Chapter 24: What the hell is going on?

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Jade Quill

Where the hell am I? Who are these people? Why did they need me? How did they defeat me? When did I have an awful accident that restricted all my other powers?

"Let me out of here you bastards!!!" I screamed, banging my fists on my glass confinement. They had locked me in a circular clear glass prison that stood in the middle of a room. The only ones I really recognized were Tony Stark, the playboy. Then there was Agent Phil Coulson, with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Let me out!!!" I punched the glass, not even a crack to show for it. I don't get it. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I break the glass? How come I didn't beat these people so badly that they were damned to hell? Something was majorly wrong here. And where was Spencer? Did they have him?

"That isn't gonna do ya much good other than getting yourself a broken hand sweet cheeks." Stark explained, compassion filled his eyes. I paced around my prison like a caged animal. "What do you want with me?" I demanded, my voice dark and bitter. 

Coulson stood there, trying to look professional but with no avail. He looked concerned, upset and worried, as if someone he cared about was in trouble. "Miss Quill, you had an accident a few weeks ago. You just woke up from a coma the doctors doubted you'd ever wake up from."

I gaped, not believing what he had said in the least. There was no time for me to retort as a man came charging in with a woman trailing in exhaustion. "Where is sh-" he stopped short when he saw me. I smirked, taking in the extremely attractive man before me. He was about 6'3, his hair was a medium blonde, he had stunning blue eyes and let's say the rest of his body was total eye candy. I knew exactly who this man was.

"Ah, the soldier. The man out of time." I cackled, studying them as I stood there, much more calm then I had previously been. He seemed relieved about my statement. "You remember me." He sighed in relief. I furrow my brow, tapping my foot on the steel floor that lined my cell. "Everyone on Terra knows of Captain America do they not? Didn't everyone fuss in 2011 when S.H.I.E.L.D found you in that ice hole?"

He looked crushed by my words, his shoulders fell and his eyes shattered. "You really don't remember me do you?" I furrow my brow, slightly confused as to what the hell what going on. "Did we have a one night stand? Should I remember you? Because I swear I have never met most of you people."

The Captain nodded, looking completely broken and wounded. "You should remember. I've known you for four years Jade. We all lived together in this tower." This man was out of his damn gourd.

"I think you sir are insanely mistaken. Superheroes, I actively try to avoid those. Moving in with them doesn't sound like something I would ever do unless someone had some really good blackmail." I scoffed, unbelieving with these crazy people's lies.

Agent Coulson spoke up, his tone professional. "I'd say we had good blackmail Miss Quill. Your brother Spencer sufficed quite well." My fists clenched, body went rigid, blood boiling. "If you harmed a hair on his head I swear I will kill you all slowly and in every way you fear you mewling quims." I had no idea where I had heard that last bit but it was very dramatic. And I was a full blown diva.

They all went silent, as if my words were the lost horrifying thing they had heard. A new voice came into the conversation, a younger male one. "Damn, when you guys said she was different then her father I thought you were crazy. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it."

A kid around seventeen or eighteen with brown hair and light green eyes strolls into the room with eyes on me. Stark lightly smacks the back of the kids head and scolds "You were supposed to be here weeks ago kid!" The kid shoved Starks hands away, claiming "Got held up at work. Plus you wouldn't believe the traffic I hit."

I studied the teen, he looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Time to toy. "Your uniform, you're pretty young for a Nova Specialist." The kid looked surprised that I even pointed it out. He shoved his hands in his pockets "Started pretty young."

I kept my focus on him but scanned these Avenger people along with S.H.I.E.L.D. "What business does a Xanderian have on this rock?" The kid shifts on his feet, moving his hands from his pockets and crossing his arms over his chest. "I've got family that lives here."

Suddenly it clicked. That's why I didn't recognize him. There was no way...... he had disappeared.

"Spencer?" I inquired, not quite convinced. The kid smiled, rocking on the balls of his feet "In the flesh." I felt relief flood through me. He was safe. But what I didn't understand is how he had aged so quickly. "So time has either been a bitch or kind to you.... but then again that much time hasn't passed."

Spencer looked at the Avengers in confusion, directly telling them "I have been more then understanding but I want to know what's going on. Because when your sister that has been presumed dead throughout the galaxy comes back is crazy, then I get a call from Stark saying she was in a life threatening coma and here she is awake and doesn't remember much of that. So answers right now. I've been in the dark long enough."

What the hell is going on around here? I suddenly felt fatigued, so I carefully sat down on a bench that lined one half of my dungeon dome and watched this all unfold. "She's lost all memory of the last four years." The Captain explained grimly, clearly heartbroken.

"What all of it? How is that possible?" Spencer demanded, anger lacing his tone as he grabbed the collar of The Cap- Cap. That sounds good. Cap it is then. "This is the first time I've seen her since she's woken up. Pardon me if I am still trying to figure things out myself." He brushed Spencer's hands off of his shirt.

I found all of this amusing though I had no clue as to what was going on. But knowledge is power, and in order to obtain it you pretend you have a clue as to what the hell is going on. And right now I wish I had a clue as to what was going on here, what these people were talking about, why Spencer was almost a man and how the Avengers knew me and that hot blonde in particular. Him I would have to figure out. And that's what I do.

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