Chapter 33: Awkward announcements

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Jade Quill

Well there goes keeping Steve and I inbetween.... well.... Steve and I.

"Get dressed, we'll be in the kitchen."

Once they closed the door Steve and I looked at each other with red faces. "So much for keeping this from the team." Steve sighed, pulling pants and a tee shirt on as I simply snapped my fingers and dawned leather jeans and a tank top.

"Now that I've been compromised.... do you think I should go? I mean, they could alert General Talbot and it could throw off my whole objective. And I don't want the whole team turning against you." Steve takes my left hand in his own, kissing my knuckles "Jade, this ring means I love and support you no matter what you do. I will always stand by you. If you think you need to go into hiding for a little while, then that's what we'll do."

I smile, pecking his lips quickly before adding "Have I mentioned how much I adore you?" His nose brushes against mine, lust filling his eyes "Remind me?" I place my hands on his bicep, stopping us from getting otherwise occupied once again. "I'll remind you that we have company."

Steve pouts as we walk out of the room. "Yeah, remind me to get a better lock." I place a hand over my heart and coo "Awww, your first home repair. How sweet." When we came into the kitchen Sam and Bucky were drinking beer and eating the Chinese they had brought for Steve.

"So...." Bucky began, crossing his arms over his chest "mind explaining what the hell is going on?" I had to play up my insanity a little. Smirking as Steve took the beer that Sam offered. "What do you think it looks like Bucky?"

I could see it in his eyes that he excepted my challenge. Bucky and I had a lot in common. Steve was the only person that would always be in our lives. Always.

"It looks like you guys had a half eaten romantic dinner, then skipped off to beddy bye land where there is laundry from you two are scattered along with an empty bowl of chocolate fondue. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Or.... the only other logical conclusion is you had a chocolate laundry fight after dinner. But what do I know?" Bucky shrugged sarcastically.

Steve sighed, sitting on a bar stool. He was beating himself up for lying. I could see it in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I should have told you guys but the rest of the team, they wouldn't understand."

Sam waves it off, taking a swig of beer as if it were no big deal. "Dude, if she's still your girlfriend who cares. It's not like they'll find out she's staying with you." I roll my eyes, smacking the back of his head. These guys were family but sometimes they could be real twats.

"It's just not that simple. I mean, a lot has happened in the last twenty-four hours alone. They aren't like you guys, they hold grudges till the grave. Plus sort of threatened national security." I explain. Sam and Bucky glanced at one another before Bucky questioned "Other than the national security thing what else would they be mad about? Steves virginity?"

Steve scoffs, taking a gulp of beer before commenting "It's not that big of a deal. Lots of men lose it long after they're legal." I had to force myself not to laugh but Bucky and Sam didn't. As they laugh I place my hands on Steves shoulders and rub them soothingly "Oh honey, maybe some men in 1942, but now no man does that. You're 99 years old, and you've only just lost it. Just might be a world record. Most of the time teenage boys don't even wait till they're legal."

Steve looked at the guys who were nodding in agreement and ran a hand through his hair. He is so hot when he does that.

"Anyway, back on the matter at hand. Why would they hold grudges kill death?" Bucky asked, still laughing at his best friend. Steve glanced at me with the same thought I had. "Immaculate timing."

Sam and Bucky looked creeped out by our sudden siamese-like moment. "We sort of rushed into some stuff, some very important life choices were made and I still need to steal some very important artifacts before I can even think about confronting the Avengers." I rambled, my hands on my hips as I added "I'm still debating wether or not I should go into hiding once I get what I want."

Sam twirls a set of chopsticks in his hands, occasionally tapping them on the counter "And what do you want? Besides Steve I mean." I ignored the last bit, knowing it was only a joke. He was one of the few people who I allowed to tease me like that. "I want three objects, they are all conventionally stored in a remote military base under General Talbot. S.H.I.E.L.D drops off little gifts for them to keep a strong alliance. But what S.H.I.E.L.D didn't know was that two of these objects are mine by birthrights and the other is something only a handful of people in this galaxy even know exist. I need these things before I can focus a little more on other important matters."

Bucky could tell I was trying to avoid the topic of the objects I needed. "What does he have?" I sighed, might as well. We are already going to have to tell them about our engagement so why the hell not?

"My mothers sword and mask. It's all I have of her. I never got to meet her, I'm the reason she died." I explained, running a hand through my tousled hair. Yeah, for those of you who don't remember, my mother died two minutes after giving birth to me. It was a huge strain on her body, no magic could have saved her.

"Her death isn't your fault. Death during birth is a common thing. Don't blame yourself for any of that." Steve comforted, rubbing circles onto my back. I clear my throat, brushing the subject of my mother off. "I need them back. After I get what I want my threat drops. I can disappear and this can all be overwith. I have a nice farmhouse in southern Vermont, the Avengers won't be able to find it, out of sight and mind."

Steves hand found my left one, the band of the ring pressing against his palm. "We can disappear. Tony would be more than capable to take charge of the team." Bucky and Sam looked shocked at our words, what we were suggesting.

"So that's it? Jade puts up a little threat and you two are done? You're Captain America and Jade Quill. You could take the Avengers out single handedly if you wanted." Sam exclaimed, getting pissed off. Bucky simply asked "Why?"

I let go of Steves hand gripped the counter, anger pumping through me "Why? Because don't you think we deserve it? The last four years of our life's have been hell! Steve and I just want the life we were never able to start living the life's we do with heroes! Start a family away from all of this! I don't want to have to tell my kids why their mother was rejected by every planet in this galaxy! I want to live happily with Steve and not have to worry about the Avengers getting pissed off at me for something like this again. I can't deal with this anymore."

Sam and Bucky realized what had happened to change Steve and I's mind. As well as why there was a ring on my left hand.

"You're getting married."

Steve and I nod, hoping they wouldn't get angry. But boy were we wrong.

They cheered and tackled us in hugs.
"Nieces and nephews!"
"Jade would look funny pregnant..."
"Go Steve!"
"Didn't think you had it in you!"

Steve and I smiled at each other through the hugs of the guys, our family.

"Dibs on best man!" Bucky called out.

"Guess I'm the maid of honor then." Sam shrugged, as if it were completely normal.

Okay then...... crazy family.....

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