Chapter 11: Cartoons

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Jade Aurora Lokidotter

"Avengers......" shouted Cap. "Assemble!"

I chuckled at the cute cartoon that I had found while scrolling channels. Even as a cartoon Steve was charming and handsome. His muscles just as defined. Even the same shoulder to hip ratio as a Dorito, which I happened to be snacking on.

"Take down Agent Quill!" shouted Iron Man. My character replied with "You destroyed my safe house you nimrods! I am an ally of S.H.I.E.L.D. Your intelligence is being fed to you by Hydra."

I lift a Dorito and state "I can get down with that!"

"Sweetheart? I'm home." I heard Steve call from the front of the apartment. I munch on another chip as I heard his tread come towards the living room. "Jade?" I waved, probably looked crazy. Hanging upside down, one leg tossed over the back side of the couch, the other on the other side of the cushioned relaxing spot, my arms and body were hanging off the couch and I currently had a Dorito in my mouth.

Attractive or what? Women should like super models when their man comes home with eggs from the neighbor. But I was me, and tired from the night of sleep that had been filled with vivid unexpected dreams.

"Do I even want to ask why you're laying like that or watching a cartoon about The Avengers?" He asked as he began cooking a breakfast of French toast and bacon.

I peered over the back of the couch and reply "I didn't get Disney Channel on The Bus." Steve flipped a piece of toast while munching on a piece of bacon, his face feigning confusion "You said you were on a plane..."

I rolled off the couch, setting my chips on the table as I made my way towards the kitchen. "The Bus is the planes nickname. And it was just my luck that they didn't have cable. But I did get a lot of Grave Central. A bit more depressing than Disney."

Steves eyes shifted downward, showing off his long eyelashes. Pulling myself up to sit on the counter I continue. "There's the thinking face. What are you thinking about?"

Steves eyes rose and met mine, his eyebrows scrunched together as they often did. "There wasn't a funeral for you. The new S.H.I.E.L.D supposedly took your body and buried it here under your birth name so Hydra wouldn't find it." He started, his body slotted between my legs as I sat on his counter.

"I talked to your grave everyday, not during the battle against Ultron of course. But I prayed that you somehow would be able to hear me. After we stopped Ultron talking to you was my escape, and I'm glad to know you were listening." Steves hands were attached carefully to my waist, as if he handled me to roughly I would disappear.

I wrap my arms around his neck, missing these moments we used to have "Well the amount of feed I was allowed was limited but they promised if I stayed and healed properly that I wouldn't be in bed rest when I came back to you guys. So in a way, your talking to that grave was my escape too."

The TV interrupted our conversation with an odd line that made me chuckle at the irony. "I really try not to label things. I'm not a good guy or a bad guy. I just do what I see fit." said my character. Clints cartoon character replied with a scoff "Sure you don't, yet you're Caps girlfriend."

Cartoon Tony asked unbelieving "Captain America is cool with dating a girl who is one of the worlds most wanted assassins? There's no way Cap is fly with that."

Steves cartoon self stepped forward and spoke for himself "Cap is standing right here and it doesn't matter what her job is, it matters that she's a good person. And there's nothing wrong with our relationship. We're very happy together."

Steve and I chuckled at the cartoon. I could not feel more content and at home right now. "I agree completely." Steve said pressing a kiss to my forehead softly. God I loved what this man did to me.

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