Chapter 3: Surveillance and salutation

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"I can't be myself without her. How do you think she is?"

"I say where ever she is, she's doing just fine."

I run my fingers along the surface of the tablet, refraining from crying at the heart shattering moment I had witnessed. He came and spoke to the grave nearly everyday. He'd bring flowers, talk about his regret and he never left the cemetery without apologizing.

There was a soft knock on my open bedroom door, I looked up from the tablet to see that Skye stood there, a sympathetic look dawning her features. "Hey, you okay there?" Skye asked, clearly concerned.

I shut the tablet down and set it on my bed as I wiped tears away from my face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Skye nodded skeptically, leaning against the door frame to my small plane bed room "You were crying." I cross my arms over my chest, my voice gruff and husky "Assassins don't cry."

Skye gave up on trying to get me to confess any feelings or emotion. "I just came to say FitzSimmons want to see you in the lab. Run daily tests." I sigh, nodding reluctantly. I was recovering from an awful demise. I follow her through the glorious jet they called The Bus. And the team that worked in it was remarkable. The scientists Fitz and Simmons, the muscle Agent May and Tripp, the hacker Skye, and the leader Phil Coulson. Yes, he's alive and well.

When we reach the lab Simmons had me on a stool and lift my shirt to expose my stomach. "Everything is healing nicely, stitches are gone and the scarring is major. No vital signs of internal injuries." She spoke as she wrote these things down. Fitz did his part, asking stupid questions.

"Full name?"

I replied sarcastically, my accent thickening "Tony Stark."

Fitz repeated himself, not humored by my comment. "Full name?"

I huff, hating questions. "Jade Gamora Quill."

Yup. I'm back.

He nods, typing it into the holotable. "And your full birth name?"

"Aurora Valerie Lokidotter." I said in a bored tone. Everyday they drew blood, checked my vitals and asked dumb questions. It had been going on for two months. I've been traveling with them until Coulson gives me the all clear to leave.

"So totally random question. What is it like dying twice?" Skye asked. They had used a miracle drug on me called GH-325. It had been used to save Coulson, Fury, Skye and now me. "Well," I started, Skye and I had become good friends. So far they have stayed away from questioning my death but Skye would be Skye. Plus who knew how much longer I would be here. But I didn't share much with any of them besides Coulson "the first time I didn't die. I sure as hell wish I did but I was only held prisoner. But the last time was live on air. My friends were to late to save me."

I pull a necklace out of my shirt with three bullets on the silver chain.

The first one engraved with the word betrayal.
The second read death.
And the final read belief.
I run my thumb over the surface of the silver bullets as I spoke
"I remember after everything went dark, it was cold, even for a Frost Giant. I was so bored. It felt like time didn't exist."

Skye nods in understanding, she had flatlined for a moment but was quickly revived.

Simmons adds a comment as she observes my stomach "Well I'm not surprised to died of blood loss. One of the bullets went clean through you. Plus you had received previous blows to the face and chest."

I don't flinch as she sticks a needle in my arm and begins to draw blood. "Oh trust me. Dying was better than being tortured by Hydra for two years." They always uncomfortable at the mention of Hydra. I figured they lost someone. I never questioned it.

But apparently today they were getting bold with their questions. "I have a question." Simmons announced as she wrapped a bandage around my now stitch less stomach. I nod, allowing him to ask. They knew they weren't going to get much detail out of me but they would try their best.

"What are all those surveillance videos that are constantly being sent to your tablet of?" Of course she had to ask that question. Not a stupid science question. Simmons finished wrapping my stomach as I thought about Steve. I missed him so much. But they weren't letting me go back until my health is in the all clear.

"That. Right. Um-that is the surveillance footage from my grave. It's so I can see who visits my grave. It's nothing big." I say, the last bit being a lie. Of course it was a big deal. It was my Steve.

Fitz had moved over to the other side of the room to study my blood as he stated "So nothing big cause you to cry at night. Of course."

I retorted half heartedly, my threat being shallow. "I would kill you and make my kill list 1,610, but even numbers really piss me off. So your safe for now." Coulson walks into the room, his sassy attitude cheering me up. "Glad to see you're getting better. That's the earliest threat all week."

I give him a thumbs up and a wink as a pull my shirt back down "I try Philly. But I need to talk to you." Phil nods, gesturing for me to speak. I set my hands on the counter and look across at him. "As you know I am tremendously improved in my health. It's been over two months of recovery. I'm still dead to the entire world. But I am going to ask again. Can I go see him?"

Coulson shakes his head, not wanting to debate it. "No. I've told you a thousand times." I clench my fists, not giving up. I would bug him for as as long as it took. I had shot down any ideas of hurting them and taking the plane over. They had done to much for me.

"You aren't fully healed yet. You still need to recover before we discuss you revealing your revival to anyone." Phil stated as he had been for the two months.

Guess it might be a while before I get home Steve.

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