, she types in before hitting send.

Y/N doesn't received a reply after that, so, she goes back to the app and likes it before scrolling up. She is using an account that only Selena and their close friends know about. They aren't following her because that would defeat the purpose of being a secret account and Y/N is following them.

A message pops up from the screen from the Latina saying, ‘let's go have dinner tonight... I miss u’ The Latina isn't not asking, so, it isn't a yes or no question.

what time you'll be out? I'll pick u up’, another message pops up.

‘ok... I'm out at 6’, she sends before typing another message. ‘imissyoutoo’, she types not caring about the lack of space and hits send.

After that, she goes to the fitting room with her wardrobe stylist to wear a dress she needs for the photoshoot. Then, she sits on a box on a white backdrop. It is continuous shots, and she just do different poses and the photographer does different angles of shots.

“That's perfect.”, Elise says. Y/N smiles and as she always do she stands behind Elise on the computer to see all the pictures. She picks her favorite shot. That's what she loves about her work, she has a say to which she likes and doesn't like when it comes to her photos.

After that, she goes back to her comfortable clothes, and waits for Selena to pick her up. She is in her dressing room, sitting on the couch and watching a random tv show on a small flat screen television in the room.

A soft knocks echoe the room. Y/N stands up and runs towards the person who peaks their head in, and hugs her.

“I was told you are here.”, Selena says returning the embrace.

“You should have called me so I can go down and you won't have to come up here.”, Y/N says pulling away to look at her girlfriend. Selena's hands remains on her waist.

“That would be no fun.”, the Latina says after she gets a short kiss from her girlfriend and pulls Y/N back for another kiss but this time, it is long and deep kiss. The younger woman sighs through the kiss and her body relaxes at the Latina's touch.

After that, they hug each other with Selena's face buried on Y/N's shoulder, and her arms around her waist is tight. Y/N just rubs her hand on the Latina's back. They sway a little as they stay on their embrace.

“You okay?”, Y/N asks.

“Yeah, I just need to recharge.”, Selena's voice comes out muffled. Y/N chuckles and continues to rub her back.

After another minute, Selena pulls away.

“I'm fully recharged now.”, the younger woman chuckles at the Latina's statement. Selena gives another kiss on her lips before gently tugging her girlfriend indicating they have to go. Y/N collects her phone and small bag. She puts her phone in her bag while following her girlfriend to the door.

Once they arrive in the lobby, multiple flashes of cameras erupts from the outside. Selena offers her girlfriend her shades to block the light but Y/N denies the offer. But the Latina grabs Y/N's arm and turns her body to face her, and puts the shades on, anyway.

Selena just chuckles when she sees Y/N's eyes glaring at her through the shades. Rob and Roger guide the two women on their way to the car as they get swarmed by eight paparazzi. The people around just watch and some take out their phone and take a video of them.

Selena's arm remains around her girlfriend's waist as they walk, and her other free hand blocks the lights  from hitting her sight.

The Latina lets Y/N in the car first before following behind but before she could really hops in she says, “Please, don't follow us. Thank you.”, then gets in and Rob shuts the door and make his way to the front passenger seat.

Of course, the paparazzi will not listen anyone but their bosses. Some of them still follows the star-studded women to their dinner place while the others are satisfied with the photos they got outside the building, they will just steal some photos from other paparazzi that follows the two.

Selena and Y/N have a wonderful and peaceful dinner since the place Selena has a reservation only accepts stars and celebrities. Although, celebrities won't take photographs of them, because they also hate it and know what it feels like people invading their privacy, they still refrain from doing anymore public display of affection other than hugs and holding hands.

Behind Closed Doors: Maybe This Time ☆⁠ Selena Gomez x Fem!Reader ☆⁠Where stories live. Discover now