Chapter 18: Déjà vu

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Steve Rogers

Captain America

"No! No, no, no!!!" I shouted as I watched the love of my life slip out between my fingers a third time. She plummeted, horror etched on her face until moment of impact. A cloud of smoke and dust filled the streets below, causing me to lose my visual on her.

The team had seen it unfold. They pushed themselfs and quickly contained our enemies. I was in shock, I couldn't move. It was like the whole world was in slow motion just so I could watch her suffer.

I stare down at the streets, something kick starting me back into reality. I turn to Thor, desperate and distraught "Get me down there now!" He nodded, knowing that I needed to get down there right away. He grabbed the back of my uniform and flew as fast as he could carrying me. We landed just outside the smoke from Jades harsh landing. "Jade?" I shouted, stumbling isn't the foggy like area.

I could see the cracks that were caused by her landing. Finally I saw her body. She lay in a four foot deep crater of concrete and rubble. Her physical state made me cry. Her body was at an odd angle, blood was everywhere, and she had a deep claw mark on her face.

I hurry towards her, feeling guilt, dread and despair for having let her even come with us. Kneeling next to her I carefully pressed my ear to her chest, hearing an extremely feint heartbeat. Tears of relief fell down my face, but I knew she would need immediate medical attention, and good medical attention at that.

I was afraid to touch her, for fear of hurting her further. "Thor!" I called out as the dust cleared. "Get help! Get help now!" I didn't check to see if he did, all I cared about was Jade right now.

Why did I have to fight with her?  She never would have never felt the need to prove herself if I hadn't tried to order her around. Or if I had just gone home like she wanted to earlier. What if I had done that? Would we still had fought? So many variables. How did it all go so wrong so fast?

Tony landed next to me, checking her vitals with his suit. "She's going to crash if help doesn't get here soon." I panicked, taking Jades hand in mine. "No, she has to be okay! She's has to be okay!" I managed, trying to believe in the fantasy that she would be okay. But who was I kidding.....? "She's going to be okay......... right?"

Tony sighs, dismantling his suit. He had been very close with Jade since the beginning. They were almost the same person, give or take a few traits.  But he cared for her like a brother would a sister. "I don't know Cap, I really don't know. Jarvis scanned her, but there is hardly a heartbeat and almost zero brain activity. She honestly needs another miracle."

My chest ached as I finally let it out. I let my shoulders drop and I sobbed. Those last few moments we had..... we spent them fighting. She fell with anger towards me because I didn't have faith in her. She watched me fail all over again.

"Three strikes you're out." She had said just not but a few days ago. Irony.

"I failed her..." I stated through the tears. "She watched me fail her." I looked at her broken form again, breaking down all over again. S.H.I.E.L.D medical units rushed in as they had a few months ago. I remained at Jades side as they loaded her onto a gurney, people were shouting medical procedures I had never heard of.

"Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you step away from the patient. Only immediate family members." said an older woman whom was putting IVs in Jades arms so they could load her up and being her to a medical facility. There was no way I was leaving Jades side. "Ma'am, I just had to watch my girlfriend fall off that tower because I couldn't save her. This is the third time in nearly four years. So I am not leaving her side."

The woman nodded, seeing my desperation. I got in the transportation unit with Jade and they began working on her right away. I promise I will do anything possible to save you Jade. I won't fail you again. I promise. You're going to be okay. You're going to come home.

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