Chapter 35: Risking the Rogers

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Jade Quill

Here we go. We couldn't go back now.

I felt bad I'd have to fight Steve but if all was going to go according to plan I had no choice.

My whole life has lead up to this moment in a way. All the torture, death, destruction, abandonment, conflict, all of it would be worth it in the end.

Everything would work out.

And I did feel guilty that the Avengers would hate my guts even more after this.

This was really risky. Really really risky.

"What's a pretty gal like you doing out here all alone?"

I turned around and saw Steve smiling at me. "It's bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day you know. At least on this planet." Steve rolled his eyes teasingly, pecking my lips "You know I wonder about you sometimes sweetheart."

I smack his chest, unable to contain my laughter "Coming from the guy who thought Build-a-bear was a genetic mutation plant." Steve pouted, his hands on my waist "In my defense I thought the Apple company sold actual apples."

Could this man get any more charming?  

"I can't believe in a few hours I will officially be Mrs. Rogers." I sighed, leaning against his chest. He kissed my hair and agreed "I can't believe that I get to marry the most amazing woman in the world."

I looked up at him, a grin on my lips as I poked his cheek "I can't believe you lost your virginity before you turned 100." Steve poked my cheek, retorting "Well believe it dear. You're the one that took it."

After a little more meaningless banter and a little making out we got down to business.

"I'm going to put a little spell on you that will make it appear that you fought me, all you have to do is act out of it as possible. I'm patching this through live. They'll think I'm broadcasting in Montana to throw them off. Hopefully we get a few months quiet before they finally track us down." I explained, waving my hand over his body. I could feel energy leave my body as the spell began to take action.

My legs felt like jello and my head was spinning but I ignored it as Steve sat propped up against the wall to pretend he was in agony. I set the tablet up and video chatted Avengers Tower and it was answered within moments.

"Greetings!" I chirped, looking at most of their anger filled faces. "Truly wonderful to see all of you. You too dear brother."

Stark was the first to speak. "What the hell could you possibly want now Quill? You dropped your threats. Why contact the people who are hunting you down?"

I let out a menacing laugh, clapping my hands cheerfully. "I am glad you asked! Well you see, I couldn't just drop a threat just like that. It continues for the Avengers. You see, I have an object of great value to the Avengers and the world. Something you couldn't replace."

They all looked confused as to what I meant.

"What do you have Quill?" Natasha demanded, looking quite pissed off.

"Oh not what Miss Romanoff," I played, turning the screen so it captures both Steve and I. "Whom." I squatted next to Steve, tracing my finger across his jaw as he groaned in fake pain and cradled his body. "You bitch!" Stark shouted, having no idea what to do. I shrugged, running my hand through Steves tousled hair before I stood shakily, still feeling a tad woozy "So here is how this is going to happen. You leave me alone, I'll let him live. But if I ever see one of your faces again..." I trailed off, swinging my sword around so it was even with Steves throat "I think you get the idea."

Stark had nothing but anger and hatred in his eyes "Even if we did leave you alone you'd just what? Keep him captive his whole life?"

I bite my lip, glancing at Steve before purring "We could always play guard and prisoner. But heed my words Avengers, don't come after me or he will suffer the consequences."

I hang up and smash the tablet into hundreds of tiny pieces.

"That was quite the show. Was the sword really necessary?" Steve asked standing up and dusting his pants off.

I wave my hand, removing the spell as I replied "We had to sell this thing Steve."

"Oh it's sold." A new voice cut in. Of course.

Steve and I turn to greet our guests. "Bucky. Sam. Always a pleasure." I grunt, sheathing my sword dramatically.

"Just got off the phone with Stark. The whole team is pissed and out for your head." Sam explained, an impressed look on his face. Bucky nodded in agreement. "It astounds me the amount of chaos you can cause in an matter of minutes."

I grin, not hiding my ego as I brag "Well, as a dear friend of mine always says... introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order any everything become chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos? It's fair."

Steve didn't know how to respond, Bucky looked the same and Sam shook his head and said "I can't even imagine the homicidal maniacs that you're friends with."

Steve scratches the back of his neck and offers "Yeah, let's not tell our kids that stuff until they're older." I nod in agreement, not wanting to be seen as a monster. I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve. Ha. Good one Jade.

"Let's get going."

"Yeah that's a good idea."

"You sure about this place Jade? They won't be able to find us?" Steve asks as we walk up the stairs of town hall. I nod, positive "Yes. It would be on hard file copy. For marriages it's all paper nothing digital. Completely untraceable. Now come on! We're getting married!"

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