Chapter 1: Life without Jade

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Steve Rogers

Captain America

"Dude, you're turning ninety-nine years old in four days. You have to do something." Sam said for the millionth time since he arrived at my apartment twenty minutes ago.

I declined his proposal of coming to hang out at the tower or having a night on the town as a team. "Come on man, at least come to the tower. We won't do anything. We'll just eat pizza and watch the fireworks from the roof. The team misses having you in New York."

I sigh, knowing he wouldn't stop pestering me until I agreed. "Fine. I'll visit. But I won't stay." Sam knew why I refused to stay. But they all pushed for me to visit. I hadn't been there in three months. I hadn't stepped foot inside the tower ever since Ja-her death. They didn't push as hard the last time but this time was much worse and heart wrenchingly painful.

I hadn't done much in the past three months except go running and staying inside, looking at pictures, reading her notes and standing in front of a grave.

"I understand man. I know it's a lot for you just coming. So what are you doing today?" Sam asked, leaning against my kitchen counter. I rub my face, the depression was physically exhausting. "I'm going to see her."

Sams light mood vanished and became very serious. His lips formed a straight line before asking cautiously "Want me to come with?" I shake my head, declining politely "No thanks. I just need to talk to her. Today is actually her birthday."

Sam nods, his face suddenly showing that he remembered something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple photographs in a neat pile. "Before she uh-disappeared she took all the pictures Bucky and I took of you. She left a few. Figured you might want them."

He handed me the photo and I smiled sadly at the first scene that had been captured. Jade was half heartedly throwing a cookie at my face across a table filled with weapons. A smirk on her face and I was awaiting the dull impact.

"Imagine how differently I would have treated her then. If I had known what was going to happen. It all would have been so much different." I stated flipping to the next photograph.

The next one held the beautiful scene that I thought about often. That day we had that food fight in the kitchen. We were both covered in food, clearly had just been caught in the act. Jade had just wiped cupcake off my shirt had taken a bite of it, causing me to blush pink.

The next photograph was a far shot of us at a cafe here in DC. Each of us reading a book across from each other. Jade had one foot on my chair and I had one on hers. It was something we had always done to annoy one another. But I secretly had always enjoyed it.

The next picture was newer and more recent. From mere months ago. The next picture was me kneeling next the couch where Jade was sleeping. Her hand held between both of mine as I worried about her well being.

I set the pictures on the counter, running my hand over my face as I announced solemnly "I'm going to see her. I'll see you later."

I never knew life without Jade would be so hard.

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