Chapter 13: Discussions of important matters

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Jade Aurora Lokidotter

"So today was definitely awkward." Steve state as we lay on the couch, my head resting on Steves lap as Jeopardy played quietly on the tv. Steve played with my hair as I questioned humorously "What part? When Sam managed to push Captain America into a fountain or when I was tacked by to man babies?"

Steve gave me a stern look, I loved it when he acted as if I was a troublesome teenager. Must be an old man trait. "I meant the having children conversation." I nod, knowing that's what he had been getting at. "Ah, yes. That. What about it?"

Steve looked down at me, one of his hands resting on my stomach tracing shapes into my skin with his thumb, actively avoiding my scars. "Well don't you think it's something we should talk about?" I wiggle my fingers, little snowflakes dancing across my fingertips as I replied "Of course. But maybe we should have a discussion about our relationship. Right now just doesn't seem like a good time for kids. I mean, we'd have to get a house, I am not sure if my body can physically endure conceiving. There are just to many variables. I mean, we know nothing about raising children, super powered ones much less."

Steve mulled this over for a few minutes. His gaze downcast as it always was when he was deep in thought. I got bored after a few minutes and sent a snowflake to the tip of his nose, pulling him from this thoughts. "You're right. We're living together and we don't even have a label for one another. Maybe we need to see how that works out before we explore the idea of a family."

I closed my hands, causing the snowflakes to disappear, my powers drained me very quickly nowadays. It was like a slap in the face that I wasn't really unstoppable. "So what are you saying?"

Steve held my fiddling hand between his, pressing chaste kisses to my knuckles. "I'm asking if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" My body tensed, feeling overwhelming joy in my chest. I roll over and sit up so I'm facing him, deciding to be somewhat meaningful right now.

"I remember that while when I hadn't heard anything, no feed from my grave. No visits from anyone. I had just been revived, everything was hectic. It was really scary. I didn't know what was going on. They finally told me you guys had just defeated Ultron and we're taking some time to recover. I don't think I was more happy then the day you came back to talk to me. I saw feed of you fighting all those killer robots and I was terrified for you. I saw this passion, this unstoppable drive to protect those people. And everyday since I saw that I've wondered if I would do the same thing."

Steve looked nervous but none the less he replied "Jade, you have saved so many people. You saved New York from being blown off the map. You are literally unstoppable." I run my fingers across his bicep, feeling his muscles move as my hand glided across his skin. "Not so much any more. My powers drain me, so it comes at a cost. The only thing I have complete and total control over is my Frost Giant inherited powers. My magic is not reliable. So, I'm glad I have Captain America as my boyfriend to protect me."

Steve takes a moment to comprehend what I said. He ponders it, realized that I had agreed to be his girlfriend then stammered "Your- I'm your boyfriend?" I smiled at his goofiness, leaning forward and kissing him firmly on the lips. I could feel him grinning through the kiss, joy radiating from him.

He pulls away, resting his forehead on mine, beaming. "I was so afraid you were trying to avoid the question." I laugh, leaning against him. Just absorbing his warmth with my abnormally cold body. "Well, you know I was never one for permanent situations. That's why I was a mercenary. S.H.I.E.L.D was just a coverup hidden under a coverup. All my life there was never one thing that was constant. But ever since I've met you, you haven't left."

Steve nudges my cheek with his nose, peppering kisses on my jaw. "Well, it's going to take a lot more than dying to get rid of me. I promise. But, there is one more thing I have to ask you."

I smirk, thinking about how sexy it is when he gets nervous and asks questions. "And what would that be Captain?" He hands me a single rose and asks "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

The rose was beautiful, red and fully bloomed. "Oh Steve," I beamed, "it's beautiful. Of course I'll out with you." Steve looked like he couldn't be happier, I leaned against his chest and snuggled into him. He kissed my hair and wrapped his arms around me.

I chuckled in realization, just content with this moment. "Wow. After everything this feels good. Us." Steve lets out a chuckle as well. "Only took us three years, you dying twice, going to Asgard and the Avengers taking Ultron down to commit." I trace shapes into his shirt, inhaling the warm sent of cinnamon that followed Steve. "I think we've just about seen it all."

And as if on que, the door swings open with incredible strength. A familiar Asgardian voice bellowing "I swear if you've already gotten her pregnant I will make sure it is the last time it shall ever happens."

Steve and I sigh simultaneously.


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