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The first thing I did was take my motorcycle and drive to Tulsa. I got there pretty soon, going over the speed limit in the highway. I wouldn't have cared much if the fuzz had noticed or made me stop. Nothing could stop me.

I arrived at the funeral home Darry had told me about and parked the cycle by the sidewalk. I walked in and bumped into Two-Bit, who was going out to smoke a cig. His eyes went wide when he recognized me. "Carrie!" he said hugging me and even lifting my feet from the ground. He patted my shoulder and stared at my jacket. "Nice leather, baby."

"How's it all going?" I asked him. He looked as if he hadn't slept during the night.

"Pretty bad, to tell the truth," he answered. "I haven't been able to get my switchblade back."

"You kiddin'? Why?"

"I gave it to Dally. He had it when the cops took the corpse away," he looked down at his feet. His hands were shaking a little. I was even more nervous than him. "The guys are inside. All of 'em."

I knew what he meant. I was about to see Dally's body lying in a fuckin' wooden coffin. And Johnny's too. Both ready to be buried the following day. I let Two-Bit there lighting up a cancerstick and I ran to find the room where the guys were.

When I saw them, Soda immediately asked me if I wanted to spend the night at their house so that I could attend the funeral. I nodded, of course. Steve was standing in silence as a bodyguard. He greeted me with a slap on my back. I slapped him back and he chuckled but stayed back in silence. Pony and Darry weren't there. Soda told me Pony fell unconscious on the ground after Dally died and Darry was taking care of him at home. I would visit them after staying there for a while, 'till Soda decided it was time to go.

I looked at Johnny's face. I preferred to look at him first, to be ready to look then at Dally. Johnny just was there with his eyes shut and not moving at all. Soda rubbed my back to make me feel better although I tried not to show how bad I was feeling. Seeming tough, but not for Dally. For me, to be able to get over it and to be strong for the guys. I was sure I would stay awake the night away thinking about the funeral and how everything had turned awful in a day. But the guys had been suffering since Pony and Johnny had run away, as Two-Bit then told me. He told me the whole story and that helped to get some questions answered. Like why Dally had asked for Two-Bit's switchblade, why they were in a church, why Johnny's hair look shorter... Those kinds of things my never-stopping mind can't help thinking of.

I turned my head to face Dally. God, to look so handsome to me it didn't feel like it when I first saw his dead face. I wanted to wake him up so bad even though I knew that was something that would never happen. Soda offered to hug me in case I needed it, but I refused because Dally would have felt jealous. Yeah, I knew he was dead and couldn't feel anything, but getting over his death would take years for me. I wrapped my arms around the helmet from my motorcycle that I had been carrying around and sat down in a row of chairs staring at Dally. He looked so damn different there. Like weak and... Nothing. Just weak. He didn't look like Dallas Winston. I couldn't make myself believe that he was the person lying just a few feet before me.

The guys didn't want to leave as long as I stayed. They wanted to make sure I was okay and ready to walk out the door. I would have never felt ready, anyway, but I had to. I kissed the fingertips of my hand and pressed them against the glass that covered Dally's coffin. I nodded at Johnny's and headed out after the gang.

Steve went to his house. Two-Bit said he was going to some pool bar or something. Soda walked by my side and I suggested driving both of us to the Curtis' place on my cycle. He smiled and sat behind me, and we rode down the street.

By the time we walked in the house, Darry was cooking soup.

"It's for Pony. He is in his room asleep," he just said when we asked him.

Devil in disguise (Dallas Winston fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now