Chapter 5

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Gabi hair and outfit

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Gabi hair and outfit

It's been a week, and the weight of the musical is starting to bear down on me. Rehearsals are in full swing, and every day seems to blur into the next. I pour myself into the music, the lyrics, the choreography, trying to make everything perfect. But the stress is becoming overwhelming, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm carrying this all on my own.

Brandon, my pillar of support, seems distant lately. He's immersed in football practice, his focus solely on the upcoming game. I understand his dedication to the team, but I can't help feeling a pang of loneliness. He used to be my refuge from the chaos, my confidant when things got tough. Now, it's like he's in a world of his own, leaving me to navigate the challenges of the musical alone.

Nights are the hardest. The exhaustion seeps into my bones, but my mind refuses to shut down. Scenes play out in my head, melodies loop on repeat, and I toss and turn, unable to find a moment of respite. It's in these moments of silence that my worries amplify, and I wonder if I'm in over my head.

I never thought I'd be the one to admit that I need help. But with each passing day, I realize that I can't do this alone. I need support, encouragement, someone to share the burden with. But Brandon's absence weighs heavily on me, and I can't help feeling a tinge of resentment.

I wish he could see how much this musical means to me, how much I've poured into it. I wish he could understand that I'm on the verge of breaking, that I'm barely holding myself together. But he's in his own world, chasing after a dream that doesn't leave much room for anything else.

I know he loves football, just as much as I love music. And I want to support him, just as he's always supported me. But in this moment, I can't help but wish for a bit more balance, a bit more of his time and attention.

He's always around his friends and the popular by popular I mean Jade everyone loves her he likes being around her like I said something up with that girl feel like she's out to get me I'm too stress for this

Meanwhile I hardly gotten any sleep because I've been up writing I didn't know this killing that much I thought it was be but it's fucking draining

Meanwhile at Ben house bens parents are not perfect no one but he's is getting out of hand they don't even sleep in the same room while his parents are arguing he sees boxes

Ben stumbled upon the scene by accident, the sound of raised voices drawing his attention like a magnet. His heart sank as he saw them—his parents, standing in the living room, their faces twisted in anger and frustration. He hadn't seen them like this before, not in such a raw and open state of conflict.

He hovered in the hallway, unsure whether to approach or retreat. The words they were throwing at each other were like daggers, cutting through the air with a bitterness that left a heavy tension in its wake. It was as if their arguments had built up over time, and now they were spilling out in a torrent of emotion.

Ben's father's voice was strained, his jaw clenched. "I can't believe you're doing this, Sarah. After all these years."

His mother's retort was sharp, her eyes flashing with anger. "Don't you dare act like you're blameless in all of this, Mark. You made your choices too."

He watched as their words continued to fly, feeling like an intruder in his own home. It was a side of them he hadn't witnessed before—a side that was so far from the united front they had always presented to him.

His eyes caught on something on the coffee table—a stack of boxes and a plane ticket. His confusion deepened as he realized the boxes were filled with belongings, and the ticket was to Utah. The implications of what he was seeing hit him like a ton of bricks. They were separating, and his mother was leaving.

His mind raced as he tried to process it all. The weight of their argument and the reality of their decision bore down on him. The stability he had always associated with his family was crumbling before his eyes, and he felt like he was standing on shaky ground.

Ben's parents had their reasons, their history and their hurts that he couldn't fully understand. But the realization that they were moving towards legal separation and that his mother was leaving was a punch to the gut. It was a stark reminder that even the most seemingly solid relationships could unravel.

He stepped back, retreating from the scene, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. Confusion, sadness, and a sense of powerlessness swirled within him. He found himself in his room, the door closed behind him, and he sank onto his bed, the weight of the situation settling in.

Everything felt so uncertain in that moment. The future he had always known was shifting, and he was left grappling with a reality he hadn't anticipated. As the sounds of their argument continued to echo in his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what this meant for them as a family, and what it meant for him as their son.

In the midst of the chaos, he found himself searching for some semblance of stability. The familiar chords of his guitar called to him from the corner of his room, and he picked it up, fingers finding their way through to the strings. Music had always been his solace, his refuge, and now more than ever, he needed it.

Back to everything I was already late for tech rehearsal  as it is

Holy shit

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