Nightly Double

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Pony and Johnny invited me to come with them and so I did. I didn't have anything planned and thought it would be fun to see how different Pony's family could be from mine. And I understood it was going to be a lot different since he told me his parents died in a car wreck. I was really looking forward to meet his brothers, but his words made me see he didn't like much his older brother Darry. In fact, he told me a lot of stuff about Soda.

"Hey hey, boy. Slow down, I'll have enough time to see how they are," I cut him off before he could start complaining once again about Darry's behavior towards him. I looked over to Johnny, who had been in silence most of the way. "Dallas sure cares 'bout you, boy."

He nodded. "He's good behind his tough looks. He ain't that bad."

Pony rolled his eyes. "At least with you. He got mad last week when I spat just a drop of Coke on his 'great' jacket. Big deal," he explained.

"Well, he's intense. But you really did it, man," Johnny confirmed.

"Two-Bit made me laugh! It wasn't my fault," Pony defended himself. "You're right, anyway. Dally doesn't have any manners. Especially with girls."

Johnny looked up at me with a funny grin. "Weird he didn't flirt with you. Maybe..." Johnny rubbed the back of his head. "I don't know, maybe he's stressed riding for the next race with the Slash J."

"Dally ain't stressed, I can tell. The next race is far away, Soda told me and he sure likes horses."

I put a toothpick between my lips I had taken from the Bowen Lounge. "I don't care if he flirts with me or not. Or if I wasn't enough good-looking for him," I said, knowing how the last sentence was a lie. Therefore I couldn't help chuckling a little. Pony and Johnny thought I really meant it.

"No, don't think it might be that. You're pretty to me," Pony added, then hiding his eyes from me by looking away. I could tell he lightly blushed.

"Right," I smirked, keeping my shy side apart. I never know what to answer to those kinds of things. "Thanks, Pony."

I wanted to tell them they were cute too, but the moment flew away and instead I patted both of their backs, putting my arms across their shoulders. I was taller than both of them. It had never been easy for me to say these three things: "I love you", "Sorry" and "Please," from most to leastdifficult. I felt Pony had a sparkle of disappointment in his eyes. Did he expect me to answer something cheesy to him? Was he in love with me? Ugh.

I mean, Pony was cool and seemed to like most of the stuff I did. However, he wasn't the kind of boy I though I would love to be my boyfriend. He was good. And people told me the same. I needed someone the other way around. Someone badass who could set me free of the sort of shit my life was at times. And better said in my case: a boy like Marlon Brando in The Wild One. Someone who wanted me tough and who didn't fear anything. Pony seemed to fear life like me, and Dallas seemed to be the perfect medicine.

We arrived at the Curtis' in the nick of time to find some of their friends around. Steve would drive us and their girlfriend to the Nightly Double and, if we were lucky, we would find Two-Bit and Dallas there.

"We're home," Pony yelled when we walked in.

"Don't slam the door," a tough male voice said from the living room. The guy was tall and muscular and was sitting in the couch, reading the newspaper. "Hi, boys."

"Hey, Darry," Johnny greeted him.

"Who's this baby here?" a boy said from behind me. He surrounded me and I faced this dark-haired boy who had an eagle tattoo in his arm and a chipped tooth.

"This is Carrie, a Spanish girl we met this afternoon. She'll be comin' with us," Pony introduced me. "This is Steve Randle. And there is Darry. Soda's home?"

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