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Y/n's pov:

It has been a week since my birthday. After that day I am having some negative vibes, like something bad is going to happen but everything seems fine.

Nowadays I crave blood mode because I am a new vampire. Taehyung is teaching me how to control myself near blood or humans. I even found out that Jungkook and Lisa are mates, because Lisa is a vampire hybrid, not a full vampire, that poor girl herself didn't knew this earlier.

They are still a bickering couple, always bickering at the smallest thing. I was standing on the balcony while Taehyung was downstairs managing his king's duty.

I saw a guy in a black cloak enter the palace but the guards stopped him. He looked really weird in the time of Summers. He was wearing a black heavy cloak...I decided to go downstairs and check on him when I heard a door opening sound in my room.

I look behind to find Taehyung, he came towards me and back hugged me instantly "I missed you so much Violet" he said place his chin on the crook of my neck, "it has only been two hours" I said, " I don't care, two hours without you feels two years" he said.

"Fine fine…I missed you too" I said and held his hand resting on my waist holding me closer to him. We were talking about random stuff when suddenly the thought of that creepy man in the heavy cloak came to mind.

"Tae today I saw a weird man in heavy cloak entering in our palace….and I am having a weird feeling towards him…something negative" I said, "don't worry love I'll order the guards to check in the palace for him and I'll increase the security around the palace, okay " he said.

I nodded at him and smiled. Hope everything stays positive.

(Time skip)

It was late at night and I wasn't able to sleep so I stood up and went to the balcony. Tae was still asleep, I sat there admiring the beauty of nature, but I started feeling a negative vibe around. I looked around and that's when I noticed the same man in black heavy cloak. I couldn't see his face as he was wearing a hood.

He is standing in the garden of the palace…. I instantly walked towards Taehyung and woke him up and told about that man standing in the garden. But when we checked there wasn't anyone around.

"Baby I guess you are stressed, that's why you are having such visions, I'll help you to sleep,"  he said. I nodded, thinking it's some kind of delusion and went to cuddle with him on the bed.

(Time skip {two weeks})

Now it has been two weeks and now either I am insane or the guy I saw in the garden that day is real because I have seen him during night like everyday now Taehyung too believe me because he saw someone as similar as him in the stairs.

But the strange thing is that no guard could find him. We checked the whole town but there is no sign of him. I am already so scared, even though Taehyung played such games in the beginning but it wasn't as creepy as this time.

Taehyung always accompanied me to keep me safe. We entered our room but something unusual caught my attention. There was a letter kept on the bed. Taehyung took the letter and read it out.

"It's useless searching me somewhere you won't be able to find, how about we have a get together, king and queen and me all together tomorrow near the river of the old bridge. If you'll have some memories there, let's bring them back, see you," Taehyung read out.

"That's the place where our parents were killed" he said

[To be continued]

"The Shadow In the Dark"; KTH SERIES Where stories live. Discover now